Sweet Surrender: The CEO's Second Wife

Chapter 170 - Oh No!

When the food arrived at their table delivered by a good looking waitress, Caroline watched Mike's reaction.

If he was like another man out there, he might stare or glance at the waitress's pretty face for a few seconds, but he didn't. The pretty waitress's beauty was nonexistent to her loyal and devoted husband.

Caroline smiled in satisfaction, very much pleased with Mike's behavior, the majority of men would have wandering eyes especially if they saw a pretty lady around them.

She roamed her eyes inside the restaurant... several ladies were wearing s.e.xy attire compared to her simple get up ensemble consisting of black shorts and simple yellow t-shirt, yet her husband keeps his eyes only for her. It made her feel so love and appreciated. She was feeling more confident that even if she will be gone for a few months, her husband would not find another woman to take her place.

"Sweetie, what are you looking at?" He followed her gaze.

Caroline shrugged. "There are many pretty and s.e.xy ladies around...I just noticed," she commented casually.

Mike brows knitted together. "Huh? Are you checking those girls out?" His eyes bulging.

Caroline grinned. "I'm not like that...I'm straight...anyways...let's start eating our food before they get cold," she said and began putting dishes and rice on her plate.

Mike did the same.

They focused their attention on the mouthwatering food in front of them and eat with gusto.

One hour later, they were done devouring the sumptuous seafood dishes.

With stomach full, they lingered on their seats inside the restaurant which occupies the best view of the sparkling blue ocean in front of them.

They immersed themselves in the refreshing surrounding as they breath salty clean air entering their nostrils.

Thirty minutes passed.

The couple has enough of the view and the atmosphere of the restaurant and decided to leave the place.

"Where are we going next, sweetie?" he asked her.

"I want to sit down on the lounge chair facing the ocean and enjoying the majestic view while sipping Mango or Strawberry Smoothie..." she answered cheerfully.

"Alright, let's go to the beach," he said. "And what do you want to do next?"

"Then we will go swimming in the ocean when the sun is already fading away. Hmm, let's start swimming at 4:00 in the afternoon until 7:00... then let's have dinner afterward. What do you think?" she suggested.

"That sounds nice, sweetie," Mike replied.

They walked on the path leading towards the spot where the resorts loungers were located facing the ocean.

When they arrived at the beach...they settled on the empty loungers on the left side and resigned themselves to be serenaded by the beauty of nature displayed in front of them.

Mike ordered a Strawberry Smoothie for him and Mango Smoothie for his wife to the waitress standing nearby.

Mike finished his smoothie fast.

"Do you want to apply sunscreen on your skin, hubby?" she asked and offered him the bottle of sunscreen lotion.

"No need, what is the use of this big umbrella for?" he stated.

"Okay," she said and began applying sunscreen all over her body that was exposed to the harmful rays of the sun.

"Sweetie, I will go back to the villa to get my laptop. I want to check my emails and check on my businesses while we are enjoying the beautiful view of the beach," he said.

"Okay, you go ahead. I will just stay here and enjoy the view and my Mango Smoothie," she responded.

Mike stood up and walked away from the beach leading to the path where their private villa was located.

Caroline was on putting lotion on her legs when she heard people laughing...

There is something... quite familiar with those waves of laughter and the voices...! Oh My!

No! It can't be!

She would like to think that she was just dreaming or imagining things but when she looked around her trying to locate where the voices coming from...she was shocked to see Allison and her minion Owen laughing like children sitting on the loungers a few meters away from where she was sitting.

What the f.u.c.k are they doing here?

Was this just a coincidence or they knew she was here?

Dang! She did mention to Allison about spending her honeymoon here on this island in El Nido Palawan, but she didn't remember she mentioned to her the specific name of the resort.

She tried ignoring them...

But sooner or later they will eventually notice her or they already knew she was sitting near them?

She wanted to leave the beach but doing so would mean she have to walk in front of them and they will notice her of course! She regretted she didn't wear sunglasses to hide her eyes or at least wear a hat.

She felt so exposed!


She was thinking about her husband...he will be back anytime soon!

But as long she wouldn't acknowledge Allison and Owen then she will be safe.

That's right! She would just ignore them!

That's what she's going to do!

She looked at them for a few seconds, they seemed to be oblivious of her presence.

She shifted her attention back to the ocean view.

Minutes pass by.

Still, no sight of her husband returning...then all of a sudden someone sat on the chair beside her and she was greeted with a familiar woman's voice...it's no other than Allison!

Holy cow!

"Hello Caroline dear... don't you mind if I sit here with you for a while?" asked the smiling Allison in her gentle voice.

Caroline got nervous all of a sudden.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in a low voice. "I thought you would let me enjoy my honeymoon?" she asked.

"Oh, calm down. I already booked a one night say on this villa lat month. I didn't know that you also booked a suite here. I'm not here to destroy your honeymoon spirit with your husband. I just drop by to say hello to you. Don't worry I won't cause you misery during your stay here in this resort. I'm just thinking that... if you want to disappear... this could be the perfect place and time to do that. Just tell me... Owen and I will be ready to assist you anytime," Allison offered.

Caroline released a deep sigh. Allison simply didn't get it that she just wants to spend a happy moment with her husband on their honeymoon, she never wanted to turn this special event into a nightmare.

"Allison, I won't do it today. I just want to be happy in the remaining days with my husband in this beautiful island getaway. Can you give this moment to me, please?" she pleaded. "Don't worry, I will keep the end of my deal. Just leave me alone for a few days with my husband," she begged.

Allison looked at Caroline's face keenly.

"Alright, I will leave you alone. If you see me and Owen frolicking on the beach, just don't mind us, ignore our presence, we will not intrude on your happiness," she said. "But in case you changed your mind, you can do so while we are still on the island so that we can assist you," she added in a persistent voice.

Caroline took a deep breath. "I'm not gonna change my mind anytime soon," she adamantly said.

Allison shrugged. "Okay, as you say so," she responded.

"When are you checking out of the resort?" she asked the woman.

"Tomorrow at 1:00 in the afternoon, I and Owen are going to fly back to Manila. For now, we're just gonna explore the beach and enjoy the nice view," Allison spoke.

"Okay," Caroline said. "You can leave now Allison, my husband will come back here anytime soon," she tried to shoo her away, fearing that Mike will appear in their midst while she was having a conversation with her.

Allison rose to her feet. "See you around, Caroline and enjoy your day with your husband," she said and walked away, heading back to where her minion was sitting on the lounger waiting for her.

Caroline finally releases the breath she was holding and released a sigh of relief.

Five minutes later, Mike appeared in front of her and sat on the chair, placing his laptop on his lap.

"I saw that woman talking to you, did you know her?" he asked his wife.

"Ah, that one, just a stranger. She was trying to strike a conversation with me but I told her I'm not interested in talking with a stranger, so she leaves me alone," she explained with a straight face.

Mike smiled. "Probably a lesbian girl wanting to seek your company," he winked at her.

Caroline laughed bemusedly. "You're funny, hubby!"

Mike shifted his attention to his laptop. "Sweetie, if you want to order more drinks just tell the waitress. I will just perform some work on my laptop," he said and fell into silence tapping into his device.

Caroline looked at the place where Allison and Owen were sitting earlier, they were no longer there.

A few minutes later, she saw them on board a jet ski.

Owen was driving the jest ski while Allison was clinging to his back.

They were shrieking in laughter and having a good time in the water.

Two hours later.

Mike put aside the laptop and looked at his wife. "Sweetie, do you want to swim in the water now?" he throws her a question.

"No." Caroline shook her head. Right now, while watching Allison and Owen having fun in the water, she doesn't want to bump into them again, just to be on the safe side.

"Hubby, I changed my mind. Let's go back to our villa and just swim in the infinity pool there. We will visit the ocean tomorrow afternoon. For now, I want to go back to the villa and rest in there," she answered.

"Alright, you're my Boss, wifey! Let's go back to our villa!" Mike said and rose to his feet. He held his wife's hand with his.

The couple left the beach and went back to their private villa.