Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations

Chapter 85: 085

The banquet proceeded in an orderly manner, and finally came the exchange of engagement rings.

Facing the blessings of relatives and friends, Su Nuo took Zhao Yun\'s hand and asked him to slowly put on the delicate engagement ring. The man smiled slightly, half-brown eyebrows, and the slender hand bone holding Su Nuo\'s wrist. He almost piously put the ring on the thin ring finger.

The diamond ring shook the light under the light, and the tiny ring wrapped the slender fingers. He suddenly lowered his head and kissed him.

There was applause from the audience.

After the same engagement as the last joke, this time the engagement made Shen\'s mother so full of emotions and tears.

From the beginning to the end, she only had one wish, that is, Su Nuo could live a healthy and happy life. She thought that delusion would give her that kind of life. However, she did n’t, she might be a little uncomfortable at first, but she was relieved. As long as Zhao Yunqing can make her daughter happy and happy, she will be content.

"Now you can kiss your fiancee."

Su Nuo raised his head to Zhao Yunqing\'s eyebrows. After looking at him for a few seconds, he slowly closed his eyes. In a deep darkness, the cool thin lips were printed on the pure, his lips were close to each other. Other actions.

The next step was toasting. The amount of Su Nuo wine was so poor that he could only use drinks instead. Zhao Yunqing gently and patiently introduced her all the relatives of this life. She stood obediently by her side and said hello.

Soon, they came to the original father.

Originally still talking with Zhao surnamed Chen, the twin brothers who secretly made a fuss when they saw the two were instantly at ease. Four eyes fell on Zhao Yunqing, staring at him for a few seconds, then sneaking around again. To Zhao Xingchen.

Zhao Xingchen was unaware, his eyes rumbling and turning.

"Dear you." Zhao Yunqing delivered the wine glass to his original father.

The original father dressed up today, his suit drew him a lot of energy, his hair and beard were shaved, and his eyes also had light. It seemed that Su Nuo was useful for his persuasion that day.

The original father took the drink and drank it. He patted Zhao Yunqing on the shoulder. "In the future, Nuo Nuo is yours. You must take good care of her and treat her well. Don\'t let her suffer."

Zhao Yun fully promised: "You can rest assured that I will."

"Speaking of it, shouldn\'t you change your mouth?" Silent Yuan Ze suddenly spoke, and he raised a brow, with a look of disapproval, "Since you married my sister, what should you call me?"

Regarding Yuan Ze\'s behavior of taking advantage of this small advantage, Zhao Yunqing said that he was accustomed to it, and he calmly and hesitated for a moment: "Brother."

Harawa\'s eyes narrowed, the elder brother made him feel very comfortable.

Immediately after, Zhao Yunqing said, "I called your brother all the time.

"... ????"

"......... ????"

"I think the new limited edition sports car you bought is good."

"" ………………? ? ? "

As soon as the elder brother asked him for a sports car worth tens of millions, the lion spoke without fear of retribution! !!

On the side, Zhao Xingchen heard the word sports car, and suddenly had an idea. He looked up, and the dimple diligently said, "Daddy."

The twins at the other end have the same behavior, "Brother!"

Not to mention, this trick works.

Zhao Yunqing took two thick red envelopes and pushed them into the past one by one. He was very happy: "Well, study hard."

Looking at the two thick red envelopes, Zhao Xingchen was sore and wronged. "Well, how come I don\'t have a red envelope?"

Zhao Xingchen\'s eyes motioned, "Look for your sister-in-law."

Zhao Xingchen turned to Su Nuo for a red envelope, "Little sister-in-law, me, me, and me."

The teenager blinked like a large cat, making Su Nuo smile a little. She had already prepared a red envelope and sent it to her. Zhao Xingchen took it and squeezed it, and her face was smiling with flowers.

The last table was Meng Yiran and others. When she arrived here, Zhao Yunqing\'s expression was obviously indifferent and his atmosphere was more alienated.

Meng Yiran knew that Zhao Yunqing didn\'t like her and didn\'t care much. She raised her glass and smiled with a salty smile on her face, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Su Nuo touched her glass slightly.

"Meng Yiran raised his head and drank the drink in the glass, and looked up and down at Zhao Yunqing with a ridiculous tone:" Congratulations to Mr. Zhao, and I hope you will be happy in the future. " "

"That\'s for sure." Zhao Yunqing said nothing, and after drinking, he took Su Nuo to go elsewhere.

Looking at the two backs, Meng Yiran\'s expression gradually fainted.

At first, she might think that Zhao Yunqing was just playing with Su Nuo, but one\'s eyes would not lie. When facing Su Nuo, the film emperor could no longer accommodate the second party world, regardless of Su Nuo. Wherever he went, his gaze followed.

And what about Su Nuo?

When wearing a ring for Zhao Yunqing, her eyes were focused and sincere.

She can be sure that both people really like each other.

The heroine in the novel did not stay with the male lead according to the plot, and did not always rely on the strength of others. Maybe it has always been that she was too clever. With the golden finger of wearing books, she had to stand high and think carefully Qualify despise others.

Meng Yiran laughed at himself, put down his glass, picked up his bag, and quietly left the banquet.

It was cold outside, and she was awake instantly when the cold wind blew.

Surrounded by sparse stars in the sky, and the moon is as cold as water, Meng Yiran pumped a cold red nose and couldn\'t help but said, "System, I suddenly want to give up the task."

There are three-point jokes in this sentence, and there are also three-point seriousness.

[System: Are you serious about hosting? ]

Meng Yiran was about to answer, a sudden cellphone ringing interrupted the silent night.

She took out her cell phone, and the caller ID turned out to be a delusion that she hadn\'t contacted for a long time. Meng Yiran frowned, so late, why was she calling suddenly? Despite his confusion, Meng Yiran answered.

"Hey, delirious?"

No one spoke in the microphone, only long breathing.

Meng Yiran frowned even deeper, and continued to yell with patience: "Deep, can\'t you hear?"

"Speak? What are you doing to me?"



Still nothing.

After Meng Yiran\'s scolding was ill, he was ready to hang up, but at this moment, he made a deliberate voice:

"it\'s me."


For two seconds of silence, Meng Yiran said with a little helplessness, "Of course I know it is you, but what\'s the matter with you, big brother? If you have any problems, you can quickly say, I\'m really cold holding the phone in the winter.

The deliberate voice was dumb and gloomy: "I\'m outside the manor now, would it be convenient to come over."

"Outside the manor?"

"Um." He whispered. "Outside the exclusive estate where Su Nuo is engaged, it\'s just over the parking lot. You saw it when you came over. I want to ask you something."

After speaking, the delusion directly hung up the phone.

Looking at the black screen, Meng Yiran stunned for two or three seconds.

She was not a fool, and she could detect something wrong in the tone of her deliberate speech just now. But she couldn\'t think of any reason why delirium would hurt her. She was tangled, and Meng Yiran decided to go.

She drove the car to the parking lot outside the manor. Most of the guests who came to the engagement banquet parked the car inside, so when Meng Yiran arrived, she saw the black off-road in the corner at a glance. Hesitated for a few minutes and pressed the whistle.

The author has something to say: my hometown has no Internet update to go to the hilltop. Now I am posting outside qaq in cold weather. The next few days are uncertain. The update time is uncertain.