Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations

Chapter 83: 083

After a while, Shen Muli dragged her delusion out of the study. The delirium behind her was reluctant, and her face was full of impatience, but when she saw Su Nuoxian, her sight was fixed.

She wore a white dress with a skirt mopped to the ground, thin gauze sleeves wrapped around two thin white and tender arms, a graceful back line, and a tight waist. Standing in front of the long mirror, she glanced at her will, and the star-like eyes suddenly let the delirious heart jump wildly.

Delirious did not dare to look at Su Nuo at all, and twisted his head to the other side within three seconds.

Shen\'s mother hadn\'t noticed anything wrong, and she asked Duanmu deliberately: "Aliu, what kind of good-looking dress does your sister wear?"

He perfunctoryly answered, "It will do."

The mother Shen was dissatisfied and deluded, "You look good, is it the one she is wearing now, or the champagne one, right, right, and the red one."

Mother Shen chattered a lot in his ear, frowning frantically, turning his eyes carefully. Those three outfits were exquisite, and they all lined her, but ... the delusion was displeased, and there was distaste and unspeakable jealousy.

He couldn\'t keep rolling up and down due to his bitter throat, his dark eyes were dark, and his eyes were bright and bright. Su Nuo, who was exquisite and touching, suddenly felt a little suffocating.

"It\'s not me who is engaged, you choose it yourself." After leaving this passage, you left the room like a deliberate escape.

Watching the back of the delusion disappearing outside the corridor, Shen mother hesitated, and couldn\'t help voicing: "I wanted you to get engaged at first, but did you order it? Really a little ancestor, it\'s hard to wait ..." Then I thought about my future mother Still here, hurriedly whispering, she cleared her throat, "Then, let Nuo Nuo choose, which one is Nuo Nuo."

Su Nuo was tired long ago, and stretched out his fingers: "It was the beginning."

"Success! The one that started."

These two people have no objections.

After choosing the dress, Su Nuo was again tinkered with jewelry, until the lunch time, the two elders finally let go. Su Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, and could not help sending a message to Zhao Yunqing after they left.

[Su Nuo: Your mother is so cruel, let me try earrings for half an hour, piercing vultures in the ear holes. ]

[Zhao Yunqing: It\'s okay, you can play another pair if you are vultured. ]

[Su Nuo: ...] The devil.

Their engagement place was chosen in a holiday villa owned by the Zhao family. In order not to delay time, Su Nuo went to the villa first in the evening. She thought that Zhao Yunqing would come, but was told that the other party was participating in an important Shooting. Su Nuo knew that the other party was a person with a heavy sense of responsibility, so he didn\'t ask much, and he cleared up early and fell asleep.

Before the next day, Su Nuo was put into a beauty room by a group of people. She was tossed around by a group of people like a doll. To think that today is her own engagement, Su Nuo can only endure and let them coming.

After such a toss, most of the time passed quickly, and the stylist drowsily reminded her "OK".

Su Nuo halted her dress and slowly came to the mirror.

The girl was bathed in the sun, her white skin was dazzling, her curly hair was curled up, and the small crown fixed in the hair reflected a slight sheen. Dust, it looks like a petite little princess coming out of a fairy tale book.

Su Nuo felt the hair sticking to both sides of her cheeks, and suddenly she was a little dazed.

In the tenth century she passed through, she wore a wedding dress and was also the bride of someone else, but that was for the task, and there was no friendship at all. Now back to reality, I suddenly had an engagement with a man, and my heart gave birth to something strange.


The door was knocked, the styling assistant stepped forward to open the door, and exclaimed "Mr."

Su Nuo turned to look, Zhao Yunqing was still wearing plain clothes, Peach Blossom eyes smiled, the man\'s fingertips ticked off, and a group of people dispersed, leaving only two of them in the room.

Zhao Yunqing\'s eyes looked up and down, her eyes were naked and naked, without any concealment.

Su Nuo carefully stroked the delicate embroidery on his shirt and asked softly, "Does it look good?"

Zhao Yunqing groaned for a long time before he was willing to answer: "Good-looking." The two words lingered between the lips and teeth for a long time, obviously a carefully thought-out answer.

No matter how hard Su Nuo was, she was exaggerated and beautiful, and her face was hard to hide.

"You, go and change your clothes and see if you are not dressed yet."

Zhao Yunqing laughed lowly: "I\'m born to be beautiful, so I don\'t need to dress up."




Seeing that Su Nuo did not squeak, Zhao Yunqing smiled even more. He raised his hand and pinched Su Nuo\'s small earlobe, twisted it repeatedly, his fingertips went down, and his slightly cold fingers slowly passed Su Nuo\'s cheek. Beautiful swan neck, protruding delicate collarbone.

Whenever the phalanx touched, Su Nuo felt like he was numb as if he had been beaten by electricity.

She shuddered a little, could not help pulling his hand, clenched, and started pushing the man outside, "Go and change your clothes."

Zhao Yunqing didn\'t go too far and pointed to the **** lips: "Kiss first?"

Su Nuo breathed a suffocation, and gently stunned in the past: "I want to be beautiful." After speaking, he did not hesitate to shut people out.

Zhao Yunqing laughed a few more times, and after looking at the closed door for a while, Lianlian went to the room next to him and prepared to change.

He did move a lot faster than Su Nuo, dressed well in a suit, shaved his beard casually, and finished his hairstyle.

Soon noon, friends and relatives came to the scene.

The engagement banquet was a small one. All the relatives and friends of our family were invited. Naturally, there are not so many rules for treating their family members, and everyone is very casual. Soon, Meng Yizheng also appeared at the wedding venue.

She has always been in the limelight, and she changed her high profile. Her makeup was not as deep as before, and her dress was not selected by Morandi. When she arrived, she was naturally assigned to the woman\'s table.

Immediately after, Haruzawa led his twin brother and father to appear. After seeing the two brothers, Zhao Xingchen couldn\'t wait to pull the two to play outside. Haruzawa did not stop him.

Almost all the guests arrived, and Shen mother\'s eyes narrowed across the crowd, and she suddenly realized that there was a serious problem.

She pulled over Shen\'s father and asked quietly, "Did you not come?"

Shen\'s father froze for a while, then thought that it seemed that he had not seen his son for a long time.

"Where\'s that kid?" Shen mother was so anxious that she fumbled out of her sachet to make a call.

Before the call was answered, Shen\'s father took Shen\'s hand and stopped him. "Forget it, he won\'t come if he doesn\'t come."

Mother Shen said, "But ..."

Shen\'s father interrupted him: "Think carefully that he really isn\'t suitable for this kind of scene. It\'s a lot of peace of mind that we don\'t have to worry about him."

Thinking of Shen\'s paranoid temperament, Shen\'s mother sighed and put the phone back in her bag without saying a word. 2k novel reading network