Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations

Chapter 64: 064

Su Nuo was lying in front of the sink, brushing his teeth over and over again. Lemon-flavored toothpaste filled the nasal cavity. He did not rinse his mouth until he heard the doorbell, and wiped his face before opening the door.

"Well." Harawa waved against the door.

Su Nuo turned sideways and let him enter.

"I heard someone tell you that you\'re calling the police. What\'s the matter?" Yuan Ze was sitting on the sofa with his legs up, his movements were lazy, but his appearance was solemn.

Su Nuo involuntarily touched the corners of his red lips, and said, "Drowsy drunk to harass me, I will ask the police to arrest him."

Hearing, Yuan Ze raised his eyebrows and pondered over who was deliberately: "Fuck." He cursed, and then said, "Where did the bunny close?"


"The **** is raised." Harazawa cursed again. "Not detained?"

Su Nuo laughed: "It\'s good to go in. Do you really expect him to be sentenced to three years and five years?" Teasing two sentences, Su Nuo said seriously, "You don\'t need to worry about this, I have dealt with it."

"No, I can\'t get this breath!" Haraza gritted his teeth, thinking silently about the solution.


Harazawa did not respond.

Su Nuo shook his head helplessly, telling him indifferently: "He is the only seedling of my adoptive parents. If he has a three-pronged one, my adoptive mother will certainly not be able to bear it."

Harazawa waved to appease: "It\'s okay, my brother has a sense of proportion and will not be too out of place."

Su Nuo shrugged and turned to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Ten days passed quickly. When he came out deluded, he wore a hat and half-covered his face to prevent people from recognizing it.

Qian came over to pick up people, and teased through the window: "Boss, is the delicious food?"

"Go away." There was a hoarseness in the scolding voice, and his brows were not good.

Get in the car and he took off his hat.

In just a few days of effort, delirium became vicissitudes. Liu Haiqi covered his eyes long and short, his beard pulled slag, and his pupils looked coldly and coldly.

"How is the company?"

"Relax, let\'s take care of it." Qianlai said as he started the engine.

"Don\'t you leak the wind?" Asked deliberately.

"No." Qian said, "The investor asked you a bit, and we said you were on a business trip, but there was a tricky bug in the game program, and the line broke in three days. We couldn\'t help it. We could only keep it for 24 hours. Patching, the players are exploding over these two days, you have to get back quickly, we really did not move. "

Delirium is a genius in this respect, and none of them can match it.

Thinking of the huge losses in these two days, Qian Lai sighed: "I didn\'t say you, why didn\'t you want to provoke your little green plum? When you filmed for us, you should know that your sister is a ruthless person. Alright, are you losing? "

Qian Lai was driving and still chattering: "Now you are in the horn, your little green plum can reach the pinnacle of life. Do you know? She\'s going to participate in a variety show with the film emperor Zhao He, if this show is red If you dare to do so, others will not let you go. "

Deluded and mute and silent.

He was enchanted.

The day I returned from my parents\' house, I couldn\'t help thinking about Su Nuo, and it was her in my head when driving; I thought about her when I was taking a bath; and the letters I typed when I wrote the code were her, even when I slept and bathed.

Everywhere, I can\'t help thinking.

Some of Ben\'s hearts suddenly reappeared when he was buried in the sky. She smiled, she was nice, little by little, and she was thinking. At work, delusion will also stare at the equipment Su Nuo gave him in the game. If he is not delusional, she will get along with him.

It was he who pushed Su Nuo far away, and when he wanted to be close to her again, her goodness already belonged to another person.

Delirious and unwilling, more and more unwilling, after drinking a night of drinking, the ghost sent God to her.

Delusion closed his eyes, everything that happened ten days ago was vivid, and the tip of his tongue was numb.

"Why not have some food first? See you have lost a lot of weight these days."

"No need." Rejected deliberately, "Send me home first."

Qianlai didn\'t say much, and drove directly back to the villa where they live now.

After sending the delusion back, the money came back to the company. In the villa, take a bath deliberately, shave cleanly, cut your hair at will, pull the curtains, and when you get dark, put on your clothes and go out with your car key.

The night was dark and the moon was gray.

As he approached the garage, as he approached, the hurried footsteps came from behind him, the next second, a black sack shrouded from overhead, and before the delusion had time to struggle, he was thrown into the corner, and the sap fell in succession, at the same time Accompanied by punches and kicks.

The beating continued for nearly ten minutes, until he couldn\'t make any noise, and the three men dispersed.

Delusion was wrapped in a sack, lying on the cold ground, his body was aching, his breathing was short, his head was beating dizzy, he moved a little, and his back was cracking like a pain. , Raise your hand, and hang down softly.

At this point, Qianlai had already returned, holding rice in his hands.

After seeing the dark shadow in the corner for a few seconds, he turned on the high beam light, and after watching it for a while, he found that it was a person, hurriedly got out of the car, and strode. He tore off the sack, and his deliberate face appeared.

His body was blue and purple, and blood dripped down the tip of his nose.

Qian Lai was agitated in his heart, anxious to hit an ambulance, can not help yelling: "Sun, who did it?"

Who did it?

Who else can do it.

There will be no second person except Zhao Yunqing.

Delirious covered his stomach with one hand, and coughed out blood.

"I\'ll call the police first, boss for a while."

As soon as Qian Lai pressed the alarm button, he was stopped by delusion. He was so angry that he clenched his teeth and insisted; "Don\'t report it."


"If I call the police, I will be known to outsiders. Don\'t report it first, I will deal with it."

After hesitating for a few seconds, he took the phone away.

He felt that Xiao Qingmei was really crazy in the delusion, even if he sent the trumpets, he now found someone to beat him again.

Qian Lai sighed, looked at the delirium, could not help but persuade: "Boss, I think you will stay away from your little young plum in the future, and then provoked her, your life will be provoked."

There was a hint of frivolity from the tip of his deliberate nose and he did not speak.

Further? Should be far away, Zhao Yunqing should be kept away from her.

She wasn\'t trying to get along with Zhao Yunqing, so he wouldn\'t let her go!

The delirious anger was another two coughs.

The author has something to say: I will resume the normal update tomorrow. These two days are a little bit different.

Just ... If you feel the emotion is abrupt, you will automatically get rid of the brain and get rid of Nuo Nuo in the game, unconsciously attracted to like it, but later found that the online dating object in the game turned out to be Nuo Nuo, Nuo Nuo quickly knew his identity At the meeting of netizens, in the delusional face, he split the equipment he sent in the game one by one, and finally sold it, dumped people, and delirious. The parents also compared with Zhao Yunqing, and she again Close to Zhao Yunqing, the drop is too big, Wangwang can\'t take it anymore, drunk, and entangled Su Nuo.

This is the game story I deleted before, because I do n’t like it, I think I have deleted it all, but it ’s harmless!

Now you can make up your own mind, just when it exists, the relationship is not so abrupt!

As for the parents, I don\'t think there is any problem with my setting.

Good before, it ’s reasonable because the son did n’t go to jail. Even if this happened in reality, the parents will be facing the delusion. In their opinion, this is a family matter. How can a daughter send the son in? Or is it because of sexual harassment that they are too embarrassed and they know they can\'t always be happy? The idea of ​​Shen\'s mother is to be able to go with thin mud and thin mud, first considering his son in jail, and finally thinking about Su Nuo, and then began to blame himself for talking hard.

Ah, that\'s a buzzword.

I\'ll be as chicken as tomorrow.

_ (: 3∠) _

The end of next month, considering whether "Little Aunt" will be released in September or October, I will save it on October 6.

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