Sweep the World

Chapter 26

In the eyes of a considerable number of people, Liu Yan is not like a material who can fight. Indeed, Liu Yan also believes that he is not a peerless general.

"Who will let the tribal armed forces in batches, not concentrate to win at one time?"

Not only one person will have similar ideas, but what do they know? If Liu Yan could concentrate 800 system soldiers at one time, would he bother so much?

Clean up the battlefield and gather all the metals. The corpses are also selectively distinguished. The soldiers belonging to our side dig several large pits for joint burial. Enemy bodies? Who cares so much!

In about three hours, Liu Yan led the troops to continue to march towards Buqi city.

Compared with the silence when they came, Jin soldiers who set foot on the journey again talked more and said almost everything. What they said most was how many Hu people they killed and who they avenged. A small number of people are comparing the number of enemies killed. Some people are not killing enemies on the battlefield at all, but participating in the execution later. However, no one is so careful. Anyway, they kill Hu people.

"Are you going to attack the city?" Tuobaxiu had too many questions, but Liu Yan didn\'t answer them all. She said: "the Capricorn people are weak, but the overlord of the Central Plains is still the Capricorn people. You can show your power by doing that, but you have to face the next wave of revenge from the Capricorn people."

Liu Yan actually weighed it. He didn\'t choose to do such a thing on impulse.

Yes, Liu Yan has almost no power and weak strength. He has thousands of reasons to ignore those who are called Jin people rather than Han people. They are slaughtered and eaten arbitrarily by the Jie nationality or some Hu people.

Strength is too weak. Is this reason sufficient? Then hide, as I haven\'t heard of thousands of Jin people being detained waiting for adult dried meat, and I don\'t know how many jin girls have been raped day and night, and the girls will be killed and eaten from time to time.

Many times, as long as you find an excuse for yourself, there will be countless excuses. Liu Yan doesn\'t know how others understand it. He has read some professional psychology books. He clearly knows that as long as people have the experience of making excuses once, they will have the next excuse.

Throughout history, people who want to do something big can avoid something because of the unfavorable situation, but they will never go against their heart, especially in some necessary trade-offs. No matter how difficult it is or even the next moment of failure, they will do it without hesitation.

People are moving forward in one difficult choice and struggle after another. Many times... If they don\'t move forward, they will fall down!

Many times, people have no choice, such as the Jin man named Li Kuang, who has no choice.

Li Kuang should be regarded as an aristocratic family, right? But that was before the Central Plains. Many aristocratic families fled to the south, and a considerable number of families stayed in the north and the Central Plains. They thought it didn\'t matter who became the ruler at all. Anyway, whoever was in charge of the family was the life of paying taxes and paying taxes, but they were wrong. That\'s not the case when the Hu people were in charge of the family.

This is the first time that the Hu people ruled the Central Plains. Before that, no one had any examples to learn from. The Central Plains has been in turmoil since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At the time of the scuffle among the princes, the rulers changed again and again. They really thought that it would make no difference if the Hu people became rulers.

Wrong, really wrong. There are great differences in the rule of the Hu people, but when they regret... They can\'t escape south!

About a month ago, Li Kuang\'s family, like many powerful men who stayed in the Central Plains, built fortresses, gathered civilians and lived a closed but nourishing life.

In the past, the Jie people had a laissez faire attitude towards the fortress. If they didn\'t fight, they would lose manpower. They could collect things anyway. It\'s probably a laissez faire attitude. But I don\'t know how it started. Maybe it started with more and more taxes collected by the Capricorn, and then more and more fortresses couldn\'t pay taxes? The Jie family, who didn\'t pay much attention to the fortresses everywhere, cheated Li Kuang\'s family\'s fortress with some people from Jin

The Li Kuang family was finished. After they were finished, people were caught and things were robbed. Li Kuang and other people were coerced by the Jie family with their relatives\' lives. They found a friendly fortress and did the same trick to open the fortress. They almost repeated their victimization, but this time he was on the side of the Betrayer.

Snowball! This family was cheated to open, leading to the fall of the fortress. The victimized family will find the next one. There are always some people with relatively good relationships. One family is connected with another. It\'s really snowballing!

How many powerful and powerful are Changguang county? They say they are careless, they say they have no brain, and they say they are easy to trust. Most of them are cleaned up under the conspiracy of the Capricorn family. Is the person who speaks his mind a great scholar of Jin? That\'s right! Only Jin people can come up with that kind of method. Even only great Confucianism has enough knowledge to design a set of interlocking strategies, but its heart... How poisonous!

At this moment, more than 4000 people, including Li Kuang, were tied up like piglets one after another as if they were animals, and were thrown into a large fence at random.

Recently, it hasn\'t rained in Changguang county. The ground is dry and bound. The chest is against the ground, but the hands and feet tilt to the sky like a overturned turtle. At least they won\'t be suffocated by the mud.

Many people are sobbing, because their relatives were killed, because of their stupidity... There are many. Lament or something, they are likely to be pulled out at the next moment, bled like a pig, cut off their throat, stare at the frightened and desperate eyes, greedily stare at the last light they can see, and then slowly shrouded in darkness.

On the other side of the fence where the male Jin people are being held, about 700 Jin women are being held. Their age distribution is relatively wide, from seven or eight to thirty, most of them are in their twenties and are not bound.

From time to time, imprisoned Jin people will be pulled out. Male Jin people will howl when they are pulled out. The bleak voice is creepy. Only Hu people who come to pull people will have a cruel smile on their faces.

During the day, fewer female Jin people were pulled out, and they would cry when they were pulled out, but more often they silently looked at the position of male Jin people, and their eyes were full of numbness

It\'s not that those women who don\'t cry are more backbone. In fact, they are completely desperate. For women, their husbands or children have died, and their hearts are completely dark. Death is not a fear, but a desire.

At night, especially in the evening, more female Jin people will be pulled out. They are different from the male Jin people. After the male Jin people are taken away, no one will return, and most of the taken Jin women will return again. What were they taken away for? I can\'t bear to say.

In fact, it can be seen that if the detainees go to the fence, they can not only see how the male Jin people were killed, but also hear all kinds of voices before they die. We can not only see how the male Jin people were killed, but also see how the female Jin people who were pulled out were insulted.

Li Kuang\'s position is better, but it\'s not a good thing for him. On the contrary, there is a visual stimulus that will drive him crazy.

People were bound to kneel down, their hair was pulled, resulting in bending back, and their throats were obviously exposed. A sharp weapon crossed their throats quickly or slowly. Blood rushed out like a leaking faucet. People were knocked down at will. At that time, they had to wait for suffocation.

One was followed by the next, and one after another was slit. Look at the speed of those busy Hu people. Some Jin people whose throats are cut open will be lifted up by Hu people and go to a row of cooking pots. Some Hu people will use skilled techniques to open their bellies, take out unnecessary internal organs, and then clean up the human body that they think can eat. The whole body is thrown into the boiling pot with water at will.

There will be a smell in the air. It is difficult to describe what it is. There is a smell in the blood. It seems that it is a little greasy? It\'s the smell of human blood, excrement and urine mixed with human soup.

Li Kuang knew the man who had just been thrown into the pot. It was the patriarch of the family who tricked the people into opening the fortress, so that their fortress was broken by internal and external cooperation.

It was supposed to be a happy thing to watch his enemy die, but Li Kuang really didn\'t have any happy feeling in his heart. He just thought he might be crazy at the next moment, but he hasn\'t been crazy all the time!

"When will it be my turn?"

Li Kuang wanted to see the sky, but because his chest was on the ground, his sight was blocked by the fence. He really couldn\'t see the sky.

"I don\'t know if the sky is blue, whether there are clouds..."


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