Sweep the World

Chapter 1095

"The lights are dim... I can\'t see enough!"

In 340 ad, Liu Yan crossed the time when the Han people were far inferior to the beasts. It has been 26 years since then.

At the beginning of crossing, Liu Yan was 24 years old, and now he is 50 years old. His oldest son is 21 years old after the new year, while his youngest son is only a few months old.

It has been twenty-four years since the establishment of the Han Empire. It was only by standing up from a bloody wind and rain and getting more and more straight, slaughtering the once arrogant Jie nationality and defeating Xianbei, Qiang, Di and various miscellaneous Hu that the old land of the former Han Dynasty in the Central Plains was recovered.

At present, there are no Jie, Xianbei, Bei, Qiang, Di and zahu within a thousand miles of the border of the Han Empire. They are either slaughtered, integrated into Han people, or become slaves.

The land belonging to the pre Han Dynasty was completely recovered 16 years ago, and even the contemporary Han people had a great expansion.

The southwest Peninsula has become a sacred and inseparable part of the Han Empire. Along with assan, he also attacked and destroyed the Gupta empire. Later, he swallowed a small country or state every year or two. In the 19th year of Yuanshuo, vagadoga was destroyed, and in the 21st year of Yuanshuo, two satraps were destroyed.

Up to now, only some marginal and wild places in the a\'san continent exist states or tribes, otherwise they all fall under the rule of the Han Empire.

The rule of the Han Empire in the third mainland is based on the numerous countries that have been separated. Only the essence area like the Ganges RIver River Basin and the India river basin is naturally owned by the state, while the rest places exercise the classical seal.

In terms of Hou States, there are at least 72 Hou states in mainland a\'san, such as fiefs and so on. The largest Marquis has a land area of more than 100000 square kilometers, and the smallest fief is just the size of a village.

There are Hou men in the state of Hou. In fact, they are not in their own state of Hou most of the time. They will appoint their children to manage the state of Hou. I either live in Chang\'an for a long time, or go abroad to fight or perform official duties abroad.

In the six years after the 17th year of Yuanshuo, there were nearly 20 marques, thousands of upper marques and middle marques, and countless lower marques.

Because it was a war at the national war level and a war with the anti Han axis led by Rome and sassanne, the Han Empire maintained the state of national mobilization in the first four years and gradually stopped the recruitment of troops from the fifth year.

Now, the number of standing armies in the Han Empire has soared to 24. Except for the corps with special prefix such as kaihuben army and Yulin army, the organizational structure of each standing army has increased from 15000 to 28000.

Not counting the soldiers of counties and counties in the territory, but only the number of soldiers of the standing army, the Han Empire was a field corps with a size of nearly 700000 people in the 23rd year of Yuanshuo.

Among the 700000 field corps, the number of troops equipped with firearms increased from less than 16000 in the 17th year of Yuanshuo to 127000.

Of the 127000, in addition to the artillery, there were 85000 soldiers with flint guns.

It took about six years for the Han Empire to arm four firearm troops.

At present, there is a plan for the restructuring of the army, but it has not been fully implemented. According to Liu Yan\'s plan, the new military system will not be implemented until the army is completely changed.

The great war lasted nearly seven years, and the major battlefields were Sassanian battlefields, Roman battlefields and the battlefields of the three continents.

The Sassanian battlefield has been advancing westward steadily and orderly. There have been six large-scale battles. The following small and medium-sized clashes are not easy to count. After all, the encounter between scouts can also be regarded as a small-scale confrontation.

On the other side of the Roman battlefield, it can only report to the mainland once a year. In the war of about five years, there were only seven naval battles. In one of them, Rome invested more than 1000 warships. Since then, the Roman navy has completely withered.

On the other side of the A3 continent, there are more frequent wars on the Pisan battlefield and the Roman battlefield. At the same time, the speed of promotion and expansion is also different between the two battlefields. Naturally, the reason is that the enemy faced by the Tianzhu protectorate... Is really not very good, and it is easier to be conquered at the same time.

Qian Jiantong had only two standing armies and less than 50000 County soldiers, but he had nearly 400000 A-San servants under his command, and the more he fought, the more servants under his command, which had already become the largest number of troops under the three major battlefield formations.

The eastern part of sassanne is barren and has almost no production area. Except that the original land was not good, it was destroyed as much as possible when the Persians retreated. It was not possible to restore production in a short time. Then came the Persians who had already made preparations for evacuating civilians. They migrated away before the development of the war was unfavorable to them.

The Western expeditionary Corps not only fought with Sassanian army, but also built a long road. The captured prisoners of war were basically consumed in road construction. The aborigines captured from the surrounding areas were also invested in the road construction army. The servants under their command were selected from the western regions.

The Han Empire has always been a policy of reducing the number of people in the western regions. In the process, it is inevitable to suppress the rebellious people in the western regions. After pulling out nearly 300000 men as servants and cannon fodder, there are really not many adult men left in the western regions. The rest are basically Han relatives. That is, the Han people accepted the Western women, and the families of those women became the registered residence of the naturalized Hu.

The environment on the other side of the expedition fleet is even worse. First of all, the people on the other side of Europa are too strange to the Han Empire, not only the Romans, but the local aborigines in the west of Europa have never heard of the Han Empire.

Rome has ruled Europe for more than a thousand years. It is difficult for the local people of Europe to grow up, especially in the western and central regions of Europe, which Rome attaches most importance to.

As a overlord who has flourished for more than a thousand years, the Romans have a higher morale than the Persians. They lost a wide angle in the westernmost part of Europe. Many noble families have organized 12 counter attacks in three years, but they failed to force the Han army back to the sea once.

The number of gunships of the expedition fleet gradually increased to 13, of which 10 were fixed in the open sea of the occupied area. Even if they were not anchored, they were cruising in the sea area where they could be reinforced within two hours.

There are ten gunships, which means that the Han Army on land can get artillery support from the sea anytime and anywhere. In addition, in two or three years, the Han Army on land has also established its own fortifications, and even more than ten fortresses have been built. There is a large military city, and the army has its own artillery forces. Every time the Romans counterattack, they have to leave a dead body, But they can\'t shake them at all.

When the nobles in Western Europe fought back, the Constantine family was not idle.

The Strait of Gibraltar was controlled by the Han Army, which meant that the entrance and exit of the Mediterranean was blocked. Even if the Constantine family had no military wisdom, they should understand the consequences of being stuck at the only entrance and exit.

In a short period of two or three years, the expedition fleet has stirred up the whole Mediterranean. Almost every day, groups of Han warships cross the Mediterranean, chasing any ship other than their own side, and from time to time looking for a Roman coastal city under the defense to land, fight and plunder.

It was only two or three years. Rome couldn\'t even control Africa. If there were no traffic with central and Western Europe on land, I don\'t know whether those places belong to the Roman Empire.

Rome naturally tried to drive the Han army out of the Mediterranean. Some previously sealed warships were pulled out again and were shipbuilding all the time.

Unfortunately for the Romans, their warships were not only inferior to the Han Army, but also inferior in number. It was totally unbelievable that Rome fought at home, more like the home of the Han Empire.

At present, the worst thing for the Romans is not only the loss of sea control in the Mediterranean, but also the inability of Western Europe to drive the landed Han army out of the sea, and the Germanic people in Eastern Europe (actually central Europe) are also stirring up the situation.

The Germanic people entered the stage of the rise of barbarians and had previously established three countries.

Frank, which controls most of the territory of Belgium and the Netherlands, is the strongest country among the three Germanic people. However, their country has not been recognized by the Romans and is still a part of the vassal tribe by the Romans.

Burgundy controls southern Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany (Cologne and Rhine). They should be one of the three Germanic countries with the least iron ore. they sell finished weapons and armor to frank and Alemanni, but they are not recognized as a sovereign state by Rome.

Alemanni controls parts of western France and some mountainous areas of Switzerland. They are the poorest of the three Germanic people who have been founded, but retain the most barbaric customs. They are still the best to fight, that is, the people\'s livelihood is terrible. At the same time, they are also the closest of the three Germanic countries to Rome, but they seek sovereign independence.

After the Han Empire moved westward, especially the expedition fleet led by Huan Wen landed in the west of Europa. The three Germanic countries had many king to King communication. Even Alemanni, who was closest to Rome, thought that it was their most favorable time. Even if they did not directly fight against Rome, it was also a good opportunity for the Romans to recognize that they were a sovereign and independent country.

Of course, there is no word "sovereign independence". Frankie, Burgundy and al. Amani do not want to pay tribute to the Romans every year, and they are no longer willing to accept the Roman military command, and they want to has the final say.

The three countries united to communicate with the Romans, mainly to appeal to the Roman nobles in Central Europe. At least they need to get the pass of those Roman nobles in Central Europe, otherwise they don\'t have to negotiate with Constantinople.

The reply of the Roman nobles in Central Europe to the three countries was very simple and direct. They sent troops directly to teach a lesson. The result naturally triggered a war.

The three countries have sent envoys to the Han Empire. They may not have learned anything else, and the Han people will not teach anything in particular. However, the sentence "there is no rise without bloodshed" has been specially taught by the Han people. Obviously, they think the Han people are right.

If we don\'t dig through the ancient route of Egypt, the only entrance and exit of the Mediterranean is occupied by the Han Empire and can\'t be taken back. If we dig the sea port of Egypt again, we will face the same Navy with absolute superiority of the Han Empire. It\'s Rome. It\'s the same no matter what you do.

The part about Africa is still accessible, but each practice has to go around thousands of miles of land.

More than that, the Han Army has begun to increase the attack on the African part of Rome, and is also supporting the spokesman. I believe that it will not be long before Rome\'s territory in Africa will be lost.

Coastal cities in the Mediterranean were repeatedly harassed and looted by the Han Army, and the once extremely prosperous maritime trade no longer existed.

The expansion of war requires money, as do the armed soldiers, and money is spent in all aspects.

Rome had just moved from a divided state to a seemingly unified state. It was not long before Constantius II had not much money on hand.

Then there was the bad beginning of the officer age in Rome. Without money, let alone the army, you don\'t bird Augustus. The nobles even despised it at a glance. Constantius, who was extremely short of money, didn\'t dare to liquidate those nobles, even big businessmen, and a church jumped up and down.

The Han Empire just sent an expeditionary fleet. The invasion could not be regarded as a formal large-scale invasion. As a result, Rome was made to look like this, which was actually beyond the expectation of Rome.

As a last resort, Constantius II convened a meeting.

Because of the invasion of the Han Army and the terrible situation in Rome, the nobles who had contradictions before gave face to the Constantine family, even if the owner didn\'t go in person, he would send his confidants.

The meeting lasted nearly a month, and only two conclusions were reached: either the whole of Rome should be truly united, especially willing to donate money for military spending; Or Rome offered a conditional truce to the Han Empire before it was saved.

Obviously, donations were the worst choice for the Roman nobles. Only the Western European nobles who were actually threatened were more enthusiastic, or even the Roman nobles who were being looted and attacked by the navy of the Han Empire had doubts.

They were afraid that after the donation, the Constantine family still sought an armistice with the Han Empire. The money was indeed spent on the expansion of the Constantine family, and then those troops were used to deal with them, so as to achieve the unity of all Rome at least during Caesar\'s period.

It is a fact that disunited Rome is difficult to compete with the Han Empire.

If we want to unite and have concerns because of the contradictions during the period of division, that is, there is only a second choice left.

The mission sent by Rome had already left Constantinople. It would go to Egypt and then turn to the peninsula to seek the navy of the Han Empire, send them to the mainland of the Han Empire, and then arrive in Chang\'an.