Sweep the World

Chapter 1092

In fact, the Central Plains Dynasty of Zhuxia was used to welcoming all officials.

If it happened for the first time, the historian would write a special book.

The more you get to the back of the country, the stronger it becomes. When the historian knows it, he basically writes down that "on a certain day in XX, a general led Wang Shi to a certain place and was greeted by the leader of XX state (country)", and then... No more.

Of course, there will be no historiographers in the army. What happened was written by the chief general, the commander of the army and the military judge respectively. After returning home, they will be sent to different offices, and then collected into a unified department, that is, the province under the door, and then handed over to the emperor.

Generally, it is very important for some people to turn to the son of heaven. It is not only the time to determine the credit, but also the key to whether it can be recorded in history books.

If the emperor praises so and so, the historian will record it according to the emperor\'s evaluation. Once the emperor\'s appreciation words are important, the person whose name is mentioned must have more space in the history books.

One thing is very bad. Once the dynasty is changed, the next new dynasty will not fully recognize the achievements of the previous dynasty, but will revise the history of the previous dynasty.

A new dynasty will reassess it, except that some characters who can\'t get around will be "modified". Generally, it is to reduce the credit of the character and reassess his position in history.

Li Tan was ready to attack the city. Even if they really attack the city, it will only be a kind of intimidation. They really won\'t destroy jidoro. Otherwise, why should they come to rescue Peshawar.

The purpose of siege is to let these barbarians have a deep enough understanding of the majesty of the Han Dynasty and know that any contempt for the Han Empire will suffer an immeasurable price.

At this stage, there is basically nothing else about their affairs. Li Tan will cooperate with Ma Bin to master jidoro to the greatest extent. If Sasan sends another army, it will respond appropriately as appropriate.

Li Tan to luhmaru It doesn\'t matter what attitude it shows. He talked with Ma Bin for a while and asked if he wanted to change jidoro\'s head of state.

"Luhmaru has great prestige and is a wise man." After careful consideration, Ma Bin said that the representative would also be responsible: "I think the current situation is not suitable for luhemaru."

Li tan just asked. If he didn\'t cross the line, he wouldn\'t take the initiative to do anything. He would only be busy with military related things.

On the side of jidoro, he was in a hurry to meet the king\'s division of the Han Dynasty. Except that the Lord led the princes to meet him, there was no scene of eating pot pulp to meet the king\'s division.

Li Tan\'s discontent is naturally discontent. It\'s not all the fault of sending DORO. It\'s the responsibility of Ma Bin and others.

"The soldiers and civilians in the city suffered heavy casualties, and the fire in the urban area failed to be put out..." Ma Bin said, and didn\'t say much at all. He was a minister of the Han Empire, not a jidoro. He pleaded guilty and said, "it\'s my fault!"

How miserable it is to send Dora. It\'s none of the Han Army\'s business such as Li Tan!

They came as saviors and did not receive enough attention, even if they were pretending!

After the Han army began to enter the city, everyone, whether officers or soldiers, looked at the empty square and turned completely black.

"Lao Tzu\'s hundreds of miles to help, is to save such goods?"

"Barbarians who don\'t understand etiquette!"

"Those who drink blood!"

The officers did not restrain the abusive soldiers, and they could even say that they were indignant.

The first batch of cavalry did not enter the city, and not even many cavalry entered the city. Small cities such as Peshawar, especially in a tragic war, simply could not accommodate many troops.

Moreover, even if it could be accommodated, Li Tan would not bring all the troops into the city, but temporarily deployed 3000 troops to change infantry.

The Han soldiers who entered the city with anger subconsciously maintained a posture of waiting for war, and the originally noisy steps gradually began to unify.

The army boots stepped on the roadside with blood stains. The sound of neat steps was like a war drum being sounded, which attracted the attention of the soldiers and people in Peshawar who were busy putting out the fire.

When the soldiers and civilians in Peshawar looked, they saw the Han Army coming out of the city gate. They first marched in a queue to the left and right sides, full of infantry into a long square array, but even the Han army would keep stepping in place.

"Don\'t you say you have no clothes? Wear the same robe with your son. The king raised his teacher and repaired my spear.

..., Tongze with Zi. Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear and halberd.

How can it be said that you have nothing to wear? I will share my lower garments with you. Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my armour. Go with your son! "

The city of Peshawar is the size of the county where the city walls were not demolished before the Han Empire. The only feature is the palace fortress built in the towering terrain. Otherwise, if there is anything special, it is probably the chaotic urban construction planning.

Li Tan frowned when he heard that he was singing the book of songs. Qin Feng. No clothes.

This military song is very meaningful to the troops of Zhuxia. It is usually sung when facing a dead war, or it will be sung only when they feel greatly insulted.

The Han troops entering the city were singing. When the Han troops outside the city heard the sound, they all looked up at Peshawar. Some soldiers at sensitive points were checking their armor and equipment, waiting for a new round of fighting at any time.

"Han envoy, this......" luhmaru Jiduo could feel that the Han Army entering the city changed from ease to anger, and the ferocity that could erupt anytime and anywhere: "this... Why?"

Ma Bin was too lazy to correct luhmaru Jiduo addressed himself with a smile and said, "Lord, our soldiers feel greatly insulted."

"How?" Luhmaru Sending more was both astonishment and accident: "Xiao Wang personally led all officials to meet him, and prepared a banquet in the king\'s palace with rich food..."

"Zhuxia is polite and called Yi." Ma Bin continued to smile: "haven\'t the Lord asked about the great man? I don\'t know if he has heard of eating pot pulp to meet the king?"

The translator is a person who is familiar with the etiquette of the Han Empire. He has just privately advised Lu hemalu Senduo didn\'t pay attention, and even thought they were too miserable. If they didn\'t do those formal etiquette, the Han people should be considerate.

Obviously, the top level of the Han people will be considerate to some extent, but the soldier group may not be.

"What should I do with this?" Luhmaru Jiduo was really a little nervous. He came out to meet him. The Han people were not satisfied. They couldn\'t make irreversible mistakes in such things and hurried to zanbu Titanawa shouted, "the prime minister, organize to meet the crowd, be lively, be sincere, give everything, and absolutely satisfy the king of Han!"

Zamb Titanava looked at the flustered luhmaru with bursts of amazement Jiduo and the princes, nobles and officials whose faces became unusually strange looked at the Han soldiers who were more and more excited. They nodded fiercely: "I understand, I understand, I fully understand!"

In fact, Ma Bin felt very boring. He forced others to dry food and pot pulp to meet Master Wang. Fake is fake. It\'s not really so refreshing and comfortable.

Li Tan\'s face was completely black. He snorted coldly and controlled the war horse to cross luhmaru Jiduo, the country\'s leader, with a cold face, began to go in the direction of the palace fortress. Behind him were the Han soldiers who lined up to follow.

Of course, the Han Army saw the tragedy of Peshawar, but still that sentence, it didn\'t happen in the Han territory. What\'s the matter with them?

In luhmaru With the great attention of the king Jiduo and the strong cooperation of princes, nobles and officials, when the Han army arrived near the city, it was a bit like a scene to meet the Savior.

The Peshawar soldiers and civilians who were gathered to meet them did not understand. Which is important to fight fire, save people and meet reinforcements? Everyone will think that fire fighting and saving people are more important.

Unwilling to greet, there was no cheering. Some Peshawar soldiers and people even looked at the Han army with hostile eyes.

"Is it too obvious to do so?" Musadiro Seeing more and more obvious displeasure of the Han Army, Jiduo said with a little hesitation: "it has angered the Han people, they... I\'m afraid they will really explode."

Luhmaru Do you know how to arrange to meet the Savior? Or can he make a scene of sincerely welcoming the Han army? Obviously, he had the ability to do it, but he used the worst way.

"We have suffered heavy losses and are still losing..." luhmaru Jiduo has his own consideration: "we don\'t have many royal troops. If we lose the love of the people of Peshawar, then..."

There is no doubt that the soldiers and people of Peshawar must be grateful to the Han army who came to rescue. If there were no Han Army, they would really have to wait for their own king Qin army to come. It is estimated that Peshawar should have fallen in addition to the palace fortress.

Of course, the soldiers and people of Peshawar are grateful to the Han army. The problem is that they have more important things to do than welcoming the Han army. Putting out fire is a top priority. Otherwise, the fire may spread again. Then there are the families of dead relatives. Is it necessary for them to find their dead families and converge?

When they were busy with what was important to them, someone ran over and told them that they must put down everything in their hands and run to meet the Han army. If they did not meet the Han Army, they would be angry and might change from a reinforcement to a more ferocious enemy.

Tell me, what should be the mood of the army and people in Peshawar?

"Did I kill his father or his mother? Look at me like that."

"Lao Tzu, who Lao Tzu? Who knows what\'s wrong with the people here!"

Originally, the soldiers and civilians in Peshawar finally knew something and were willing to come to meet the rescue army. The unhappy Han army officers and soldiers were relieved.

However, they were often stared at by angry and hostile eyes. The Han soldiers were no longer broad-minded and comfortable.

"Li Zhonglang will." Ma Bin caught up with Li Tan and didn\'t lower his voice: "it\'s not suitable to enter the city again."

"Huh!?" Li Tan\'s face was darker than before, and his hand was put on the hilt of the sword at his waist: "Ma Zan painting, you are seriously derelict!"

Ma Bin knew that luhmaru was a person with ideas and ability, but he didn\'t expect that luhmaru\'s courage would be so great that he incited the army and people of Peshawar to be hostile to the Han army.

"It\'s dereliction of duty!" Ma Bin did not have any excuse, and even looked very calm: "I think luhmaru can\'t stay!"

"How to do it, you say." Li Tan did not rein in, but still moved forward slowly: "what to do, whether to do it or not, I would have made a choice."

"Please also ask Li Zhonglang to cooperate." Ma Bin begged as he trotted: "when you enter the palace, the villain will kill the Lord of the country who knows no good or evil. Li Zhonglang will lead the army to control the palace and open the Treasury to bribe the soldiers and people in the city. The villain urgently went to the shogunate and asked the general to decide on the choice of the new country master sent to Dora."

Before, Li Tan didn\'t care about Lu hemalu at all Jiduo is immortal. I can see that the scene now is luhemaru Send more out, immediately broke out infinite murderous spirit.

That is, in the country, no one will deliberately find the military unhappy. Those who dare to find the Han Army unhappy in the war abroad are basically killed, but they can\'t be happy to come to the rescue? There is no such reason!

Li Tan whispered a few words to his personal captain.

The military orders were conveyed layer after layer, and then the heralds went out of the city.

"They..." Zamb Titanava has been following the trend of the Han army. He saw some unusual things and his teeth trembled: "this... Those who want to live, stay away from the Lord."

It\'s not just Zamb Titanawa found the abnormality of the Han Army, for example, some people moved more frequently, the murderous spirit of the soldiers became more and more serious, and they stopped paying attention to luhmaru Send more to this country.

Zamb Titanawa\'s choice is to be close to Ma Bin and make various promises with a smiling face.

As for the notice to luhmaru Send more, the situation is bad, or are you ready to fight back? Zamb Titanava was already against luhmaru The senses of sending more are not very good, even very uncomfortable. Sending more royal families takes up too many resources. He doesn\'t think he has the ability to fight back, and he doesn\'t want to do it.

It takes about fifteen miles from the north gate to the palace fortress. The follow-up troops are already advancing before the Han Army in the advanced city reaches the Palace Square.

After entering the city, the Han army began to occupy all areas to be controlled under the blankly gaze of the Peshawar army and people. At the same time, it also began to distribute its own cordon of each force.

Luhmaru Of course, Jiduo felt unusual. Even with that self-confidence, the Han army would not operate on him no matter how unhappy he was. His confidence comes from Jiduo\'s royal family\'s rule over the country for more than 100 years, as well as his never-ending efforts to buy people\'s hearts. He himself is absolutely deeply loved. The Han Empire can\'t get a useful jidoro without his cooperation.

"The Lord of that country, do not respect the king, do not know the number of days!" As Ma Bin walked, he suddenly turned around and yelled, and then took out the sword around his waist. It was in luhemalu When Jiduo turned to look at the translator, he waved his sword, ignored the blood splashed on his body, walked over and screwed up the stunned head: "when you die!"