Swallowing the Heavens


Now that he wanted to enter the fifth level of the Golden Core Realm, Wu Yu devoted himself to studying the magical formations.

He discovered that his interest in this area was much greater than he had imagined.

This also made him understand that cultivation wasn't just limited to bitter cultivation and battles. In other places, perhaps even resting and sleeping could help him gain enlightenment and ascend to the immortal realm once and for all.

"On the path of Immortal Cultivation, the most taboo is to be impetuous. It is true that I am trapped in the supreme hunting grounds, but even so, I must remain calm. This is the way to allow me to return to Mount Shu as soon as possible."

Although Wu Yu wasn't sure if he was right or wrong, he was firm in his determination and didn't waver in the slightest.

"Fireball Charm." Wu Yu didn't have the ability to draw talismans for someone who had just started learning how to cast spells. But if he could do that, he would be able to defeat a master of the Tenth Heaven in the mortal world.

Everything has a beginning. If you want to gain access to the great Dao, you have to start from the small Dao.

There were many blank talismans left behind by the Black Mountain Ghost Wings. Most of the talismans were used to draw fireball talismans, but it was a bit of a waste.

However, Wu Yu was quite wealthy, so he didn't mind. First of all, he had thoroughly studied the principles, details, and sequence of the fireball charms, memorizing them backwards like the back of his hand. Even those places where he could easily be distracted and make mistakes, he knew them like the back of his hand.

After that, he started to take out the talisman paper. He used his Dan Yuan to condense a 'formation brush' on his finger and began drawing. The process of drawing was in fact a process of continuously casting spells. It was not an ordinary attack.

There were many Tao techniques that were arranged in a specific order. When a certain amount of balance was reached, it would become a formation.

The spell formation was something similar to a machine. It had the same principles as a machine.

Wu Yu was completely focused on the magic brush and paper in his hand. The concentration required to draw the magic circle was too high, and he also needed to control his alchemy energy much more than alchemy, so most of the time, novices would have a splitting headache. If he couldn't hold it in, then he would break the magic circle midway.

Wu Yu's first attempt was to draw it to the last third, when his spirit was exhausted, his entire body was covered in sweat, and his eyes were almost burning up. In that moment, a headache came, and he forcefully endured it, and the talisman in his hand started to burn a little bit slower, causing the spell formation to collapse.



However, the second time was even worse. Just as he began drawing, he deviated and destroyed another talisman.

The first time I failed, the second time I was not willing to accept it. I wanted to succeed once and for all so I failed even faster, not only in drawing the formation, the principles of the world were the same. It seems like I need to calm down, think for a day, rest for a day, and then continue.

Wu Yu was very rational in this aspect, and he knew that it was best to stop. He chose to stop, relax, and turn his attention to other things, such as continuing to refine the golden pellets.

During the process of refining the golden pellet, his refining speed was still faster than others. However, Wu Yu still felt that there was something missing from the mechanical refining process.

"Maybe it's because the aurous core lacks some of the charm of the Dao!"

He had comprehended so many things in such a short amount of time because of his personality and also because of his comprehension ability.

"In order to kill an enemy, one must be violent, and one's will must be firm and unyielding. To do so against the will of the heavens, one must be calm and unflustered and follow the Dao." After a series of summaries, Wu Yu felt that he was clearly different from before.

In the past, it was like a cultivation machine. But now, he gradually felt the existence of the Dao and realized that the path of cultivation was as deep as the sea. It wasn't as simple as it looked on the surface.

After about ten days, Wu Yu, who tried once a day, was finally able to refine the first 'Fireball Charm'. When he held this charm in his hand, Wu Yu faintly smiled, as he had expected.

If he was impetuous, he knew he would never succeed.

When he saw that the Nine Infants outside were still absorbing the spiritual energy and essence, he activated the Fireball Charm and threw it towards the Nine Infants. During this process, the talisman turned into a fist-sized ball of flame and charged toward the Nine Infants.

The Nine Infant knew that he was in the midst of learning array formations. At this time, he lazily opened his eyes. To these devils with terrifying bloodlines, cultivating was like sleeping and was very comfortable.


The fireball talisman hit the Nine Infant's scale armor and was instantly extinguished.

"It's almost like scratching an itch." He was already very familiar with this, so the nine babies attacked him.

"Next time, I'll make you look at me in a new light." Wu Yu smiled lightly and continued to immerse himself in his research.

"One success, even though it's only a Fireball Talisman, it's still a qualitative leap. After succeeding, my thoughts would clear, and I would actually feel incomparably comfortable."

Wu Yu felt a vague sense of improvement as he studied the magical formation for what seemed like a long period of time. Now that he looked at the Jindan (Golden Elixir), even though he was still using the high-grade Heavenly Immortal technique to refine it, he still felt that it was slightly different.

In this way, the Pill Fire on his Aurous Core seemed to become even more violent.

"As I thought, pill refining, spell formation, and cultivation, all three of you have thought it through."

Wu Yu wasn't in a hurry after he had drawn up the first spell formation. He had used the Black Mountain Ghost Wings to concoct pills for several days, and in the end, he had even managed to refine a Gold Yuan Pill.

Of course, he had failed a few times before and wasted quite a few materials.

Even though the value of obtaining nine elemental elixirs was far inferior to wasting immortal spirits, he was still very excited. Directly consuming nine elemental elixirs to refine them felt much better.

Alchemy, magic formation, cultivation, all three of these factors were synchronized in order to comprehend the connection between them in a rational way. Although the refining speed of Jindan was far inferior to Wu Yu directly consuming thousands of Jindan pills, Wu Yu still felt a real improvement.

He was acutely aware that this' Dao 'was the key to becoming an Immortal.

However, only the 'Dao' would be able to become an Immortal. It would truly transcend the boundaries of life, reaching the Heavenly Court and becoming part of the Immortal Class. It would be immortal.

"All magic in the world can only be created by cultivation. Only by cultivating can one live forever."

These words constantly echoed in his heart.

Wu Yu had a nagging feeling that someone had once asked him, "Do you want to become an immortal?"

This question also surged in his heart. He had a feeling that he had met this person before. Could it be that Great Sage Qitian, Fighting Against the Buddha, had asked this question?

On the road of cultivation, three months after he advanced by leaps and bounds, the nine babies' bodies trembled and they flew into the cave. Their long hair fluttered in the wind as they smiled and said, "Being able to cultivate with you is truly a joyous thing. In this Paragon's Hunt, even the ninth sky of the Demonic Core might not be a match for me. "

Only now did Wu Yu realize that his previous cultivation base of the Nine Infants Faction was only at the sixth layer of the Demonic Core. His innate divine ability was so powerful, Wu Yu had even thought that it was a demonic core at the seventh level of the Refinement Realm.

But now that he had reached the seventh heaven, even the ninth heaven wasn't a match for him. It could be seen how powerful his ninth soul bloodline was.

However, his father was the number one demon of the Divine Continent, so it was rather normal for his Nine Infants to have such accomplishments. The reason Wu Yu was able to possess such formidable combat prowess at the fourth level of the Golden Core Realm was that he had shocked the Nine Infants.

At this time, Wu Yu had no treasure left in the world. He was like a Buddha, one of the rarest creatures in the world. He was unrivalled in this world.

"I will continue to grow stronger like this. I don't believe that if they force me, I will have no other way to leave this Supreme Hunting Ground! "Wu Yu, the best way is for me to personally send you away from Yun Meng."

Wu Yu, on the other hand, was refining pills, drawing talismans, and refining the golden pellets. Later on, he would start forging the magic tools, but first he would have to learn how to use the Heaven Shaking Hammer and the Crimson Flame Melting Furnace.

It seemed that the sea of fire in the barren desert where the Yi clan was located was called the 'Crimson Flame Melting Furnace'. The Black Mountain Ghost Wings might have been forged by the Tianyi clan.

Wu Yu was just learning how to forge magic tools, so it was harder than talismans. First, he had to forge a sword, and it looked very ugly, as black as ink, but because the magic tools array needed more time, it was a bit more complicated. After several unsuccessful attempts, he had wasted quite a few materials, but Wu Yu still chose to learn how to draw magic tools first.

After he was able to draw out around ten talisman inscriptions, he refined another magic tool. Finally, under great concentration, he succeeded once, and of course, the first magic tool he refined was inferior to the Demon Subduing Rod. There was only one simple 'Broken Formation'.

However, Wu Yu's repeated attempts to refine the elixir had helped him improve significantly. He could faintly understand what it meant to become one with the elixir.

Wu Yu quickly got up and came out, and in the darkness, he saw more than a dozen Moon-Piercing Dogs dashing over. The shadows in the night were very strange, and with a few whizzing sounds, the Moon-Piercing Dogs appeared before the Nine Infants. The Nine Infants, who were still in the form of demons, impatiently opened their eyes and looked at the Moon-Piercing Dogs.

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….

It was a long vacation, so the brothers had to be careful when they went out for fun.