Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 4 - CH 244

Due to Meng Xin and Xing Gao’s presence, Rou Anna had to swallow the bitter pill. Mu Yu changed the topic. “So… nobody knows what the thing in the heart of the lake is?”

Still staring at Mu Yu, Rou Anna shared, “Historic records say nature reacts when treasures emerge. Perhaps a rare treasure has appeared in the centre of the lake?”

Xing Gao: “Impossible. The fiend qi in there is too prominent to be a treasure. My three-eyed condor has been unsettled ever since sensing the fiend qi. I hypothesise a powerful fiend beast has surfaced. Have any of you heard of the fiend kings’ legend?”

Meng Xin: “It is said that humanity sealed the white ape fiend king somewhere in Second Heaven. Is that what you are pointing to, perchance? We should not jump to conclusions, in my opinion, for it is but a legend.”

Xing Gao: “There is no smoke without fire. Second Heaven was the fiend race’s world until they broke the rules of Second Heaven several centuries ago, resulting in their extermination. Not seeing them at Third Heaven does not conclusive decide that they are extinct. No one knows where the ten fiend kings disappeared to a thousand years ago. That being said, it is confirmed the white ape fiend king is located in Second Realm.”

Mu Yu: “What was this rule they broke? Who or what annihilated them? Wasn’t it humanity?”

Xing Gao caressed his condor to calm it down and explained, “It is an abstract concept that we lack a definitive definition for. Who or what annihilated them is also a mystery. According to my condor, their king is resurfacing from the centre of the lake.”

Xiaoshuai whispered in Mu Yu’s ear, “He’s right. The aura coming from the lake matches the one core in the underground palace. That said, he’s pretty much an ordinary fiend beast without his core. He won’t be much of a challenge.”

Mu Yu quickly scouted the area, speculating Qiao Xue might be watching from the shadows and preparing to rescue the fiend king. Noticing that, Rou Anna interrogated, “What are you looking around for?”

“Question: is there a way to leave Second Heaven without a jade piece?” Mu Yu inquired.

Xing Gao: “No. The only exceptions to the Primordial Realm limit are fiend beasts. That’s how I brought my condor along and how you brought your cute rodent along.”

“Cute rodent? Who you calling a rodent?” griped Xiaoshuai, crawling back into Mu Yu’s shirt.

Rou Anna teased, “Why the sudden question? Did you lose your jade piece?”

“Just asking. I still have mine,” fibbed Mu Yu.

Xing Gao: “There’s some sort of energy field restricting access to the centre of the lake. Does anyone here have any means of defusing it?”

The fact they all looked at each other said all that needed to be said.

A youth rowdily glided over to the trio. The aloof-looking youth saluted the trio, “Hello, Brother Xing, Goddesses, how do you do?”

Xing Gao responded in kind. “It’s nice to see you, Brother Zuo Fengjian.”

Zuo Fengjian was considered a big jump up from his two juniors. He had made a name for himself by fifteen, sparking twenty tyrants from Forest Mud Hill, where rogues of the world of cultivation used to gather, on his own. All of them were Primordial Infant Realm Ninth Layer sinners. There was an eight layer difference between them when Zuo Fengjian put them away. Zuo Fengjian had reached Primordial Infant Realm’s Ninth Layer and still remained undefeated.

Smiling, Zuo Fengjian asked, “This is…”

“Let me introduce you. This is Sword Purifying Valley’s Zuo Fengjian. His name comes from his proficient swordplay using his left hand. This is Pill Cauldron Sect’s Mu Yu. He is Elder Eternally Youthful Ku Mu’s only disciple. At Floating Celestial Island, he…” Xing Gao ended his sentence abruptly when he sensed the hostility permeating.

Zuo Fengjian aimed his sword at Mu Yu. In a cold voice, he questioned, “You were the one who killed my juniors, Kuai Jian and Man Jian, Mu Yu?”

“And? You want to avenge them?”

“That is a matter of course!”

Mu Yu smiled. “I cut them both down when I was a Golden Core Realm cultivator. I have now reached Primordial Infant Realm. I don’t mind bumping up my win streak.”

Angry, Zuo Fengjian accepted the challenge. “Let us put your swordplay to the test, then.”

Xing Gao saw sound reasons to give Mu Yu a hand. Hence, he asserted, “Please stop you two. You are both respected in your respective fields. If there are any losses, your fields would have lost a valuable member. Furthermore, Brother Zuo Jianfeng, people will disparage you for bullying someone weaker than yourself.”

Though Mu Yu had made a name for himself as an alchemist, Zuo Fengjian’s combat prowess was evaluated higher as alchemists weren’t held in high regard in the combat department.

“I don’t like people pointing their sword in my face, though,” stated Mu Yu.

“Brother Xing Gao has a point. Brother Zuo Jianfeng, please lay down your sword in light of Brother Xing Gao’s plea. We are all comrades here at Second Heaven. Let us settle private issues once we return,” supplemented Meng Xin.

“I’ll spare you out of respect for Brother Xing Gao and Goddess Meng Xin. Should we meet again alone, I won’t hold back. I’ve already ended more prodigies than I can remember. You will just be another,” declared Zuo Jianfeng, stowing his sword away.

Rou Anna was disappointed with the result.

“Looking forward to it,” affronted Mu Yu.

Whoosh! Spiritual energy fragments belted down from the sky, sending tremors through the earth.

“The lake’s defensive power has crumbled,” informed Meng Xin.

The quintet sped off toward the mountain in the centre of the lake.