Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 4 - CH 234

The confrontation was more intense than the frigid winds on the mountain.

Mu Yu: Why is my jade piece split? Items in my cosmos sleeve can’t bang against each other.

“Hahaha, my grandpa tampered with your piece. Didn’t see that coming, did you?”

“He tampered with it? How would he have known I’d receive which piece? Patriarch was the one who distributed them at random.”

“And that’s why my grandpa is amazing. He’s in charge of their creation, and he tampered with all of them. Grandpa went through a lot to ensure you would be stuck here,” Shi Minghui smugly explained.

“Why are yours fine, then?” Mu Yu looked to the formation detaining him. “This formation?”

“You brought our plan to fruition the moment you stepped into the formation,” stated Tian Yun.

“The formation resonates with the jade piece. When you stepped into the formation, the formation destroyed your jade piece without any warnings or signs. At the same time, it cuts you off from the teleportation formation. That’s why you’re still here and will always be here,” hostilely elaborated Shi Minghui.

Mu Yu was confident he could handle them in combat, but the scheme caught him off guard. There was no hope of recuse in a decade’s time for the two sore losers wouldn’t inform anyone who could potentially help him. Even if he could contact someone within the next few days, they couldn’t take them with him due to the jade limiting it to one person per use. It would only be a matter of time before he was dinner for one of the high-level fiend beasts.

“Hahaha, I like that you didn’t bring the dragon vine with you. I’ll let useless Ku Mu know and then have someone assassinate him for the dragon vine,” ridiculed Shi Minghui.

“No mercy shall be shown.”

Mu Yu quickly learnt the formation’s configuration. He could see the formation foundation in a corner that had been covered up. He plunged Shadow Splitter Sword into the spot, dismantling the formation.

Shi Minghui and Tian Yun flinched. Mu Yu sent thousands of swords after the cousins and brayed, “You have to pay if you want me to die!”

“Don’t you think you can just push us around!” raged Tian Yun, summoning a colourful shield and creating seven clones to guard against Mu Yu’s sword qi.

Mu Yu’s sword qi attacks were unable to do as much as budge the shields. Celestial Star Shield was one of Celestial Star Sect’s most precious items for its toughness.


Tian Yun revealed a spear hiding in the centre of his shield and lunged toward Mu Yu. Mu Yu stepped off the line, albeit still letting the blade scrape his hairline.

Celestial Star Spear was lauded as the spear that could pierce through anything. The spear couldn’t be used to demolish the shield, so they were supposed to be invincible. The combo was the sacred item of Celestial Spear Sect and reserved for only their patriarch. Tian Yun’s father only imparted it with him for his sake while at Second Heaven. There was no better demonstration of its fame’s credibility than the fact Tian Yun was able to stay alive against the fierce fiend beasts when he was worlds away from his father’s level.

The eight shields shot eight spears in synchrony. Mu Yu’s calmness was the only reason he was able to pick the best course of action. Mu Yu gathered his five swords around him and repelled the incoming spears. The sword qi and gales’ clashes heated the spiritual qi. Mu Yu expected a quick victory; alas, Tian Yun’s weapons bolstered his combat prowess markedly.

“Damn it, why can’t my spears break his sword?”

Shi Minghui hurled dozens of explosion pills and detonated them above Mu Yu. Boom! The amber rock was blown to smithereens, and a crater was left in the mountain.

“He dead?” asked Tian Yun, trying to flap away the dust and smoke.

“Hmph, my grandpa’s level six explosion pills could kill a Body Severing Realm First Layer cultivator. He might be impressive, but there’s no way he’s surviving that,” replied pampered Shi Minghui, licking his lips.

Shi Minghui used an extreme strategy because of Mu Yu’s rumoured excellence in combat.

Once the dust settled, all that was left was a punctured green sword hovering in the sky.