Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 4 - CH 229

“That’s preposterous. Fiends have fiend beast traits to some extent. I’m a pure human. Can’t you distinguish?” calmly questioned Qiao Xue.

“I don’t doubt you’re human, but you’re associated with the fiend race somehow. You know far more than what is reasonable, thus my suspicion. Firstly, you claim to be from Secular Sect, but I never found the lotus tattoo on your wrist any of the times I went to your aid. From that, it’s conclusive you’re not a disciple of Secular World Sect.”

“Is that important? What, only Secular World Sect’s disciples can be here at Second Heaven?”

“That’s not the point. We can justify you knowing so much about Second Heaven if we assume the eight sects are well-informed. That being said, they wouldn’t understand the fiend language. I’m acquainted with one of Secular World Sect’s disciples. She told me cultivators’ knowledge on fiends is minimal. Even the eight sects have very little records on the fiend race.”

“I know relatively more makes me suspicious? Is there a rule stating one can’t study the fiend language? Your allegations stand on feeble legs.”

“Show me the teleportation jade, then. When I asked you to crush it, you had no clue what it was. Everyone who was sent here had to closely guard theirs. You can’t shirk that one, can you?”

“…” What response could she give when she entered Second Heaven via other means.

“Those points aren’t sufficient for me to make a case. The most suspicious part is you knew the fiend race’s mysterious sacrificial practice, and you claimed you couldn’t control the spiritual energy the azure dragon fiend king left behind, yet you absorbed said spiritual energy without a hitch later on.”

“Exactly. How would you have been able to usher the big honey pea out if you didn’t possess energy rivalling it,” added Xiaoshuai.

Qiao Xue rose to her feet and silently looked at Mu Yu for a while. Finally, she broke the silence. “Why did you help me if you have been suspecting me?”

“Well, we did go through thick and thin together this entire quest. I can’t just sit by and watch you die. I’m more curious as to why I don’t remember seeing you at Pill Cauldron Sect. If you didn’t come here via the teleportation formation at Pill Cauldron Sect, how did you come here? There’s one thing I’m sure of. You’re from Third Realm because you know enough about it.”

Mu Yu had suspicions Qiao Xue used a formation belonging to the fiend race to travel to Second Heaven. If the elemental demons had a means of travelling to Second Heaven without going through Pill Cauldron Sect, the fiend race must’ve had a method for reaching Second Heaven.

“I don’t want to explain too much. I must have the core. If you try to stop me, I won’t hold back,” asserted Qiao Xue, removing her blue ribbon from her arm and wreathing it around her.

“You sure recover quick.” Mu Yu’s right arm was only fifty percent better, yet Qiao Xue’s arm was already at one hundred percent.

Qiao Xue advanced a step and demanded, “Hand the core over.”

“No. The big honey pea is mine.”

“Haha, how are you going to defeat me when you were at the white ape fiend king’s mercy?” Mu Yu’s confidence also came from the pills Elder Leng gave him.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. My grandpa taught me not to reveal my true skills when travelling in the company of others.”

“All right, let’s see what you’ve got.”

Countenance frigid, Qiao Xue try to box Mu Yu in using her blue ribbon. Mu Yu really didn’t want to fight against the blue ribbon after witnessing all the functions it was capable of. He slashed at the ribbon to circumvent her trap strategy. He swung harder than usual as he was aware it was capable of reducing his output. His sword qi cut through the ribbon, slicing off multiple chunks.

“That’s it?” Mu Yu’s strike might’ve been harder than usual, but it was only a feeler. It didn’t make sense for it to tear through so easily.

The fragments Mu Yu cut transformed into watermelon-sized raindrop and belted down on him. The droplets transformed again, assuming the form of ice picks sitting just above his vitals.

“You can control water?” asked Mu Yu, thinking, “Does that mean she also has a spirit lord’s power sealed in her?”

During Mu Yu’s moments of distraction, the ice pick next to his hand melted and transformed into a hand. Qiao Xue used the water hand to snatch the core.

“I’ve been searching for you!”

Qiao Xue bit down on her lip and stated, “I will spare you for you helped me. Consider us even. My water spirit won’t show mercy the next time we meet because you know my secret.”

Qiao Xue used her ice pick for a boost and vanished in the water droplet. The ice picks reverted to the blue ribbon form and smashed in the wall. She, the blue ribbon, seeped through the gaps in the wall as water and took off.

“Wait up! Hey! We’re the same! Wait!” Mu Yu called as he chased. “I can control wood. Wait up!”

“The blue ribbon must be the water demon’s water spirit, huh?” questioned Xiaoshuai.

“Water spirit? So, it’s the same was the wood spirit sword of mine? She must’ve been hiding her abilities from the public. I need to find her and set this straight. I need to let her know that we’re allies.”

Mu Yu decided to adopt Qiao Xue’s approach. He took out grass and stuck them into the cracks of rocks. He dove into the grass and raced after Qiao Xue.