Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 4 - CH 215

“Does it eat dog poop or something? God, its gut’s repugnant.”

“It’s a three-tail fiend dog. What else do you expect it to eat?”

“Curse this thing. Ah, found the fiend spirit.”

“Give it to me. Don’t eat it!”

Cooperation begets wealth, they say. The human and spirit beast duo had just finished taking down another fiend beast using their teamwork. They had been in the marsh for two entire days and proved their strategy was effective against over a dozen Level Four fiend beasts.

“Hurry up. I just caught the faint aura of a Level Five fiend beast. Those things are virtually Body Severing Realm cultivators. We won’t be able to outrun it.”

The three-tail fiend dog collapsed, eyes bloodshot and took its last exasperated breath. Xiaoshuai crawled out of its mouth and tossed the fiend spirit to Mu Yu. Mu Yu could clearly see the teeth marks on the fiend spirit. “I told you to give it to me, man.”

“It just accidentally touched my mouth,” fibbed Xiaoshuai, soaking wet.

“I give up.”

Mu Yu made a face basin out of a tree and filled it with clean water so that Xiaoshuai could wash himself off after each kill. Xiaoshuai, needless to say, deserved credit for his precise spiritual qi control, allowing him to easily expel the stench.

Mu Yu had four fiend beasts. Xiaoshuai obviously guzzled the rest. Mu Yu didn’t need them as he had an enviable aptitude for cultivation. That, however, didn’t mean others didn’t need it.

It took two days, but they finally reached the end of the marsh and could walk on solid ground again. Up ahead was a large grass plain. A big river ran through the plain. The trees were larger, taller and lusher than any others Mu Yu had seen. The primitive landscape of the world was directly correlated to the lack of human habitation.

According to the map on hand, there was an ocean at the bottom corner of it. The circle next to it indicated it was a marsh. Beyond said marsh was a grass plain and river. Subsequently, nine qi soul purification flowers were found on the mountain to the east, located three days away if flying. The mountain, Six Fingers Mountain, was supposed to stand out. Dark herb was found at Snow Valley in the northwest. They were going to be up against a horde of tough, cold-resistant, high-level fiend beasts there. The only person in the generation to have caught a glimpse of a dark herb was Daoist Yun Dan, who had to see it from far away due to the presence of the fiend beasts. For that reason, Ku Mu requested Daoist Yun Dan paint a Snow Valley to see if it could help Mu Yu. Either way, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Mu Yu stretched out in the warm sunlight he had been deprived of for two days in the murky marsh’s mist. Prolonged exposure to the gloomy environment induced fatigue.

“We have two fiend beasts coming. I’m tired of fighting them. It’s waste of time and tiring.”

Mu Yu took out grass and dove in to give the two fiend beasts the slip. Two dark disturbances emerged from the marsh. What Mu Yu thought were fiend beasts were actually two of Ghost Gate’s members. He wasn’t certain if the black qi oozing from them was the cause, but plants they left a layer of ice on plants they passed by. The grass they stepped on withered instantaneously.

Once the duo’s ghost qi settled down, Mu Yu could see the male and female. The male looked ghastly pale, yet his eyes were sharp. The maiden looked aloof. Her eyeballs were totally black. A unique trait of Ghost Gates’ members were they sported physical appearances of the dead.

“Senior Brother Xuanyue, where are we off to next?” asked the maiden, voice monotone.

“Senior Brother Xuanyue? Gui Xuanyue?” wondered Mu Yu.

“We need to collect a few fiend souls first and foremost. If His Eminence can make it to Ghost Island, we wouldn’t need to drag ourselves through all this trouble. Sword Shadow Dust Gale was just too strong, though. We’re no match for him.”

“That’s Gui Xuanyue all right. He looks different. Is he searching for another body? Where is his twin, then? Would he have already found a twin?” deliberated Mu Yu.

“That being case, we need to use Soul Searching Formation to locate the fiend race. It’ll be difficult to kill them for their fiend souls, nonetheless. I’m positive they have a means to enter Third Realm. They should lead us to the white ape fiend king if we tail them,” opined the maiden.

“Let’s find the others first. Good thing we were dropped off close to each other. Also, we need to find a secluded place to deploy the formation, or the fiend beasts might catch us. His Eminence’s Nine Walk-in Formations is also ready. We must capture the white ape fiend king”

The two took to the sky and went on their way once they ensured nobody noticed them. Mu Yu stayed hidden for a while longer before coming out of hiding. His hiding spot also had a layer of condensed snow.

Had Mu Yu not learnt of Ghost Gate’s ulterior motives, he would’ve mistaken Ghost Gate was aiming to stop the fiend race’s revival.

“Nine Walk-in Formations? They’re collecting human spirit souls for Gui Jiuming’s Nine Walk-in Formations, which is to say, this His Eminence character is Gui Jiuming?” contemplated Mu Yu. He gazed into the distance and fell into deep thought. “Where does the white ape fiend king fit into all this? How do they now it’s here? The fiend race departed from Third Continent long ago, didn’t they? Actually, how did they even get here? Their disciple died before I could pry its location from them. Is the white ape fiend king sealed here? How are Primordial Infant Realm cultivators going to subdue one of the great fiend kings?”

Scratching his head, Xiaoshuai queried, “We going to tail them?”

“Mm… No. It’s none of our business. We need to prioritise finding dark herb and nine qi soul purification flower,” answered Mu Yu, reasoning Feng Haochen could handle them as long as he could recover his cultivation. “I must say, Gui Xuanyue’s cultivation has improved drastically. He’s still ahead of me. Once I’ve found the herbs, I’ll kill him if opportunity presents itself.”