Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 3 - CH 210

Missing limbs couldn’t regrow unless one preserved the removed limb. The limb could be reattached, but rarely were limbs ever preserved in usable shape. Cultivators could shatter their arms in fights. Organs couldn’t regenerate. For that reason, nephrite regeneration pill was considered a miracle. Nephrite regeneration pill restored missing limbs to their prime.

“What do you want a nephrite regeneration pill for?”

Mu Yu couldn’t make out any of Elder Leng’s muttering. In the end, the only part clearly communicated was, “That’s none of your business. You received your payment, so do your job. Additionally, note down the procedure. Once I know how to resolve the incompatibilities, I can produce them.”

“Who lost a limb?”

“All right, you win. Nobody lost a limb. You know about wood residue accruing in alchemists’ bodies over time due to their interaction with herbs, I assume. See, Yun Dan and I spent a lot of effort to cultivate to this stage, but we’ve plateaued. For the sake of the sect, we need to continue improving. That’s where nephrite regeneration pill comes in. The replaced body parts will be free of wood residue, subsequently allowing us to reach higher levels and produce superior pills.

“I’m privy you possess wood attribute. You and that Ku Mu chose to follow an unorthodox path, so you two are free of the issue. However, he kept using his body as a test subject, leading to his spiritual energy being poisonous. You best not copy him.”

“I can help you out with that,” Mu Yu said with the corner of his lips curled up. He had another business transaction in mind.

“You’re just a Primordial Infant Realm brat at the moment. It would take you decades before you could help us extract the wood residue. Many elders would be gone by then. I’d be cold in the ground.”

“Fearless Elder Leng fears death, eh?”

“Shut up. I’m not fearful of death. There aren’t many Level Seven alchemists these days. It’s been hundreds of years since we have had a Level Eight alchemist in our ranks. Yao Wuji and Shi Dengtian are only Level Six alchemists. If they can’t level up before we pass on, Yun Dan will be the only Level Seven alchemist. That’s worrying… Ku Mu had the highest aptitude for reaching Level Seven. Unfortunately, he decided to go crooked. He deserves the consequences he bears now.”

“Oi, oi, is that any way to talk about your own disciple? His knowledge buries yours.”

“If he’s your shifu, that makes me your grandmaster, yet listen to your tone when you speak to me. His knowledge is what I passed on to him,” protested Elder Leng, dishing out another head smack.

Mu Yu curled his lips. “You don’t need the nephrite regeneration pill for that. I can give you a hand with that.”

“Still trying to fool me? Don’t start talking big just because you completed two pills.”

“Have you no idea how Alchemist Yao suddenly ascended to Spirit Severing Realm?”

“…” Interest piqued, Elder Leng questioned, “What, are you claiming you had a hand in it?”

“I helped Alchemist Yao out at Mist City. You know what? You can ask him for the details. Instead, I can prove it to you.”

Mu Yu seized Elder Leng’s hand. The elder jerked it back slightly but stopped when he deemed the boy couldn’t hurt him. Mu Yu mobilised Elder Leng’s fingers. Elder Leng’s uncooperative response led to Mu Yu instructing, “Don’t move.”

“Don’t try anything funny. Stop now. If you inject your spiritual energy into me, I can’t promise I won’t hurt you, s-.”

Elder Leng’s eyes flew open. Wood residue slithered its way to where Mu Yu’s spiritual energy originated. His finger turned green as the wood residue collected. “H-h-how are y-.”

“I guess Gramps’ stuttering really is contagious. Cut open your finger. Your skin is too thick for me to slice open.”

Elder Leng sliced his thumb using his other tub. Mu Yu drew out a streak of green light and rolled it into a ball. Elder Leng had a tremendous amount of wood residue trapped inside him compared to Alchemist Yao. Elder Leng tried twiddling his thumb. Lo and behold, it was no longer clunky. He shook Mu Yu and asked, “Your Lordship, how did you do it?”

“Stop! Stop! You’re killing me!”

“You need to help us with your ability! If you help us, we will be indebted to you!”

“I can help you… I don’t like Pill Cauldron Sect one bit, unfortunately. You all picked on Gramps when he lost his cultivation. Remember the way you kicked me around? You want me to help you? I helped Alchemist Yao out of respect for Cai Lie.” Mu Yu was back in his business mode.

“That is a misunderstanding, Your Lordship. We have beautiful scenery and nice people. What do you mean you don’t like us? We put you through all those obstacles so that nobody could object to you joining the group travelling to Second Heaven. We never made things hard for you, did we?”

Mu Yu honestly freaked out at the attitude shown.

As he was saying that, Elder Leng was thinking, “Yao Wuji, you sly fox. You didn’t even tell us about Mu Yu’s ability. I hope you’re sick of walking on those legs.”

“Beautiful scenery? Debatable. Nice people? Never seen one while I was here,” thought Mu Yu. He replied, “It costs spiritual energy. I can’t extract any more for another three days. I wouldn’t be able to clear all of yours out in half a year at this rate.”

That was another lie. First, it would raise eyebrows if he extracted it all in one sitting. Second, the ability was an asset.

“That’s fine, that’s fine. That’s still much faster than the rate I could manufacture nephrite regeneration pills. Plus, it would be difficult to collect all of the ingredients. You’re our light. Whatever it is you need, just say the word. If you want any pills, just say the word. We will do our best to cater to you.”

Elder Leng immediately offered Mu Yu several more vials. Therefore, Mu Yu responded, “All right. I can help you extract two fingers’ worth for today before I hit my limit. I will need three days to recover before I can do it again. Do we have a deal?”

Elder Leng unleashed a series of nods.