Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 3 - CH 200

“Let go of me!”

Mu Yu couldn’t break free of Shi Dengtian’s grasp. With Ku Mu out of the picture, Mu Yu didn’t see any reason to respect them.

“Insolence!” Shi Dengtian taught Mu Yu to watch his mouth physically.

“Stop!” demanded Elder Leng, splitting the two off from each other.

Shi Dengtian continued to pressure Mu Yu with his energy, causing Mu Yu to have gait issues.

“The pill is our treasure. It should be reserved for those who contribute to the clan, not to a cripple on the brink of death,” stated Shi Dengtian.

“Treasure? They’re the sect’s treasures?” Mu Yu hostilely asked.

“Our seniors conjured them. That’s not enough to qualify them as treasures?”

“I finished the pill. Did you take care of it as you would a treasure before I completed it? You treasured it so much that you let me just take it?”

“You should be honoured you completed it. An outsider has no right to defile Pill Cauldron Sect’s treasures. You should be grateful we didn’t incarcerate you.”

“Do you all agree with him? Do you all consider me an outsider?” Mu Yu inquired, voice frigid.

“Mu Yu, you already have a shifu, so you can’t be one of us. You are not one of us,” answered Daoist Yun Dan, frowning.

“What about Ku Mu? Isn’t he one of you? Aren’t you going to help him?”

“Of course we will. In saying that, whether or not we use the precious reversal pill to save him or not is not for you to decide,” justified Shi Dengtian.

“In other words, you plan to use it for yourselves? Will it be you, Shi Dengtian?” Mu Yu sarcastically questioned, snickering.

“Enough of your uncouth language!”

“Birds would fly upside down if they had your brain. You just refuted my membership, yet now you’re demanding respect from me. Which mentor of mine are you? To earn respect from others, learn to have self-respect first. I’d be polite if I had any respect for you, but I don’t.”

“If you don’t know how to show respect, you’ll have to lose teeth,” threatened Shi Dengtian, as he clenched his fists.

“I’d like to see you try.”

“… Patriarch will decide how the pill will be distributed,” Shi Dengtian wrathfully said.

“What do you think?” queried Daoist Yun Dan.

“Mu Yu completed the pill. To be fair, it belongs to him. As his association is the issue and Ku Mu brought him here, Ku Mu should have the right to decide,” responded Alchemist Yao.

“Ku Mu would understand such a valuable pill can’t be wasted on someone as useless as him,” Shi Dengtian suggested with a sneer.

“Useless this, useless that, is that how you treat your fellow martial siblings?” provoked Mu Yu.

“You done?”

“With your shamelessness? Sure.”

“Enough! I’ll make the call!” Elder Leng declared. Once everyone’s attention was redirected to him, he announced, “We deemed it impossible to complete. Therefore, it is fair and right to grant it to the person who did the impossible. Mu Yu, give it to Ku Mu.”

Vexed, Shi Dengtian spoke up. “Shishu, that is inappropr-.”

“You think you’re the rule here? You ruled over us? Since when?” rhetorically asked Elder Leng. “Ku Mu is our member and the master of Bamboo Peak. Since he took Mu Yu in as his disciple, Mu Yu is one of us. There’s no valid argument on that topic. Instead of trying to save your martial brother, you constantly insulted him in my presence. You think you have more authority than me now?”

“I apologise, Shishu.”

“Any other opinions?”

Aware there were other elders wielding authority, Mu Yu swept his gaze over everyone present to survey their reactions. Next, he gave Elder Leng a grateful nod before bolting off to the bamboo house.

“Wait,” called Elder Lan.

“Now what?” Mu Yu asked, vigilant this time.

“I might have handled the conversation with Ku Mu inappropriately…”

“Only ‘might have’?”

“He’s lucky to have you as a disciple.”

“You’ve never been more right today. I’m the compensation he was bestowed since his martial uncle is such a piece of work. That’s why I’m determined to be his best disciple.”

“Birds of the same feather really do flock together!” fumed Elder Leng.

“Patriarch, we have trouble,” Captain Liu reported as he descended and saluted everyone.

Daoist Yun Dan: “What happened?”

“Pill Mausoleum…”

Elder Leng: “What happened at Pill Mausoleum? Who would have the audacity to desecrate our predecessor’s resting place?”

“I do not know. A lightning bolt shattered a tomb. By the time we arrived, we could not find the source or anyone suspicious.”

“Whose tomb?” asked Daoist Yun Dan.

“Reverend Jiu Yang.”

“Who? Have I heard that somewhere?” wondered Mu Yu. He mused, “Oh, he’s the inventor of reversal pill. Why was there so many lightning strikes in bright daylight? They have too much free time on their hands up there or something?”

“Could it have been the lightning tribulation?” proposed Elder Leng.

Whether Reverend Jiu Yang felt completing his incomplete project was worth trading his tomb for would forever remain a question lacking a definitive answer. Why not take the optimistic route, though? Either way, Mu Yu was more concerned about saving Ku Mu.