Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 3 - CH 189

Rabbit in his arms, Mu Yu bolted to Ku Mu. Ku Mu’s face was red. He clutched the whip constricting his throat. His body convulsed as it fought for oxygen. An invisible force restrained the dragon vine.

“Who is the lecherous lout?” A woman asked in a cold voice as she emerged from the lake.

The nude woman’s piercing gaze was trained on Ku mu. She was clearly above Primordial Infant Realm since she could restrain the dragon vine without even trying.

Mu Yu flew in and pulled Ku Mu up to reduce the pressure on him. “Release him. He has no cultivation, while you are a cultivator. Is there any need to be so ruthless?!”

“Ordinary humans are forbidden from entering. An old man with no cultivation who peeps on me bathing deserves to die by all accounts.”

Mu Yu: Peeping on her bathing? I didn’t see anybody in the lake, and I’ve been gone for less than an hour. How did she end up in the lake?

Mu Yu demanded, “Release him first. There must be a misunderstanding here.”

The woman threw Ku Mu onto the shore then dove back into the water. Her clothing on the balcony vanished just as she did.

“God damn it, Gramps, learn to pick your time and place if you’re going to be a pervert. Why would you peep on her when you can’t beat her? I would begrudgingly accept defeat if I got a peek, but I didn’t see anything. Man, some luck,” whined Mu Yu, getting up and removing the whip around Ku Mu’s neck.

Coughing and breathing heavily, Ku Mu muttered, “I didn’t peep.”

“Ku Mu?” blurted the woman, astonished.

Mu Yu noticed blemishes time left on the woman’s face.

Ku Mu awkwardly repeated, “I didn’t. Peep.”

Boy, was Mu Yu glad they knew each other.

The woman readjusted herself and, switching back to her cold voice, scathingly asked, “The first thing you do upon returning is peeping on me bathing?”

“I didn’t,” repeated Ku Mu, averting his gaze from her.

“And who are you? Why did you infiltrate Pill Cauldron Sect?” The woman turned to Mu Yu.

“I never infiltrated. I rightfully entered through the front door. May I ask who you are?” Mu Yu replied.

“She’s Frosty Peak’s master,” quietly enlightened Ku Mu.

“Oh, the Elder Frost Cai Lie mentioned,” Mu Yu blurted before clearing his throat and pretending he never said anything.

“That’s what Cai Lie calls me?” The woman responded.

“Did I say something? I did not say anything.

Mu Yu: Sorry, Bro, but good luck when you meet Bing Xueling.

“I heard Patriarch mentioned you came back yesterday, yet only visited today. You don’t want to see me. Is that it?” emotionally inquired Bing Lengxue.

“I didn’t. Know you. Were here,” answered Ku Mu, rising to his feet.

“He meant he did not know you were here,” clarified Mu Yu.

“I understand him perfectly. I don’t need to hear it from you a second time,” reprimanded Bing Xueling, sending a chill down Mu Yu’s spine.

“Sheesh, I was just trying to help. Relax,” Mu Yu muttered under his breath.

“Why. Are you. Here?”

“Why am I here? This place belongs to Pill Cauldron Sect. I’m a sect elder. You tell me why I can’t be here. Are you the only one who’s allowed to leave for decades and come back or something?”

Man, she sounds as if she’d gut him at the first opportunity. What did Gramps do to her?

“This isn’t. Your place.”

“Oh, it isn’t now? Who was the one who did something guilty and then walked off?”

“You two chat. I shall not disturb you. I will go have a meal…” Mu Yu said. By the time he turned around, he discovered the rabbit he caught was gone.

“Wait,” called Ku Mu, catching Mu Yu’s shirt.

“The old one peeped on me while I was bathing. The young one wants to feast on my spirit pet. You think you can just walk away after what you’ve done?”

Mu Yu turned back to see the white rabbit snuggling up in Bing Lengxue’s chest the same way Xiaoshuai shamelessly would.

Bing Lengxue was present from the moment Ku Mu started spacing out at the rock. She never noticed them because the area was out of bounds to disciples. When she noticed Ku Mu’s presence, she mistook him for a disgraceful disciple, hence the violent reaction.

“Both incidents are misunderstandings. I did not know it was yours. I would not have dared to even think of it had I known it was yours. Gramps, you two must have a lot to say after all these years, so I won’t get in the way.”

Mu Yu’s remark had Ku Mu stuttering, “Y-y-you…”

“You brat,” Mu Yu finished.

“Y-y-y w-”

“You will be in for it later,” Mu Yu finished with a big exhale.

Interestingly, Bing Lengxue didn’t flip out at Mu Yu. Instead, she surveyed him and then the sky. “The dragon vine is nice.”

“The dragon vine is tasked with protecting Gramps. He needs some protection since he has no cultivation anymore. Could I ask you to release him?”

“You must be stupid to bring an evolved dragon vine here. You think you can protect it from all the alchemists here?” Bing Lengxue undid the restraints, allowing the dragon vine to fly back to Mu Yu’s side, albeit remaining on guard.

“Let’s go,” instructed Ku Mu.

Mu Yu soared off with Ku Mu after checking to ensure Bing Lengxue wasn’t going to chase them down. Whatever was going through her mind as she watched them take off, well, only he would ever know.