Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 3 - CH 183

“Why is Pill Cauldron Sect so darn far?” Mu Yu complained.

It took six days to reach Pill Cauldron Sect via flying at Primordial Infant Realm speed.

“Almost there,” stated Ku Mu.

“Almost there” and “You’re so slow” were the two lines Ku Mu repeated tirelessly. If he still had his cultivation, he’d have reached Pill Cauldron Sect in a single day. Without his cultivation, Ku Mu could feel fatigue he was foreign to unlike Mu Yu. Consequently, they needed to rest daily.

The dragon vine couldn’t return to its home since cultivators from Floating Celestial Island would just hunt it again. It transformed into a smaller version of itself and strapped itself to Mu Yu’s wrist. Mu Yu couldn’t bring along the dragon vine in its large size even though it preferred to be large, citing it was cooler. Why? Well, both of them were wanted criminals. They wouldn’t make it across two streets before they were chased.

“If you call me caterpillar again, I’ll eat you whole.”


“One on one me right now!”


There was no need to explicate who the two going back and forth were.

The dragon vine had the power to restrict and permit who could understand it – minus Xiaoshuai. Having developed trust in Ku Mu to a degree, it allowed the former to understand it.

They stopped at a Pill City, a city only a few hours away from Pill Cauldron Sect, for Ku Mu to have a respite for the night. Owing to the city’s proximity from the sect, the two could be considered associates. Pill Cauldron Sect actually owned a vast number of real estate properties in the city. If anyone needed an alchemist, they wouldn’t find as many to choose from anywhere else than Pill City. Logically, the loss of the scarcity element meant that alchemists weren’t valued as much in the city.

The primary reason Mu Yu chose to stay at “The World is My Home Inn” was because it perfectly described their circumstance. As wanderers, they had to get used to living wherever they could find some shelter.

“Wait here. I’ll go book a room,” Mu Yu instructed.

There were five people in front of Mu Yu after standing in line for a while. The inn’s tables were all occupied. The customers were all cultivators. Pill Cauldron Sect’s cauldron logo was sewn onto the proprietor’s hat, symbolising the inn’s association with Pill Cauldron Sect.

“Buzz off, old fart.”

Hearing the shouting and someone fall to the ground, Mu Yu looked over his shoulder. Four individuals rowdily barged into the inn. The Primordial Infant Realm youth leading the quartet was attired in an opulent silver robe. The three others carried themselves as bodyguards.

Seeing Ku Mu rubbing his arm on the ground, Mu Yu called, “Gramps, you all right?” Mu Yu ran back to help Ku Mu up. Livid, he blustered to the youth, “Oi, you have vision problems? Ever heard of apologising to people after bumping into them?”

The youth condescendingly glanced at Mu Yu and justified, “So what if I knocked him over? Smart dogs don’t get in the way. He should be thanking me for surviving.”

The Golden Core Realm bodyguards shot Mu Yu warning glares. Mu Yu would let it slide if they bumped into him, but not with the attitude they showed after knocking Ku Mu over. He protested, “And people with manners don’t give that attitude. Apologise. Otherwise, you won’t be going anywhere.”

“You must be new around here, ignorant twerp,” taunted the youth, sneering. “Teach him a lesson.”

“As you command, Young Master.”

“Don’t. Fight. Here,” voiced Ku Mu.

“Come on. He knocked you over. I’m not going to stand by as people throw you around under my watch. If you take it lying down, you make me look bad.” Mu Yu pulled a chair over for Ku Mu to sit on, then turned around and grinned.

The three charging toward Mu Yu had no idea he had suppressed his cultivation.

Ku Mu had something to say but decided against it after remembering Mu Yu’s stance. “… under my watch…” sounded insincere and comical, but it Ku Mu was happy there was someone who finally stood up for him.

Mu Yu made quick work of the three bodyguards.

The proprietor in his forties hastily approached the youth. “Young Master Shi, Dear Customer, please do not fight here. Please calm down, and talk it out.”

“Shut up,” ordered Young Master Shi. “I’ll bear the responsibilities. It seems I underestimated you.”

A Primordial Infant Realm Fifth Layer cultivator wasn’t going to fear one at Third Layer. Nevertheless, the level discrepancy didn’t deter Mu Yu. Mu Yu performed a knife hand attack. Young Master Shi moved his right arm and countered with his left. Mu Yu rode his opponent’s momentum to position himself in his foe’s blind spot. Mu Yu favoured fighting at close range. Plus, it would minimise damage to the small inn.

“This one is for Gramps,” said Mu Yu, slapping Young Master Shi across the face after just two exchanges. He slipped a punch, then slapped the other cheek. “That one was for… just for the laughs.”

Young Master Shi touched his burning face and roared, “Proprietor, don’t just stand there! Apprehend him!”

The proprietor wanted no part in the outburst. Nonetheless, he wore on a straight face and told Mu Yu, “Dear Customer, this is Pill Cauldron Sect’s territory. This is Elder Shi’s grandson. It is not too late to apologise. Should you refuse, I will have to take action.”

The proprietor pulsed his arm, revealing his Primordial Infant Realm Seventh Layer energy, startling Mu Yu.

Mu Yu could care less about some elder off somewhere. Howbeit, he wasn’t going to let them play the law-of-the-jungle stunt. He denounced, “I thought I had seen it all, but bullying customers is apparently the new blueprint for doing business. May I ask if this is how Pill Cauldron Sect welcomes their guests?”

“You are in no position to criticise our modus operandi!”

“Mr. Liu, I ask that you watch your manners. The young man is right. We do not bully people. I think you owe him an apology.”

Hearing the reproach from the staircase, the proprietor silently bemoaned, “Just why is everyone making life hard for me today?”