Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 437


A sharp knife came flying with a thunderbolt.


the knife was directly pinched by Guan Zhong in his hand between the lightning and flint. It's not worthy to tickle him with such a degree of attack!

He gave a cold hum, which released the momentum of the perfect demon emperor.

The demon emperor, like Yuanshen Dafeng, initially mastered the general trend of heaven and earth, and initially mastered the rules, while ningdan was the foundation of Tao.

Under the general situation of heaven and earth, they have no power to fight back at all.


Guan Zhong's flash will directly destroy Zhang Mingyue's form and spirit. Even reincarnation is impossible.

"Tao Zi!"

The Department of criminal law was so desperate that they didn't even dare to breathe.

Murderer, this old man is a murderer.

Zhou Fumo, Li Changkong, Jiyuan is frozen there and dare not move at all.

When Guan Zhong turned around, Li Changkong knelt down on the ground with a "plop". At this moment, he was not a Taoist priest. Even though he had countless magic weapons, he did not dare to fight Guan Zhong.

"elder, it was Zhang Yueming's hand, which had nothing to do with us. Please raise your hand and let us go!"

This fearless city is so terrible. With this old man, there is nothing wrong with them!

"Want to go?"

With a sneer, Guan Zhong beat his soul out again without saying a word.

Even if they didn't do it, Zhang Mingyue is with them, so we must kill the enemy!

Zhou Fu was shocked. He knew that he was doomed today. He connected the acupoints and orifices. Even if he exploded himself today, he would die with the old thief.

But... He thinks too much!

Although Guan Zhong is not Chen Yang's opponent, Zhou Fu is a fart.

One shot killed him.

It's not human pride. There's no difficulty at all!

Dao Si Si Zi, in the blink of an eye, only Ji Yuan was left.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Jiyuan kneels on the ground, shivering all over, and a smell comes out of him.

Other members of Daosi also knelt down to beg for mercy.

Even Daozi is not the enemy of unity. How can they be opponents.

Is it useful to ask for mercy?

Guan Zhong is a demon. There is no sense of guilt in killing people.

Countless yellow lights flashed by, and the hall was filled with blood mist, but he didn't kill all of them, leaving a person in the era.

"Save your life and tell the top that I will cover this fearless city from now on. If you dare to send someone to come here, I will kill one, and I will kill one pair!"

Finish saying, take tube diagram to use the technique of earth to escape to leave directly.

Era has been scared out of the courage, crazy general ran out.

Yuan Tiangang and others are covered with blood. They look at each other, and their eyes are full of fear. They are not excited for the rest of their lives.

"There's no need to think about the position of the Lord of the city."

Yuan Tiangang made a quick decision, "go, let's go back and pack up. The faster we go, the better!"

The old man is not afraid of yaoguangfu. They are afraid!

Yuan Xuefei is still immersed in sadness, and Yuan Tiangang doesn't care so much, so Yujie pulls her away from the city master's mansion in a hurry.

It has to be said that Yuan Tiangang was decisive. Although the yuan family had a great career here, they couldn't take care of so much. They sold their property in a hurry, replaced it with Lingshi, dismissed their families, and took their children on the road of escape.

After learning the news, Chen Yang didn't say anything. He did everything he had to do, and the cause and effect between them had been cut off.

There's no way he can help in the future.

After arriving at Qibao Zhai, shopkeeper Wang has been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Zhang, everything you asked for has arrived."

Shopkeeper Wang handed out a storage ring. Chen Yang glanced at it and was slightly surprised. The space inside was thousands of cubic meters, which was more than ten times larger than the high-grade storage ring he used!

"Mr. Zhang, you have traded more than one million Shangpin stone in qibaozhai. This is the feedback from the headquarters."

Or, he took out a token and said, "this is the top membership card of qibaozhai. It's much better than the token given to you before. Similarly, it's also given back to you by the headquarters. You can enjoy the first-class treatment of Superman in any branch of qibaozhai with your top membership card. "

The reason why the headquarters of yelangguo in qibaozhai place so much emphasis on Chen Yang is all based on the information reported by shopkeeper Wang.

He is suspected to be a senior alchemist, and he is suspected to be a great alchemist. The precious materials purchased by him may even be alchemists.

Although it's just a doubt, the hunting trade is real. After their processing, it can at least double!

This alone is enough for qibaozhai to pay attention to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang readily accepted.

"In this way, I will suffer!"With that, Chen Yang disappeared directly from the secret room.

Shopkeeper Wang sighed. He had a premonition that he might never see Chen Yang again.

At the same time, Chen Yang flashed to the outside of qibaozhai.

There was a slight chagrin on his face. "It's too hard to control this talent."

It turns out that after going back yesterday, Chen Yang studied for a whole day, and finally understood his physical talent, which can move in an instant.

It's a bit like the movement of Yuanshen realm.

But Yuanshen can move hundreds of meters at least, and miles at most. He can only move dozens of meters, and his position is not stable.

But Chen Yang is a stubborn character, the more so, the more he wants to control this talent.

Little by little flashed back to the courtyard, Chen Yang took out the herbs and began to refine pills.

Of course, the refining is the elixir. In his realm, the effect of ordinary elixir is very weak.

The main reason is that his body and spirit are too strong.

Take Yuanshi as an example. Low level friars can cultivate with pingyuanshi, while middle level friars can cultivate with Zhongpin Yuanshi. Even Ning Dan friars can cultivate with Shangpin Yuanshi.

Chen Yang can't. He must use the best stone.

There are 1080 orifices, and the sword Qi is transformed into sword yuan. The power is greatly increased, and the consumption is also greatly increased.

Chen Yang calculated that the difficulty of his cultivation was more than 100 times that of ordinary monks.

The resources needed are more than 100 times.

Fearless city is too small and has limited resources. He has to go to more prosperous areas to seek his own opportunities.

Now he has only ten days to do all his calculations. In these ten days, he has no time to practice alchemy in the daytime and royal sword in the evening. As for the three turns of golden body, he has no time to practice for the time being.

Soon ten days passed.

Chen Yang calls out the assassin, and his heart moves. The assassin suddenly increases several times, and Chen Yang directly sits cross legged on it.

"Lao Guan, you live to guard the city of fearless. I'll come back to you when I'm successful."

Guan Zhong quickly bowed down: "yes, master!"

In fact, he also wanted to leave with Chen Yang, but helpless, he was worried about the pangolins, and finally let Guan Tu leave with Chen Yang.

"Lao Zu, I don't know if I have been here for many years. I hope Lao Zu will take care of me."

Guan Tu knelt on the ground and knocked three heads heavily.

Although the demon clan is not interested in this, guantu has been mixing with each other in the human world for many years, and has long been contaminated with a trace of popularity.

"You must take good care of your master, or I will not forgive you!"

Guan Zhong said.

"Don't worry, Lao Zu. I'll save you!"

After the two demons said goodbye, Chen Yang pinched the magic formula and instantly turned into a streamer and flew away to the horizon.

"Take care all the way!"

Guan Zhong looks at the sky. He has a premonition that the pangolins will rise again in Guan Tu's hands.

In the sky, Chen Yang wants to shout excitedly.

It's so cool.

Flying sword, that's what a man should do.

Chen Yang doesn't know how fast it is. Anyway, it's faster than the speed of sound. He thought that three thousand miles a day would be great. Now it seems that ten thousand miles a day is nothing.

Within 20 days, we can cross the 100000 mountains.

"By the way, I almost forgot one thing!"

Chen Yang's heart read a move, stabbing Qin to turn the direction, directly toward the bottom.

About 500 miles south, ciqin stopped.

"Come down, I'll introduce you to a companion!"

Chen Yang stepped down from the flying sword and cried to the air, "come out, iron head!"

Voice down, next to the grass move, a rat eyed, all black and beautiful fur gobbler from the inside out.

It was just a few days ago that he broke through the iron head of the demon emperor.

"Guantu, let me introduce you. This is..."

before he finished his words, guantu yelled: "good boy, it's you!"

Iron head is also all over the hair burst up, "son of a bitch, how are you!"

Chen Yang blinked, looking at the posture, two people seem to know each other?

"Son of a bitch, you hurt my second brother. I haven't reckoned with you yet."

"That's your second brother's excessive effort. Who is to blame for bumping into me?"

The iron head held his head high with disdain, "the scale beetle family also said that their defense is invincible in the world. As a result, it's not that they can't stand your grandfather's claws!"

"Fuck you!"

Guan Tu's eyes turned red. "If we have the ability, let's go it alone."