Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 435

The young general who guarded the city took a group of people to the Lord's mansion.

Looking at the passers-by, he has a bright face and looks like he is still in shock. Even the little people who follow him look contemptuous.

Small places are small places, where people like them come from big cities.

It didn't take a moment to arrive at the Lord's mansion.

Yuan Tiangang thought that after the war, all the people in the Lord's mansion would abandon him, but the fact is not so.

With his own ability, he won the recognition of the public.

This also let yuan Tiangang greatly relieved.

"Report to the Lord, there's someone from Yaoguang mansion outside. They want to see you!"

A son of the yuan family rushed forward.

This time, the city leader's house was badly injured. But yuan Tiangang had to let yuan family's children act as his entourage.


There's someone from Yaoguang mansion?!

"Do you know who they are?"

The disciple shook his head. "I don't know. There are many of them, and they are very good at cultivation. I'm afraid they are not good at it!"

Yuan Tiangang was secretly surprised that this fearless city is an enclave. Although it is under the jurisdiction of Yaoguang mansion, no one has been in charge of it for decades. What are you sending someone to do now?

After thinking about it, Yuan Tiangang said, "go and invite people in."

The words fell, and there was a lot of noise outside.


One of the gatekeepers was directly knocked down by the strong wind, "hum, beyond our ability, even we dare to block our way, don't get out of the way!"

Zhang Yueming snorted coldly and went in first.

"Are you the bold man who pretends to be the Lord of the city?"

Zhang Yueming looked at Yuan Tiangang for a while, and his eyes showed the color of sarcasm, "good courage, but the thieves in the middle of Guizhen dare to steal the high position of the city leader, do you... Want to die?"

Said, he Ning Dan medium-term power unreservedly released.


Yuan Tiangang felt great pressure, knee a soft, directly kneeling on the ground.

The force was so great that it smashed the floor directly and his knee sank into the ground.

"Who are you... Who are you?"

Yuan Tiangang's forehead exudes big sweat, and his back is soaked in cold sweat.

It's too strong. The young man is too strong. He feels stronger than Ning Tianxiong.

Moreover, it is very unreasonable.

"You are a country bumpkin. You are Zhang Yueming, the Criminal Law Department of Yaoguang Prefecture. This time you are here to take charge of the criminal law of Wuwei city."

Zhang Yueming said haughtily.

"Since you are from Yaoguang mansion, why do you treat me like this?"

Yuan Tiangang said with red eyes.

"Good thief, I ask you, your position as the Lord of the city has been recognized and authorized by the Lord of Yaoguang mansion?"

Zhang Yueming drew out his short sword and saw the opportunity of killing in his eyes. "It's good to teach you to die in peace, steal the position of the city leader, wait for the conspiracy, and punish the nine nationalities for the crimes in the kingdom. Go to die!"

Just when he was ready to chop off yuan Tiangang's head with his sword, Yuan Xuefei arrived, "don't hurt my father!"


The cold ice flies away with a flying sword. This kind of attack is like a child to Zhang Yueming.

"Well, well, I dare to sneak attack. If I don't kill you today, I'm Zhang Yueming..."

he said half of what he said, but he couldn't say what he said later.

He looked at Yuan Xuefei straight in the eyes, and her throat stirred. What a beautiful woman. Unexpectedly, there was such a beautiful woman in the little fearless city.

No, he called the thief his father. He didn't expect that the thief had such a beautiful daughter.

Even in Yaoguang mansion, he has never seen such a beautiful woman.

Not only him, but all the people behind him looked straight.

Zhou Fumo, Li Changkong, Jiyuan... Just like this.

It's just a pity, how can you be a thief!

Zhang Yueming smiles coldly. What about being beautiful? She can't escape death. Of course, such a beautiful woman can be put into the prison and enjoy herself before she dies.

"Snow princess, go

Yuan Tiangang's eyes are red. These people are indiscriminate. They come up to fight and kill. He doesn't even have a chance to explain!

It's not the official uniform. It's more than the devil!

"I won't go!"

Yuan Xuefei's flying sword was easily hit. She knew in her heart that these people were extraordinary.

Especially the momentum around them is amazing.

When Li Changkong saw yuan Xuefei rushing over, he took a ring from his waist and threw it directly.

The ring soared several times in the air, firmly trapping yuan Xuefei.

Although this flying ring is only the best treasure, it's very easy to bind the little Guizhen friars.

Yuan Xuefei, who was praised by Gu, lost her ability to act in an instant, fell to the ground and became a lamb to be slaughtered."Brother Zhang, the old thief has low cultivation. If he can steal the position of the city leader, there must be an accomplice!"

Li Changkong road.

"No, I smell monsters here!"

Zhou Fu's magic is like a big enemy. He takes out the sword behind him.

That taste is very light, but the breath is very strong, absolutely is the big demon of Ning Dan.

He took yuan Tiangang's neck with the tip of his sword and looked at him condescensively, "be honest with your party members, maybe I can spare your life!"

"I don't have a clique. I don't have a clique!"

Yuan Tiangang was furious in his heart. "You people, who boast of being extraordinary, don't give me any chance to explain. What's the difference between you and demons?"

Zhang Yueming was furious, "looking for death!"

As soon as he turned his hand over, he had an iron whip in his hand. It was his own magic weapon. Under the whip, I don't know how many criminals he killed.


Suddenly, Yuan Tiangang burst into tears and blood.

"I'll ask you again, where are your party members?"

"I have no party members!"

Yuan Tiangang cried: "you black-and-white warlords, fearless city happens to be in the tide of beasts. Where are you? What are you? If I hadn't led the people of fearless city to resist the tide of beasts, this place would have been a dead city long ago

He is cruel in his heart. His strength is too low.

Doesn't he want to contact Yaoguang mansion?

When the tide of beasts comes, the official road is occupied by the beasts. How can he contact them?

In addition, he resisted the tide of animals. He had no credit for it.

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, but also dare to show off the fierce tongue."

Zhang Yueming doesn't care so much. He steals the position of the city leader, which is a crime.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

In a row, he whipped dozens of whips, only tearing yuan Tiangang's flesh and blood.

"Don't fight, you don't fight."

Yuan Xuefei was in tears.

"My father is a hero, a hero who saved the city of intrepid. You can't do that to him!"

Although Chen Yang's hand was at the last moment, without yuan Tiangang, the fearless city would be broken that night.

It's still waiting for the next day.

Yuan Tiangang has worked hard to be a fearless city. Why are these people treating him like this.

"I'll ask you for the last time, who are the party members behind you?"

Yuan Tiangang said: "I... I have no party members... No..."

just at this time, housekeeper Mei arrived and came out from the back hall with a white sword in his hand.

"Release master and miss, or you will never come back today!"

Housekeeper Mei was afraid. All his courage was in his sword.

No one else, because this sword was given to him by Chen Yang.

He remembered what Chen Yang had said. If there was danger, he would take out this sword and save his life!

This is a critical moment.

Seeing housekeeper Mei, everyone was stunned at first and then burst into laughter.

An old slave who returns to his original state, holding an ordinary dagger in his hand, dares to talk a lot here?

Zhang Yueming had a stomachache with a smile.

"Well, I'd like to see how you can make me come..."


Before he had finished speaking, housekeeper Mei waved his sword and shot it out.

Zhang Yueming didn't have time to dodge, so he cut off his real name magic weapon with one sword.


The magic weapon is closely related to the master. If the magic weapon is damaged, the master will not be spared.

Zhang Yueming flew out of the hall in a daze!

This sudden change made everyone's face change.


Everyone looked at housekeeper Mei as if facing the enemy.

They never thought that this old slave, who seems to be only returning to the original state, was so powerful.

A sword hit Zhang Yueming in the middle of Ning Dan. Although he was suspected of sneak attack, it can be seen from the side that he was powerful!

Zhou Fumo and Li Changkong looked at each other and took a fighting posture.

"Old dog, you are Ning Dan's cultivation. Don't pretend it!"

Zhou Fu's big sword pointed at housekeeper Mei with a dignified face.

How can I pretend?

I don't know that housekeeper Mei himself is also very ignorant.

He didn't expect that the sword Chen Yang gave him was so powerful that he killed the man with one blow.

"I warn you, it's still time to get out of here. Don't force me to kill you!"

Manager Mei said calmly.