Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 401

He slowly fell to the ground, wolf emperor's body income ring, fortunately his ring space is big, otherwise really can't take in.

Take iron head to fly forward, all the way earth shaking, sword vertical and horizontal, here in a short time has become a Jedi.

Whether it's a low-level Terran monk or a beast, you will be killed by the residual sword Qi when you enter here.

When he comes to a million beasts, Chen Yang only takes animal pills and fierce animal skins.

Hair, this time really hair!

There are at least two or three hundred thousand carcasses here!

And the bodies of five kings.

"Master... Master, can you give me the demon Dan of these guys?"

The iron head swallowed his throat, unable to express his desire.

In addition to cannibalism, monsters can speed up the progress, that is, swallowing the same kind, or natural resources and local treasures.

The five medicine King's body and it is useless, it only wants the demon Dan!

It's useless for this guy's fart skills. He's very interested in eating.

But it's useless for him to ask for the demon pill.

Although the demon pill can be used for alchemy, it's useless if it doesn't have a prescription. It's better to let the iron head eat it, enhance its strength, and let it be promoted to the demon emperor as soon as possible!

"Go and help me take out their animal pills."

After swallowing five pills, the iron head soared all over and soon became several feet in size. This is the phenomenon that the Demon power is too full.

"When are we going to receive so many bodies?"

Tietou said a word, then yelled twice toward the sky.

Not long after, the eastern forest came noisy footsteps, chirping sound sounded.

Is there a large number of animals coming?

Is it the demon emperor who leads the team this time?

However, what he didn't expect was that this time it wasn't the herd, but the iron headed group of gold swallowing beasts!

The overwhelming Pingtou brothers ran out from the forest on one side. They were of different colors, and their small eyes were full of doubts.

Especially when they see the corpses all over the ground, Rao Shi's eyes also show the color of fear.

However, when they saw the iron head, they all disappeared.

Iron head yelled at them twice, and tens of thousands of gold swallowing beasts rushed to him, knelt down on the ground and worshiped him like a statue.

But iron head this guy also a face of arrogance, love to answer.

Some gold swallowing animals with bright hair smell around the iron head, showing love in their eyes.

Can iron head very dislike of open them.

Chen Yang was blinded. It was the first time that he saw so many flat headed brothers.

"See, this is my strength!"

Iron head to Chen Yang sound, unspeakable pride.

At this time, out of the gold swallowing herd came an old animal with white fur. It walked a little faltering and yelled at tietou. Tietou bowed his head and said something back.

Then all the gold swallowing herds made sounds similar to human's exclamation. They looked at iron head one by one, and their eyes were full of fanaticism!

On the ground pick to pick, speechless noise!

Chen Yang let out his mind and easily understood what they were saying!

Shit, this kid is so shameless, isn't he?

The old gold swallowing Beast asked what happened here. Tietou told him that there had been a great war just now. It killed these animals like this. It also mentioned Chen Yang, thanks to his help.

Tietou, a shameless fellow, thought that Chen Yang didn't know the language of animals, but he forgot that Chen Yang had divine thoughts!

Then tietou said, "this human friar is a new pet of our king. You go to dig out the animal pills of these monsters and give them to our king. These corpses will be taken back to the clan and swallowed by the clan. It's time for the little ones in the clan to grow up."

In a word, the gold swallowing beast group broke out a warm roar again.

There are so many animal corpses that they can swallow up the whole golden beast group for a big promotion.

Although not many of these gold swallowing beasts have intelligence, they also know that these are their food!

Some simple instructions can be understood.

Soon, these gold swallowing beasts, scattered and separated, happily dug the animal pill.

While they were busy, tietou ran to Chen Yang and said a lot of good things, but Chen Yang just didn't let go, so he was worried to death.

If Chen Yang doesn't agree, it will lose face in front of its own people. How can it manage the ethnic group in the future?

Think of here, it is very spineless kneeling on the ground, small eyes full of tears, "master, I beg you, the gold swallowing animal group has multiplied so far, the people are rare, we live really hard, ask the master to give this batch of animal meat, your great kindness, I will remember in my heart!"

Chen Yang glanced at it faintly, as if he had seen through what he thought in his heart. Dog day, he told his own people the same way, and he was the same way again. This way is OK. If Chen Yang had no idea, he would have been fooled by this guy.To be honest, these low-level beasts and beasts are of little use to him.

However, the price of fierce animal skin is high. He can't let go of such a large fortune.

"You've eaten five monster pills, and you're not satisfied. Do you want my booty?"

Chen Yang sneered, "you are a good abacus, busy did not help, cheap is to occupy a lot of!"

Iron head is said by Chen Yang red face, if not for its face covered with thick fur, certainly red through.

"Besides, I'm the master, you're just my pet. I'm in a good mood to reward you. If I'm in a bad mood, what if I kill you?"

Chen Yang's tone of voice is very light, but the hidden murders in his words make tietou shudder.

The picture of Chen Yang cutting the silver wolf emperor with a sword automatically came to mind.

Even the senior emperor is not his opponent. In Chen Yang's eyes, he is not even a fart!

However, I have already spoken out, and what it said just now is not all false.

It's really hard for the gold swallowing animals, because they are aggressive in nature and make countless enemies in the 100000 mountains. In fact, they are pushed out by many animals, and it's really hard for them to live.

In addition, there are a lot of new-born small gold swallowing animals this year, and the group needs a lot of food.

"Yes, you are!"

Tietou gritted his teeth and knelt down on the ground again. "Please be kind to the master. Tietou is willing to give all his treasures to the master and look for more natural resources and treasures for the master. If there is any violation, heaven will punish him!"

Voice down, out of thin air sounded a thunder, seems to agree with the oath of iron head.

Oh, this guy is serious!

In the land of gods and demons, swearing is not allowed. Once it is admitted, it must be done.

Otherwise, you will never enter your life, and you will be easily killed by demons!

Think of these two days I also get a lot of benefits from the iron head, now there are hundreds of rings in the storage ring, just give it.

"Come on, get up, I'm sure!"

Chen Yangpai waved his hand, "but the fur of the fierce beast must be untied for me. I can use it!"

Hearing this, tie tou was overjoyed and kowtowed, "thank you, thank you!"

Finish saying, raise the sky long roar a, a numerous swallow gold beast in succession voice echo.

Half an hour later, Chen Yang harvested hundreds of thousands of animal pills, and the gold swallowing beast harvested the meat!

Iron head is to harvest the love and compliments of the ethnic group, these lean meat is enough for them to survive this year.

"Wang, will you come back with us?"

Said the old gold gobbler.

"If I don't go back, I have to find a way out for the people. 100000 mountains are no longer suitable for us to live in."

Hearing this, the old gold swallowing beast was very grateful, "my Wang Shengming, our people are lucky to have a king like you!"

All the gold Gobblers around nodded.

"Go back, take the people back!"

Iron head is very high cold said.

Chen Yang listened to the story. The old gold gobbler was a bit interesting. He was not the king of beasts, but he was very clear. He was even more reasonable than tietou.

It's not easy!

"Yes, my king, I will help you to keep the ethnic group well and wait for you to return triumphantly!"

With that, he left with the people.

At the time of leaving, those gold swallowing beasts with bright fur walk three steps to return to their heads once. They are indescribably attached and reluctant to give up!

They are all the harem of the king. Since the promotion of the king, they seldom spoil them. How can they give birth to a prince?

Soon, the old gold swallowing beast with the clan disappeared in sight.

Chen Yang said with great interest: "this old gold gobbler is very unusual!"

Tietou was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Lord Jin used to be the emperor of our gold swallowing beast group, but his demon soul was taken away by a monk!"

The demon soul is the original spirit of human beings. If it is taken away, the realm will definitely fall down, and eternal life cannot be practiced.

I see!

Chen Yang is also secretly frightened. He can take away the spirit of a demon emperor without harming his life. This is not a simple method!

"Do you know who took it?"

Iron head shakes his head, "I asked, the king refused to say, it just said, that person is not we can provoke, even if I break through the emperor can not go to him!"

At this point, iron head showed a trace of firmness in his eyes, "no matter what, I will get back the demon spirit of Lord Jin, and I will avenge it!"