Supreme Pill Emperor

Chapter 40

"Well, I\'ve personally felt the benefits of this meridians. Now I\'m also a martial arts master. If I changed to something I didn\'t dare to think of before, I was promoted from the later stage of the warrior to a martial arts master in just two days." Han pangzi said with a happy face and an incredible tone.

"You don\'t know. After my father saw me today, he looked more concerned than ever," Han continued.

For Han pangzi\'s words, Su Tang just raised his head slightly, smiled faintly, and continued to eat. At this time, he just thought about how to improve his cultivation next.

Now his physical strength is lower than his spiritual cultivation, so he must improve it as soon as possible. However, if he wants to improve his physical strength, what he has to do now is to successfully cultivate the second level of Chunyang body training Dharma.

After they finished eating and left the fragrance building, they came to the Wanbao building without delay. The guard at the gate saw Su Tang\'s arrival and even arranged a maid to report to Yu Boyang in the back hall.

"Oh, this is not brother Su Tang. Why are you free to come to my Wanbao building today?" after a while, Yu Boyang came out of the back hall and greeted Su Tang with a smile.

Su Tang was not surprised by Yu Boyang\'s appearance, but immediately replied in a faint tone; "I just came to see if there was any magic medicine I needed. I didn\'t expect you to be there. You came out as soon as I arrived. What a coincidence?"

Su Tang understood why Yu Boyang was so enthusiastic about himself, but he didn\'t point it out. Anyway, this guy is also the disciple and grandson of his previous life. If he could, he would give him more or less benefits.

"Miraculous medicine? I don\'t know what kind of miraculous medicine brother Su needs." as soon as Su Tang came to buy miraculous medicine, Yu Boyang suddenly became interested. You should know that the young man in front of him is a hidden soul refiner.

"What I want is these miraculous drugs. I don\'t know if you have them here." Su Tang was not hypocritical. He immediately took out the list of miraculous drugs sorted out in advance from his arms and handed it to Yu Boyang.

After receiving the list handed over by Su Tang, Yu Boyang moved his eyes slightly, quickly read the name of the elixir written on the list, frowned slightly, looked up and said; "Most of these miraculous medicines are rare. I still have some in stock in Wanbao building, but I don\'t have this soul nourishing flower right now. Can you give us some time?"

"Well, it\'s OK to have others. The soul nourishing flower is precious. It\'s not surprising that you don\'t have Wanbao building. I don\'t know how many gold coins are needed for all these other miraculous drugs?" Su Tang continued to ask.

"Wait a minute, I\'ll calculate." after that, Yu Boyang began to calculate the price of the above herbs.

Soon Yu Boyang looked up at Su Tang again and said; "These elixirs need a total of 52000 gold coins. Between the cooperation between brother Su and my Wanbao upstairs, I will give brother Su a discount this time and only charge 50000 gold coins."

"Fifty thousand? Wow, what did you buy, Su Tang?" Han Pang immediately exclaimed at Yu Boyang\'s words.

You know, the cost of living of ordinary families is only 50 or 60 gold coins a year, and the rich family will spend thousands of gold coins. From his Han family, the cost of gold coins a year is only a little more than 10000. Unexpectedly, Su Tang will spend 50000 gold coins to buy magic medicine this time. How can so many gold coins not surprise Han pangzi.

"Hehe, I\'m kidding. Many of these miraculous drugs are very rare and precious species. Basically, they can be bought at a price without a market. It\'s lucky to be able to buy them. In terms of price, I promise Yu Boyang will never collect them indiscriminately." Yu Boyang explained with a smile.

Su Tang was not frightened by the price. He also knew in his heart that he needed these things, which could not be taken out by anyone. It was right that the price was a little expensive. But at this time, he had more than 200 gold coins. Compared with the previous life, he had no regrets about gold coins.

"I think so. Give me the herbs first. What do you think of the refined things? We\'re half a person?" Su Tang thought for a moment and said.

Yu Boyang stared at Su Tang\'s calm face and didn\'t speak. He didn\'t know whether it was worth it. After all, the elixir on the list was very precious, and he didn\'t know what value the other party wanted to refine.

Whether it could be equated with the value of these miraculous drugs, he also muttered in his heart, which should have been considered as a businessman.

"Don\'t worry about this. The things I want to refine are definitely more valuable than these things themselves. Whether you like it or not." Su Tang also understood Yu Boyang\'s idea at this time and didn\'t want to say more.

The value of this thing is definitely something that can be moved by many practitioners. Once it appears, the value is far more than these miraculous drugs themselves.

"OK, brother Su, I promise you, I\'ll send someone to bring you the elixir." after a short thought, Yu Boyang still chose to believe Su Tang.

Soon Su Tang got the elixir and left the Wanbao building without stopping for a moment. On the street, Han pangzi looked at Su Tang in surprise and asked; "Su Tang can\'t see. How are you familiar with Yu Boyang? I can give you any magic medicine worth 50000 gold coins without charging you a gold coin. I\'m really impressed with you."

"I\'ve only worked with him once before. I\'m not familiar with him, but I\'m very familiar with his father." Su Tang answered faintly and stopped talking.

Han pangzi was stunned by Su Tang\'s words. Su Tang was actually very familiar with the first owner of Wanbao building. You know, it was a soul refiner close to the realm of Emperor Wu. How could su Tang, a waste young master, be so familiar with such a person?

Along the way, Han pangzi thought about Su Tang\'s words. In addition to the sudden changes of Su Tang during this period, Han pangzi couldn\'t help guessing whether all these changes of Su Tang had something to do with the first landlord of Wanbao building. Otherwise, how could it explain some of the recent changes of Su Tang?

The more you think so, Han pangzi is more sure. The recent series of changes in Su Tang must have something to do with the Wanbao building.

In the dormitory area of Fanghe college, the two broke up and went back to their own dormitory yard. As soon as Su Tang came back, he plunged into the practice room. This time, he was not for cultivation, but for refining pills.

This time, the elixir he took in Wanbao building is mainly to refine two kinds of pills. One is the Dragon Tiger Holy Spirit pill used to improve the physical strength and the purity of spiritual power. The other is the soul nourishing pill. However, the elixir for refining the soul nourishing pill lacks the most important soul nourishing flower. For the time being, he can only refine the Dragon Tiger Holy Spirit pill first.

The Dragon Tiger Holy Spirit pill is very different from other pills. It can not only enhance one\'s physical strength, but also make the martial arts aura more pure. The purity of aura can make the martial arts more relaxed when breaking through. This pill was inadvertently created by Su Tang\'s previous life. It can be said that no one in the world can refine it except him.

The level of this pill is similar to or even stronger than those pills in Wuling realm. Su Tang has never made a careful comparison.

In the next few days, Su Tang stayed in the practice room to refine pills, but he didn\'t know anything about the outside world. At this time, the Lanming kingdom can be said to be a bloodbath. The three families joined hands to destroy the Liang family, but he encountered an accident.

Some of the direct disciples of the Liang family are all missing. Even Liang yongran, the contemporary family of the Liang family, doesn\'t know where they are.

After receiving this news, the Lord immediately ordered that the people of the Liang family and many small families related to the Liang family be wanted in the whole Lanming kingdom. I don\'t know how many have been destroyed in these days. The whole Lanming kingdom can be said to be full of killings.

"Waste, look what you\'ve done?" on the court of Lanming Kingdom, the Lord angrily pointed to the civil and military officials below.

In recent days, there are killings everywhere in Lanming Kingdom, which makes people feel insecure. In major cities, some officers and soldiers began to commit crimes under the banner of chasing the Liang family. It can be said that there are public resentments everywhere, and even some people choose to leave Lanming kingdom.

, the emergence of this phenomenon makes the Lord feel a deep crisis. After all, the people are the foundation of the whole kingdom. Their departure has threatened Lanming kingdom. How can the Lord not be angry?

"The Lord, calm down. Now the situation is urgent. For today\'s sake, we must arrest all the people of the Liang family. As long as they are not extinct in one day, it will be a potential danger to Lanming kingdom." Feng Zhengong said loudly.

"Hum! The three families joined hands and let the Liang family run away. I don\'t know if you deliberately let them go." the national leader said again with a cold hum.

This time things are so strange that I have to let him think like this. Such a lineup also let the Liang family run away.

Even Liang Tianjun, who had been imprisoned in the prison, disappeared inexplicably. This kind of reason made the LORD confused.