Supreme Naruto

Chapter 71

Would you like to add another question 10?

IBI likes to look at Naruto. The more she looks at Naruto, the stronger the impulse in her heart.


Ibis looked up at the candidates in the room.

Originally 153 people, now there are only... 36 people, that is, there are only 12 groups left.

If the kid doesn\'t eliminate those elites, there will be at least 51 people left, 17 groups.

In this case, if another question is asked... Then this year\'s Zhongren test will be a big oolong.

After all, this is the first exam.

"Now, I announce that everyone present... Has passed the exam!"

Yibixi was helpless and stared at Naruto.

Naruto turned his head to the rear and deliberately avoided his eyes.

Abby\'s teeth itch.

"Well, everyone present must have doubts. Next, I\'ll explain this exam."

"The first nine questions test everyone\'s ability to collect and analyze information."

"Under normal circumstances, most people can\'t answer these questions correctly at your current level."

"So we arranged two Zhongren who knew the answer to answer the questions with you in the middle of the examination room."

"All you have to do is find them and use your means to get the right answer."

At this time, a ninja in Yuren village asked, "so cheating is within the allowable range?"

IBI Xi looked at the past and nodded: "those who cheat are indeed within the allowable range, but for those who cheat badly..."

Ibihi raised her hand and untied the black scarf attached to the Ninja\'s forehead.

It was full of burns, knife wounds, and even multiple drilled heads.

For a time, the whole examination room became silent under such a ferocious visual impact.

"They can only be disqualified."

"Because intelligence is sometimes more important than life, when performing a mission or on the battlefield, sometimes even if you risk your life to obtain intelligence."

Ibixi put on his headscarf again: "after obtaining information, if it is found or known by a third party, the information obtained may not be reliable."

"You must remember that once the information is wrong, your companions and even the village will be in extreme danger."

"That\'s why this exam is to test your intelligence gathering ability and eliminate unqualified people..."

Said this, IBI Xi looked at Naruto.

Ibixi was surprised that Naruto could catch so many people.

The boy has a way.

Naruto saw that yibixi looked at himself, diverted his attention and said, "what about question 10?"

IBI Xi twitched on her face and thought that this guy really didn\'t know the purpose of question 10.

At the thought of Naruto\'s words that he would become a sword caster or medical Ninja if he could not be promoted, ibixi was uncomfortable for a while.

Let this kind of guy pass the exam under his own hands... How he thinks and how he is unwilling.

But... It\'s no use even if he stops.

If this guy is really gifted in medical ninja, he will still be promoted to Zhongren.

Because there are independent promotion rules in the medical Ninja system.

Ibisi said, "in fact, question 10 is the real test question."

"In the face of question 10, you have to choose whether to take the test or not."

"It\'s really difficult to make a choice. If you don\'t take the test, people of the same race will be disqualified. If you answer wrong, you can only bear it now in your life."

"This question is actually unreasonable."

"But how do you choose if you really encounter this situation? If you are already tolerant and your task is to seize the enemy\'s confidential documents, but you don\'t know the number, strength and armed forces of the enemy... And there is the possibility of ambush, what will you do at this time?"

Abby\'s eyes swept over everyone\'s face.

"Do you want to give up the dangerous task because you are afraid of losing your life and don\'t want your companions to take risks?"

Everyone began to meditate on Ibis\'s words.

IBI Xi sonorous and powerful way: "can\'t do this!"

"Sometimes, some tasks have to be accepted no matter how dangerous!"

"This time can give companions courage and have the ability to get rid of difficulties..."

"It is the qualification that Zhongren, as the commander of the army, must have!"

IBI Xi\'s voice was sharp and penetrating, directed at everyone\'s heart, and continued to scold: "those who are timid in the critical moment! Those who place their hope in the unpredictable next year!"

"And people who quit!"

"In my opinion, they are weak willed waste! They don\'t deserve to be Zhongren!"

The sound lingered around the beam, and the people woke up.

IBI Xi\'s voice slowed down and slowed down. There was even more silk on her face. She was gentle, loving and looking forward to: "you who want to take the tenth question can be said to have given the correct answer to this question. You must be able to overcome all the difficulties you encounter in the future."

Yibixi\'s face relaxed. For a moment, the scar across the chief squad leader\'s face didn\'t look so ferocious.

"You have passed my test... The first test of Zhongren selection test is over!"

Then he grinned out a not ugly smile and said, "come on more in the future."

The first exam is finally over. Naruto only feels relaxed without the genius monsters such as big snake pill, I love Luo, rixiangningci and Li Locke.

I couldn\'t help breathing for a while.

He sighed in his heart: the future is great.

At this time, with a "crash!" sound, the side window was suddenly smashed, and a Black Whirlwind overturned and shot in from the outside to the podium.

"Ho! Ho!"

The whirlwind opened, and the two sorrows shot at both sides of the shed roof from left to right. A big flag was spread and hung on the shed roof.

On the flag, it was written in large characters: "in the second test, the examiner washed red beans and ginseng!".

In front of the flag is a sexy female examiner wearing a windbreaker, a perspective mesh tights, a miniskirt and a hedgehog horse tail.

"It\'s too early to be happy!"

"I\'m the examiner of the second exam! Royal hands wash red beans! I\'m..."

Before he finished, Hongdou suddenly couldn\'t speak.

She glanced at the empty classroom and couldn\'t believe looking at yibixi: "I heard that there are 153 candidates for this exam..."

Sennai Bixi nodded awkwardly.

Red bean\'s facial muscles twitched and pointed to the only 36 people left: "can you tell me what you have done?"

Yibixi was interrogated and felt his head, "this year\'s candidates... Are relatively poor."

Red bean didn\'t want to: "you can\'t give me only one fifth of the difference? Do you know that my later exams can only be rescheduled!"

Will the exam be rescheduled?

what do you mean? Do you want to change the test questions?

Naruto came to the spirit and listened carefully with his ears.

Ibixi continued to touch her head and melon seeds. She didn\'t know how to deal with it.

The Royal hand washed red bean was silent for a moment and said, "I want to screen the people you eliminated again."

IBI Xi frowned, "isn\'t that right?"

The emperor washed the red beans and left directly: "then I\'ll send the information to the third generation and let the third generation make up his mind."

Naruto is so stupid that he has offended all the elites. At this time, if those elites come back again

Naruto\'s heart suddenly trembled.
