Supreme God King

Chapter 3794

In the process of pioneering, many new worlds basically abide by the laws formulated by the future heaven. At the same time, the laws formulated by the world conferences are also the laws of the future heaven.

The common currency of many new world is the meritorious system of the future.

Many new worlds share the same stream of mind.

The development of the new world is, in fact, a very big game of chess, and a very powerful one.

Through the development of a new world, the most important thing is that in the past, only in the future heaven and some allied forces, that is, the way of law, currency and language, can be circulated to every corner of the divine king universe, which is equivalent to unifying the "weights and measures", and then forcing those who use their own laws, money and language in their own world to open up First accept the "rules" of the future heaven.

Zhiweiyi is skillful in all aspects, whether in means, diplomacy or internal affairs. Of course, it is not just the contribution of zhiweiyi. Although Meng fan left, he left a rather terrible team and many powerful assistants, such as Qilin Ruihuang, Mingyi Laozu, Zhuge family, Xie family and Wang family At the same time, outside, there are also the giant elephant clan in the wasteland and the warring sky giant, together with the lonely heart pride who had established Taoshan at that time, the moon inviting palace master who led the coalition forces of the World Congress, and so on, and so on.

These people identify with the supreme one, and then the supreme one has such achievements.

But the most one, and the heart of Meng fan is unlimited worship.

This is also the reason why many leaders in the future of Tianting agree to be the first to take over Meng fan's position.

When Meng fan defeated the emperor, many people in the future heaven already felt that Meng fan was "too grand".

Because at that time, Meng fan had been standing steadily at the zenith of the universe.

This is equivalent to a farmer who only cares about his own land. When he becomes a county magistrate, he begins to care about his county. When he becomes a duke, becomes a public, or becomes a king, he cares about his territory and all his people.

But when he became the emperor and the Lord of the world, and everything in the world was his, he began to look down on all living beings and all things. He had almost no partiality for anything.

This can be seen from Meng fan's attitude towards many leaders of the road after the final war.

Regardless of whether it is the Buddhist world, the human world, or the infinite realm, the arcane civilization, including the Kun nationality and the protoss, regardless of which force was hostile to Meng fan and the future heaven court, Meng fan treated them equally and did not punish them.

He really destroyed two kinds of roads, one is evil, the other is killing.

These two avenues are not a threat to the future heaven, but a threat to the stability of the whole universe.

That's why they were destroyed by Meng fan.

This is the state of Meng fan at that time.

Those big men in the future Tianting, after realizing Meng fan's state, knew that the successor selected by Meng fan was the supreme one, and immediately agreed.

There are two reasons.

First, it is the supreme one, not as high as Meng fan's perspective.

He can't look down on all living beings.

He is a member of the future heaven. All he does is for the welfare of the future heaven.

But at the same time, Zhiyi worshiped Meng fan infinitely. From the beginning of the universe, Meng fan was not famous. When he was leading a small league, Zhiyi worshiped Meng fan. In many cases, Zhiyi used Meng fan's behavior to restrain himself and stop at the top of the mountain.

In this way, Zhiyi will not do anything too much, and will keep a good face for many things.

This is like a decisive, vigorous and realistic emperor, but at the same time, there is a sage as his own benchmark, doing things in the way of the holy way.

According to the standards of humanity, the supreme one is a standard holy king, but different from most holy kings, there is a standard in the mind of the supreme one, and this standard becomes a constraint, and he will restrain his own words and deeds.

At that time, in the eyes of many big men, no one was more suitable to lead the future heaven than supreme one.

Therefore, although zhiweiyi has completely changed the Shenwang universe after succeeding the future king of heaven, until today, the appearance of the divine king universe is still created by supreme one, but its source and outline are still Meng fan's "style".

To this day, some senior scholars of the highest learning institution often say such a sentence: "we live in the world of the creator, we are all his heritage."

Mencius and Mencius have heard stories about the highest schools, the highest schools and the highest places in the world.

In the folk, all kinds of legends are rampant, Meng fan's face becomes more unclear, and more supernatural.

This is why Meng fan's return makes most gods feel real and illusory.The truth is that they grew up listening to Meng fan's stories since they were born. The various "heritages" left by Meng fan still have a profound influence and even dominate the whole world.

It is illusory because the ancestors of most living creatures have not been born in the active times of Meng fan.

It's just like in the early days of the Great Road era that Meng fan heard that the ancient sages, or the great dragon, were like the Lord.

And Meng fan's influence is far more powerful than those ancient sages, as well as the great dragon and elephant.

He changed everything completely.

At the moment, people are talking about the return of the creator, whether around the makeshift zone or elsewhere in the divine universe.

The only place where the founding emperor was not discussed was the World Congress.

This is the head of the whole God King universe. After a hundred million years of time, the world conferences have become an extremely tight mechanism, one ring at a time. Here, it is hard to hear people discuss things that are not related to work.

At an ongoing conference, dozens of World Congress leaders are discussing how to complete the construction of the cage as soon as possible, and how to fight against the powerful immortal. There are still some follow-up issues.

But the discussion got bogged down.

The power of immortality has been seen by the kings.

In the past, a very important task of the supreme University was to deduce the concept of the meaning world from the existing information. The computational universe also helped a lot in this work, but they did not see it with their own eyes, so the serious scholars of the supreme university all know that they are It's just a vague outline.

After zhantian giant arrived at the meaning world, he sent some news back, which made a great change in the concept map of the meaning world of the highest University. The main change was to raise the power level of the meaning world by several levels.

This time, they were promoted to another rank.

For a world that is close to the unknown, and very powerful, and whose potential power is even more difficult to estimate, the world conferences and the highest institutions can do very little.

This is the main reason why their discussions got bogged down.

The second reason is that in their calculations, they got a result that no matter how tight their cage was, as long as Yin Gu broke through the cross made by Meng fan for him, the cage would be destroyed by Yin Gu at most for a quarter of an hour.

In other words, they don't even have the ability to trap an immortal.

When everyone is silent.

Suddenly, a man spoke.

This man came from the wasteland. He was a king of evil gods and the king of nine robberies. He was one of the representatives of the wasteland in the world conferences, an emissary of acting on the will of the wasteland, and a member of the board of directors of the world conferences. His father was a great general beside juxiaoxian. He was of high birth.

He said, "the creator has returned. Why should we bother ourselves?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!