Supreme God King

Chapter 3655

Hanhuang universe.

In the recent hundreds of thousands of years, it has experienced several stages, ups and downs. In the past, this universe has been calm, a paradise, and prosperous. Now, it has long been impersonal and will be remembered.

It all started many years ago. The people of Hanhuang universe unexpectedly observed a huge and unprecedented fleet that was heading for the Han Emperor's universe. The meaning world first recognized that this was an alien invasion, and immediately sent the Taoist master to organize defense and suppress the alien.

After enjoying peace for many years, Emperor Han's universe was in a state of panic.

However, after the arrival of the Taoist, it was a "joke" to judge the fleet.

The speed of the fleet is very slow. According to the inference, the civilization to which this fleet belongs has not even developed to the level of law. Instead, it has made use of technology, machinery and other forces to achieve navigation nothingness.

In fact, the meaning world has little contact with the outside world. Moreover, the domination of the meaning world over the 66 subordinate universes leads to the lack of diversified development of these universes. In terms of martial arts, culture, civilization and so on, they all converge with the meaning world and the nine Supreme universes. If the people of the God King Yuzhou are here, they will say that this is a fleet created by scientific and technological civilization The level of development is very low, let alone compared with the calculus universe, that is, it is not comparable with the infinite field, which is too much worse.

What makes people wonder is how such a low-level civilization navigates in nothingness?

However, the Taoist master of Hanhuang universe did not think carefully. Instead, he waited for many years according to the original plan. It was like a tiger sitting on the bank waiting for a little turtle to swim across the river and come to his own face. Although the tiger can cross the river to find the turtle, it is the meaning world that has issued strict orders, so the Taoist Masters did not move.

Then, the fleet arrived, and then the fleet was wiped out.

This is the end of the whole war.

After a year, a lot of adults would be ashamed to talk about the universe. Why would they be so ashamed when they talked about it?

This war is also widely publicized by the meaning world, so that many affiliated universes know that big brother is still big brother, different, just a weak barbarian, not to be afraid of.

But the meaning world is not blind and arrogant. They are very cautious. They get orders from several Taoists to guard and not attack, even if the other party is a baby with a pacifier. We can see one or two. So the meaning world immediately explores the source of this huge fleet and finds that the law is thin and the vitality is thin. Even the cosmic barrier is very thin The universe was easily broken, and then ordered two Taoists to destroy the universe.

This matter has not been publicized, and there are not many people who know about it. The people living in the Han Emperor universe step by step do not care.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, the Taoist who was ordered to destroy the universe came back, but only one came back.

One of them, dead.

And the one who came back was dying.

The Taoist master, who was in charge of the Grand Hall of Hanhuang's universe, immediately blocked the incident and sent the news back to the eight pillars of the meaning world.

This incident caused a big wave.

On the one hand, some people think that there must be something strange about this matter. It is impossible for such a weak universe to have the ability to kill the Taoist master. On the other hand, some people smell some other smell, which is quite serious.

Finally, the meaning world calls for a careful investigation of the matter.

But the meaningful world didn't think about what it meant.

They did not expect that no one in the world could think of it.

No one can understand the horror of this matter except the commander of the hall stationed in the Han Emperor universe and the dying Taoist master who has experienced everything personally.

Before long, the dying Taoist master died.

Then, somewhere in the Han Emperor's universe, a small plague broke out. Three people died, and all the dead people were turned into mummies.

Thousands more are missing.

In the next few months, there were continuous outbreaks in various places and corners of the Han Emperor's universe.

It looks like a common disease.

But even the king of God is sick.

Later, someone at the hall of the Han Emperor finally found out the culprit of the disease, and began to call this strange, almost invisible creature that can only be seen by tens of billions of individuals together as the "ultimate creation", which was later officially named as the black water alien by the meaning world.

Because the commander-in-chief of the hall knew all this at first and witnessed it with his own eyes. He went beyond the rules, issued several edicts, monopolized power, blocked many areas, and made many countermeasures. It can be said that all he did was right, although the effect was ordinary. Unfortunately, his power was limited, and the contempt of the world of meaning also led to the slow support. At the same time, at the end of the day, he did not have enough power The power of extreme creation is indeed beyond the imagination of the meaning world and the commander-in-chief.

So a year later, the epidemic was out of control, and more than one tenth of Hanhuang's universe had become a disaster area, and the ultimate creation adapted to lurking and camouflage in a short period of evolution, and it was impossible to determine who was infected.Then the wolf clan appeared.

It is also known as "tyrant" in the meaning world.

Under the control of the Heishui alien race, the tyrant usually disguises himself first. Although he observes carefully, he will find some abnormal phenomena. During this period, the Heishui alien race has not fully adapted to the carrier of "God King", and the evolution is not complete, and the God King has a strong will Power is also a great resistance to the control of the Heishui alien. However, the simple disguise of thugs and purposeful approach to other "targets" make the expansion of Heishui alien race faster.

Then there was the incident that the army of rioters attacked the majestic hall.

Although there are millions of rioters, it is still very difficult to attack the hall of Hanhuang's universe. It has not been successful for many years. Moreover, the meaning world has sent a large number of apostles to support it. At this stage, although the meaning world can not confirm what the ultimate creation is and what kind of power it has, it has already realized something The severity of.

When the main hall was besieged, it lost control of the Han Emperor's universe, so the Han Emperor's universe fell faster.

The hall of Emperor Han lasted for 16 years.

Later, it disintegrated.

Because inside the hall, one of the commander's most trusted subordinates became a black water alien.

Although it was not sure when this confidant was infected, in the commander's last last words, he mentioned that this confidant might have been infected before the main hall was besieged, and thought that this confidant was probably a "monarch" in the mouth of Heishui alien. The word "monarch" appeared in the diary of the commander-in-chief of Hanhuang hall. He was at the forefront of the confrontation with Heishui foreigners. He collected enough information and intelligence, and tried his best to spread the news back to the meaning world. It may seem that he is very great, but in fact, he is helpless. When the veil of Heishui alien race is lifted little by little, it causes great fear in the meaning world Panic, began to gradually block the Han Emperor universe, this commander, must stay in the front line, he can not walk out of the Han Emperor universe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!