Supreme God King

Chapter 3653

In a flash, two hundred years have passed.

The last outpost of the eight kings universe has been completed.

These outposts are far away, and many facilities are not complete, so it is very difficult for them to communicate with each other. Basically, each of these outposts is an independent individual and does not communicate with other sentinels.

There was only one caravan authorized by the town Defense Department to travel between these outposts. However, a caravan could not supply such a large number of outposts. Therefore, some of the outposts were stagnant or even abandoned due to lack of resources. The construction and maintenance of these outposts also cost a lot of money and money, and they were easily abandoned. The town defense department could not accept it Some private caravans were authorized to pass through.

The farther the sentry is from the town Defense Department, the more authorized caravans are, and the more relaxed the authorization qualification is.

Among them, there is a rather humble outpost.

There are only a few thousand living creatures living in this sentinel station. All of them were moved in when the sentinel was built. Among these creatures, only a small number of gods and most of them are still in the realm of Shenyuan.

The outpost is built on an unstable star, so thousands of creatures are still in the stage of opening up wasteland and stabilizing the star law. The caravan will come three times a year. Usually, some independent businessmen will arrive and send some supplies.

Not long ago, a damaged ship arrived at the sentry station. It was unknown how long the ship had traveled. Most of it had been corroded. It was found by the people patrolling around the sentry. After searching the ship, they found no living creatures or bodies, they decomposed the ship and used it as raw materials.

This is not a big deal. In the void near the huge universe, there are often some wrecks. In particular, the eight kings universe has established thousands of sentinel stations. In this void, there will also be some discarded materials of sentry stations or shipwrecks.

The officer of the sentry only made a very simple record and put some small pieces of wreckage of the ship into the warehouse, so that if someone comes to look into the matter in the future, the source of the ship can be determined through the wreckage.

In the record, the officer wrote that the ship was only made of metal spar, which seemed to be excellent. By decomposing the ship, twelve tons of usable spar, two tons of various metals, and several hundred kilograms of other materials were obtained. However, there was only one material, and its property and value could not be confirmed. This is also normal. The officer recorded that this kind of material was made of this material The material also looks like a kind of crystal stone, which is pure black. There are more than 500 pieces. The largest one is smaller than goose egg. Its shape is irregular and its weight is very light. There is a substance similar to solidified liquid in the crystal, but it is not sure what it is.

This kind of spar was useless, so it was discarded. Among the small pieces of debris collected by the officer, there was also one piece.

After recording these contents, the officer will be busy with other things.

Twenty days later.

In the warehouse, the black spar, little by little, melted by itself and became liquid.


The boundless universe, the border of the world of meaning, has been officially replaced by the first empire after two hundred years of rule, becoming the new overlord of the universe.

Over the past two hundred years, the first empire has built a huge capital.

All kinds of forces, large and small, were incorporated into the first empire, and many others were subject to the first empire.

The first empire has established a complete alliance system, and all kinds of forces that submit to the first empire join this system. For example, some forces have alliance relationship with the first empire, and some forces are subordinates. The first empire has the right to speak in all kinds of affairs under the jurisdiction of the first empire, while others remain basically independent, but still pay tribute to the first empire.

The first empire now occupies more than 20% of the infinite universe, and its expansion speed is very fast. It combines with each other, constantly stirs up the current situation, initiates small-scale wars in a planned way, and then intervenes in wars to improve its influence and earn benefits, or uses force and diplomacy to annex the territory of other forces.

Because the collapse of the immeasurable master's cabinet led to the emergence of a large number of vacuums, such as power vacuum, territory vacuum, trade vacuum, prestige vacuum, influence vacuum, order vacuum, etc., because these affairs were managed by the immeasurable universe before, many forces had their own minds after the collapse of the immeasurable universe, but no one had a bad room How fierce.

By defeating the boundless universe, the humble house first filled the prestige vacuum. Everyone needed to act according to the will of the humble house. Then, the humble house established the first empire with great boldness, and began to stir up the current situation, and its influence became more and more powerful.

In addition, in the past two hundred years, the first Empire also laid thousands of roads across the East, West, North and south, as well as hundreds of thousands of relay stations, reclaimed hundreds of millions of miles of wasteland into fertile land, built more than 20000 flying ark for transportation and trade, cultivated a seven Horned Dragon Horse, became the most popular mount in the infinite universe, and established more than a dozen towns and cities A very sound code has been laid out, and many wars launched by the first empire in the past two hundred years are based on the code. As long as any force in the infinite universe dares to violate the code, the first empire will take action.In these two hundred years, the first empire has established its own rule.

But for Zhan Tian giant and Gu Xin Ao, this is not enough.

What they're going to do is unify the universe.

The world conferences have contacted them and will send another team within a thousand years. However, the number of this team is not large. It is estimated that there will be only a dozen of them. It will also be composed of young elites from the divine universe and the computational universe. In addition, the team will carry thousands of memory fragments for communication, and try to establish a team that can directly communicate with God and Wang Yu from the meaningful world The method of transmitting information.

The God King universe, we should try our best to learn knowledge from the meaning world and understand the meaning world.

In the future, more teams will arrive in the infinite universe.

In order to completely transform the immeasurable universe into a suitable outpost, Zhan Tian giant and Gu Xin Ao decided to unify the whole universe within a thousand years.

But at the same time, they have to be defensive.

Although the meaning world is busy with the infinite universe, and even before, the meaning world seldom paid attention to the infinite universe, but it still can't be ignored.

Therefore, the first Empire must try its best to disguise itself as a local rising force, and the members of the first expeditionary army must have a complete identity and blend into the beings of the infinite universe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!