Supporting actress Becomes the Heroine

C66 Angry

"Don't be surrounded by so many people. There's no wind." Baili Xuanrui sat on a chair to the side and instructed.

Lou Yetu quickly dispersed the servants that had violated the rules.

And only the two of them were left behind, Baili Xuanrui and his wife as well as the Xi'er.

Even the guards Baili Xuanrui brought with him retreated outside the door and waited.

Lou Zigui really wanted to kneel for this grandpa.

Even if she sent someone to get a doctor, why were they 'waiting' for her to wake up?

Xi'er was also sweating profusely as she looked at everyone's expressions carefully, especially Baili Xuanrui's. However, he just sat there and waited, without showing any signs of wanting to do anything else.

The atmosphere became awkward, but Baili Xuanrui would still give an order: "Didn't this king send some medicinal ingredients to treat the other time? Let her drink it. "

Lou Yetu agreed, felt that it was true, and then ordered: "Someone come!"

A maid pushed open the door and entered the room.

Lou Yetu instructed them, but the servant girl was not as quick-witted as the Xi'er. At the same time, she did not know what she could not say, so she blurted out the news about Lou Zigui taking all the ingredients out.

As one could imagine, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly froze.

Lou Yetu asked the Xi'er, "Did she take all the medicinal ingredients out of her house? Where did it go? "

"Reporting to General, this servant doesn't know either."

"Just what do you know!" Lou Yetu didn't say anything in front of Baili Xuanrui.

Lou Yetu and Xu looked at each other. Looking at a certain master sitting on the side of the bed, they knew they couldn't chase him away or ask him, they had no idea what he was thinking about their daughter.

As for Xi'er, her legs were so weak that she was about to faint.

There was no other way around it. Lou Zigui couldn't stand the atmosphere in the room and had to let out a sound that sounded like someone waking up by accident.

Xi'er moved quickly and rushed to the bedside to kneel down, "Miss, you're awake!"

Lou Zigui silently wiped the sweat off her forehead. She was thinking of the first thing she would say when she woke up.

Xu was finally able to see her daughter as he walked over to the bedside and sat down.

When Lou Zigui saw Xu, her eyes lit up and she instantly knew what she should do.


"Good boy, crescent, how was it? "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"Mm …" Mother, your daughter's head is dizzy. She's so tired. Even she could not believe that she could make such a numbing sound.

If he didn't force it, he wouldn't have known that his acting skills were this good!

Lou Yetu stepped forward, "Just …"

Xu actually protected her own daughter, and her attitude was' tough 'towards Lou Yetu, "Master, you should listen to what her daughter has to say, she has a headache, she clearly knows that her body is not fully recovered yet, but she has been kneeling in the buddhist hall for so long, you are not allowed to drink with food, she is a daughter, how can she stand it! Why can't I wait for her to rest before asking? "

In the image, this mother didn't seem to have such an unyielding attitude.

And now, she was protecting her.

When Lou Zigui heard this, she was moved.

In the past, when she was sick, who would know?

In such a big, rich family, in such a big, beautiful house, she was sick, but the servant auntie gave her some medicine.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Xu turned his head, "What do you mean okay, you're already unconscious, how can you be okay?"

Baili Xuanrui finally stood up, "Madam Lou is right, let Third Miss Lou rest well."

"Your highness, I have truly let you down!" Although Lou Yetu was dissatisfied with Xu's words, it was good that he could send this lord away.

Baili Xuanrui did not even glance at Lou Zigui, as he walked away in big strides.

Lou Yetu followed.

Seeing that Lou Zigui was not in a good mood, the Xu instructed the Xi'er to take good care of her and left as well.

On the way back to the front courtyard, they met Aunt Fu, who was also Lou Yetu's "concubine".

Beside him, was his daughter Lou Xuening.

When the two of them saw the prince and their master approaching them, they hurried to pay their respects.

Aunt Fu didn't know if she did it on purpose, or if she really didn't think too much, and spoke up in front of the prince. "This crescent is really something, she hasn't even recovered yet, and she's already gone. If someone knew about this, who knows what they would say about her …"

Baili Xuanrui was about to leave, but he stopped.

He only knew that the Xi'er was here to seek help, but he did not know what mistakes Lou Zigui had made.

When he found out that she was kneeling in the buddhist hall, he only thought that she was' disobedient 'again.

However, she just said that she sent the medicinal plants out in a bag, and now she's saying that she hasn't come back for an entire night?

So, where did she go?


Before Lou Yetu could berate Aunt Fu, he saw Baili Xuanrui bringing his men along the way.

He called for people, but Baili Xuanrui did not reply.

Looking at the route, he planned to return to Lou Zigui's room.

Baili Xuanrui was really standing in front of Lou Zigui's door.

Moreover, he directly opened the door and went in without any hesitation.

In such a short time, Lou Zigui had already gotten up from the bed. Xi'er had already prepared something to eat and was waiting for her to come out to give it to her.

The two of them looked up when they heard the door open.

Xi'er frantically stood up, and with a plop, she kneeled down. "Wang … "Your Highness!"

Because Xi'er's movements were too big, the sound of the muscles on Lou Zigui's chopsticks dropping was also covered.

Baili Xuanrui stepped into the house.

Instead of saying anything to Lou Zigui, he instructed the Xi'er, "Get out."

Xi'er looked at Lou Zigui.

Lou Xinyue shook her head slightly, indicating that she should not go out.

But, she had to see who the Xi'er was, who the other party was.

Baili Xuanrui gave his a glance and Xi'er immediately rushed out.

In any case, her young mistress would be fine.

When Xi'er left, Baili Xuanrui's men were guarding outside the door. The two of them were alone in the room.

Lou Yetu's face turned black.

He wanted to enter, but was stopped by Baili Xuanrui's men.

"General, don't worry. His Royal Highness will not harm Third Miss."

That was true.

However, it wasn't a big deal for them to be alone like this.

Aunt Fu did not understand, and even asked what happened, getting scolded by Lou Yetu.

Lou Xuening was naturally unhappy, "Father, mother and daughter only had good intentions and wanted to see how big sister is doing. Why do you have to be angry with your mother? "

Lou Yetu looked over, and she immediately lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Aunt Fu patted his daughter's hand and said softly, "Forget about Xue'er, let's go. We shouldn't stay here and be disliked by others."

Lou Yetu really cared about this "second wife", but because of the current situation, he was furious. Now that Aunt Fu had let out a single tear and a small grudge, his heart would naturally soften as well.

Inside the house.

"Master, have you eaten yet?" she asked him awkwardly.

"You ate so greasy as soon as you woke up?"

"…" She didn't know how to answer.

"After washing your hands, This King has something to ask you." Until now, Baili Xuanrui still did not have any expression that could make Lou Zigui guess what he wanted to do.

She didn't know what he was going to do, but seeing that he didn't care about being in someone else's house and was even a girl's room, it seemed like it was better for her to be obedient just like that.

Looking at her favorite cuisine on the table, she could only sigh and then quickly wash her hands.

Baili Xuanrui sat on the soft couch.

She moved.

No matter how slow he was, he was still able to arrive nearby in a few steps.

He looked up at her, then pointed to the seat beside him. "Sit."

"I think I'll sit here." She pointed to a stool.

"Come here." Baili Xuanrui was slightly impatient.

Hearing the suppressed and angry tone of the prelude, Lou Zigui finally understood what was going on and went over to sit beside him.

Baili Xuanrui turned his head.

She sat up straight.

"Where did you go last night?" he asked.

Lou Zigui was wondering what the hell was going on when she heard this. It was only then that she understood that he was in the wrong!

"That doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?" She wanted to talk to him, but she felt that he was too nosy.

Baili Xuanrui raised his eyebrows.

She really didn't like being pressed by him, so the two of them stood up as if they had some sort of relationship. She wanted to go out and open the door.

Baili Xuanrui stood up at the same time, grabbed her arm, and pulled forcefully. The moment she wanted to resist, he had already pushed her against the wall, allowing her to lean close so that he could encircle her.

There was quite a commotion this time, and the head outside the door heard it.

It was a good thing that Lou Yetu had already left with his people temporarily. The only people they heard were Baili Xuanrui's people and the Xi'er …

She raised her head and glared at him. "Prince, are you bullying women right now?"


She raised her eyebrows and looked at the way he pressed his wrist against the wall.

Fortunately, his arm wasn't injured, or else how could he withstand such a move!

Baili Xuanrui instantly approached her.

It was the approach of the face to the face.

Lou Zigui wanted to lean backwards, but her back was already pressed against the wall and there was nowhere for her to hide. She couldn't even move her head to lean backwards.

"Lou Xinyue, do you not understand what I told you last time?"

This was the first time they saw each other after the incident where the mermaid had saved a life.

Lou Xinyue had originally wanted to use some method to face him.

No, she thought she wouldn't have to face him again.

But this master seemed to have no memory of this matter at all.

"Last time?" "My apologies, Your Highness. Which time did you say that?"

"Don't remember?"

No, she didn't know the last time he said it.

Her speechless expression, in Baili Xuanrui's opinion, was an expression that she had completely forgotten.

But it didn't matter, he could remind her.

He stretched out his hand and pinched her chin. Unprepared, he lowered his head and bit her lips.

Yes, bite!

Lou Zigui choked on her words and tried to struggle, but it was to no avail. There was a huge disparity in strength between the two of them, making it impossible for her to shake them.

When she was reading, she had liked the idea that and Ming Qianqian had a deep love affair. Although the novel seemed to be about torture and because this guy's personality was a little sinister and aggressive, she liked to be jealous.

However, this was based on the premise of seeing how deep the love affair of others was, and not on her own experience!