Supporting actress Becomes the Heroine


Halfway through the Emperor's hunt, all of them returned to the city.

They had originally planned to go to the palace to save people, but halfway through, Lou Zigui's condition worsened and the situation in the Princess Jiao Yang was not looking good either.

Lou Zigui had Baili Xuanrui personally carry her to her room, and the imperial physicians had already sent people to bring her over to the imperial hospitals to reunite. At the same time, there were doctors who knew of's medical skills, and they all gathered together.

"I'm fine." She tried not to say it.

However, she did not know where Bai Mei had gotten it from. Although this thing was worn with care, it was still summer and it was cool and comfortable. He had to see her wounds before he could do anything about it.

Just where did this come from, and was it even possible for Baili Xuanrui to recognize it? These were all problems! The Heaven Silkworm Robe was definitely very precious. If Baili Xuanrui knew about it, it would be too troublesome to explain.

"Since when have you become so reserved!" He didn't think she was that kind of person.

Lou Zigui spat out a mouthful of blood. "Motherf * cker, can we still communicate like this?!"

Seeing this, Baili Xuanrui did not bother with her anymore, and planned to take off his clothes forcefully. As for Lou Zigui, he really wanted to fish on the chopping block, since he had already left the water and was unable to move.

That was also why Baili Xuanrui was able to see the Heaven Silkworm Robe she was wearing underneath.

He paused, pulled up a corner, and then...

He breathed a sigh of relief and put her clothes back on.

Lou Zigui furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes. The pain made her unable to open her eyes, but she could still feel the movement.

Lou Zigui refused to cooperate.

"Don't worry, it isn't poison!" he said.

She still couldn't believe it.

Baili Xuanrui didn't think that she would be so cautious. He wasn't a person who knew how to coax girls either, so he directly put the pill into her mouth, lowered his head, and then blew air into her mouth.

Lou Zigui really wanted Su De so much!

However, her injuries were severe and she seemed to be infected. Her head was extremely heavy! Thus, he was forced to swallow the pill.

"Lou Qingyue, the real pill is high quality. If you still die after eating this, I'll have your corpse cut open to retrieve the pill!" The gloomy yet inexplicably emotional words rang in his ears.

Lou Zigui seemed to have overheard his words and slowly gathered these words in her head. She could still ridicule his words even in a trance.

You can still use it if you eat it, idiot!

After letting her take the medicine, Baili Xuanrui had been hugging her and what happened afterwards was something she did not know.

They took a shortcut and went to Prince Rui's Mansion, so of course she was brought there.

Moreover, the one who carried her into the room, was Baili Xuanrui.

He instructed a few maidservants to change Lou Zigui's clothes. They were waiting for the imperial physician and many doctors to arrive.

The maidservants knew what Skysilk Robe she was wearing, so they took it out along with her blood-stained clothes.

Baili Xuanrui kept his guard up and private put away the Heaven Silkworm Robe, of course he would have to worry about other bloodstained clothes for the servant girl to take care of.

There was a long period of time for the wounds to be healed, so the imperial physicians and doctors didn't dare to be negligent.

It was needless to say that the princess's side did not know the identity of the other woman. However, as long as they saw the Great Emperor and Ninth Imperial Uncle standing outside her room, they would know what was going on.

Finally, after being treated repeatedly, Lou Zigui and Princess Jiao Yang finally stabilized.

It was just that she had been frightened and then fell down to rub her wounds. The problem was Lou Zigui, who had internal injuries and internal injuries. Fortunately, she had taken the pill Baili Xuanrui gave her earlier and stabilized her breathing.

That night, the Emperor and the others went back to their "homes."

Before Lou Anhao left, he was still worried.

"General Lou Zuo, you can rest assured that your little sister is with this prince." The Imperial Physician also said that his condition has stabilized. "

Even though he said that, Lou Anhao was still worried. Furthermore, leaving people at the Duke Palaces was not an issue, he said, "I will trouble Prince Rui too much, how about I send someone to bring my sister back to the Palace."

Baili Xuanrui rejected the offer without even thinking, "Although the injury has already stabilized, the doctor said that it is not appropriate to touch the wound. The blazing sun is also with me, you do not need to be too concerned about it!"

How could he not care?

His sister clearly had intentions for the Fourth Prince, what could it be considered to be in Ninth Imperial Uncle's current state?

"What is he worried about?" Baili Xuanrui was getting impatient.

Speaking till this point, what else could Lou Anhao say. He politely said that he was only worried that Lou Zigui would disturb him, and then asked the doctor a few simple questions before he left.

Although this matter had come to an end, he knew that the aftermath would not be smaller than this incident. He had to report back to his father and prepare for it.

For example, Lou Zigui had done a great service this time. For example, he didn't know how far the fourth prince would be implicated this time. Also, was this an accident or was it an accident …

Anyway, there were so many things that it was hard to calm down.

In the face of the storm, Lou Zigui was the only one who was not affected by the storm.

Save the emperor from injury!

What a great contribution this was.

At the beginning, when the army returned to the capital, no one knew. In a night, everyone who should know would know about it.

The reputation of the Lou Family's Third Miss was gone just like that.

Some people even described the situation as extremely dangerous.

There were so many people who could stand up at such a dangerous moment, and the other party was even a woman.

"Yiya!" The door was pushed open.

The man took a step forward and strode into the room. Within a few steps, he had stopped beside the bed.

The woman slept soundly, her long hair unbound.


"Since you are awake, open your eyes." Baili Xuanrui did not avoid his and directly sat on the side of the bed.

It was already the third day after everything had happened, and she had woken up frequently during the process, such as going to the toilet, drinking medicine, eating some food, etc. However, every time Baili Xuanrui came by, she would always be sleeping.

This time, it was the same as usual, but …

"How long do you want to pretend?" Seeing that she did not react, he continued.

She still didn't say anything.

Baili Xuanrui raised his eyebrows slightly, "If that's the case, then this king can take care of the Sky Serpent Robe!"

As soon as she finished, Lou Zigui silently opened her eyes.

"Finally awake?" Baili Xuanrui stared at her.

Lou Zigui coughed awkwardly. "Yeah."

"Want to sit up?" he asked again.

She thought for a moment, but didn't answer. She began to move, wanting to sit up.

Baili Xuanrui reached out to support her, but she tilted his head and looked at him. In the end, he didn't say anything even though he wanted to reject him.

He straightened his robe and sat down, still looking at her.

Seriously, how could she be embarrassed?

"Master, please have someone come in."

"If you have anything, you can tell This King."

"…" Why did she feel that it was so weird? "I want to drink water, how would I dare trouble you!"

It was just that when she said that, Baili Xuanrui actually used a movement to answer her. He stood up and walked over to the table, afraid that she would wake up at any time and want water, so at regular intervals, the servant would come to change the water.

It was just that, as a prince, and a person with such a cold demeanor, carrying tea and water, how could she not be shocked by Lou Zigui's drooling.

She stretched out her hand to break the teacup, but the man casually brushed past her and said in a suppressed voice, "This King will do it."

What was he angry about?

Lou Xinyue was puzzled, but she didn't ask. Instead, she said, "Don't worry, your highness. I've only injured one of my hands."

"What? You want to injure the other one as well?"

"…" Can you still communicate properly?

It was obviously impossible, but what this Ninth Imperial Uncle had decided on was something that he had to do.

He fed her and set the glass aside.

"Thank you, Your Highness." She lowered her head and thought about what to do next.

Without needing her to think, Baili Xuanrui had already asked her, "The bottom of your heart is very good. Previously, you saved this king with your life, but now, you have saved the emperor."

Was he praising her? Is that so? That's right!

"Hehe, it's alright!" Since she didn't understand the other party's intentions, she could only counter attack.

"Lou Xinyue, you …" You are so afraid of This King?

"Hmm?" Halfway through his words, she raised her head, puzzled.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, someone knocked on the door and reported urgently, "Your Highness! This subordinate has something important to report. "

There must be an urgent reason for them to come and disturb him.

Baili Xuanrui stood up.

When he looked at her, she immediately laughed and interrupted, "Prince, you're busy!"

Baili Xuanrui was not happy with her perfunctory attitude, but he didn't know why she had guarded himself so heavily. He could only turn around helplessly and go out to see what was going on.

Lou Zigui waited for him to leave before letting out a sigh of relief.

She leaned out her body to see what was so important about Baili Xuanrui, but she only saw the person kneeling down and reporting to Baili Xuanrui. The distance was too far, she could not hear anything even if she pricked her ears, she only saw a few simple words, such as' palace, emperor, crown prince '.

Not long after, the man went back into the house.

She remained seated.

"Alright." She answered "obediently".

Baili Xuanrui turned around, and was about to leave again. After walking a few steps, he stopped again, and turned around.

"…" Master, can you not use such a terrifying tone to ask her, "Yes …" "Alright." She didn't know how to answer.

However, Lou Zigui had to scratch the wall!

Say it clearly.

What's wrong with her being 16!? What's so good about it!

Annoyed, she felt that something was off. Where was the Heaven Silkworm Robe?

She had forgotten to ask him to return the Skysilk Robe to her!