Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 33

"I\'m so angry!"

The red skeleton, the leader of Hydra\'s secret base, put the receiver away and let the head of the third empire yell at him.

Italy was captured, Mussolini was captured alive, and the Allies landed in Sicily

The disadvantage that the axis powers finally recovered was leveled again.

In the face of the allies with high morale and fallen allies, the head of state could no longer maintain his demeanor and said dirty words like a shrew.

"A bunch of rubbish! Dregs!"

Finally, the head of state in Berlin ended the call with his famous lines.

The red skeleton was livid and put down the phone heavily.


He pinched the receiver directly into a pile of parts!

The electric spark of "Zizi" jumped on the skin, but he didn\'t feel it.

"Sebastian Shaw is such a waste! Touting the mutants so powerful that they don\'t even have a team of less than 30 people!"

The red skeleton repeated the head of state\'s scolding and threw it to Sebastian Shaw of Auschwitz concentration camp.

He sent all the strengthening soldiers under his hand, and the mutants of Hellfire club failed to rescue Mussolini, but suffered the end of mass destruction.

This is the result that the red skeleton didn\'t expect!

Is the legendary hero of the alliance, the young captain called Superman, so powerful?

Some people don\'t believe the red skeleton, who is also a super soldier.

He was the first super soldier created by Dr. Abraham Erskine, and he was very clear about his power.

"The allies must have hidden other secret weapons! One man captured Italy and caused the fall of Rome... This is a myth concocted by the allies! It\'s not worth believing!"

The red skeleton sneered and then went to a metal instrument.

There is a pure cube inside, and its appearance emits a faint blue light.

If there is no energy fluctuation, it flows to unknown places through the pipeline of metal instruments.

"Allied Superman and Sebastian mutant are just inferior products destined to be eliminated! I have the power to become a god! How can Hitler\'s\' Aryan Superman \'plan compare with the treasure of Odin\'s treasure house!"

The red skeleton looked at the cube with an obsessed look in his eyes.

He believes that those ancient myths are actually facts that have happened.

It was only through word-of-mouth, artistic processing and gradual spread that it became what it is today.

Coincidentally, the head of state once worshipped by the red skeleton is also a firm supporter of mysticism.

Influenced by idols, he injected serum and became a red skeleton of super soldiers. He began to explore along the Nordic mythology and pursue the precious stones lost in Odin\'s treasure house!

Finally let him find the universe cube in a church in Norway!

"The third empire has hindered the development of Hydra. We can no longer obey Hitler\'s orders. Do you think I\'m right, Dr. Zola?"

The red skeleton turned to look at a small middle-aged man, who was the chief researcher of the Hydra science department.

The special instrument for extracting the energy of the cosmic cube is his masterpiece.

"Long live the Hydra!"

Dr. Zola replied very wisely.

He is a scientist, not a Na Puritan influenced by fanatical ideas.

Hydra has long been under the leadership of red skeleton and gradually separated from the control of the third empire.

If other people receive the angry reprimand call from the head of state, they may be scared out of their wits, worried about being arrested by the Gestapo and thrown into prison to experience cruel punishment.

But the red skeleton did not panic at all. Holding the cosmic magic cube, he can provide energy weapons for the third empire. Now he is an indispensable chip for the axis camp.

Without those giant tanks with multiple turrets that are invincible on the battlefield and energy guns that can turn them into fly ash without hitting the human body, I\'m afraid the Soviets will invade Berlin.

"Mr. Schmidt, the Allies..."

Asked Dr. Zola carefully.

Today, the only axis power that can resist the Allied Superman may be the hydra.

The head of state called in person. He must hope that the red skeleton can solve this problem and frustrate the morale of the allies!

"Superman is not afraid! The Hydra who has the cosmic cube and master the core technology is the ruler of the world! The valkiri plan is our focus!"

The red skeleton disdained and didn\'t take the legendary figures publicized by the allies to heart.

Then he delivered an impassioned speech.

Like the former head of the Third Reich, he looked forward to the future of the world.

Dr. Zola, who was silent, looked at the portrait in the corner.

The skin peeled off and a skull shaped like a skeleton.

This is the true face of the red skeleton!

Usually, he just covered his terrible face with a delicate mask.

"What about Sebastian Shaw? He cherishes\' mutant compatriots\'. It will be very painful to lose four at once. The alliance we have reached with him may be affected..."

Dr. Zola lowered his head and asked softly.

"Hellfire Club... If you want trouble, Sebastian Shaw should also go to the Allied Superman. What does it have to do with me!"

Said the red skeleton contemptuously.

"Isn\'t my fortified warrior more valuable than his fellow freaks? It\'s stupid to want to seize power by relying on a group of freaks! Human beings are the most exclusive creatures in the world. Once Sebastian Shaw\'s mutants enter the world stage, they will become the target of everyone\'s vigilance. Moreover, I don\'t need to ally with him anymore."

The power of the cosmic cube has immersed the red skeleton in the dream of ruling the world.

He no longer needed the Third Reich or mutants.

Because the world will soon fall into the hands of Hydra!



Auschwitz concentration camp, Poland.

Sebastian Shaw sits behind a desk. He is the manager of the "death factory".

Soothing music slowly flows out of the phonograph and reverberates indoors.

In this concentration camp, which holds a large number of Jews, poles and Soviet prisoners, people die every day, buried alive, shot, gassed, autopsied... In various ways.

The officers stationed in the concentration camp regard it as an amusement park and have fun by wantonly killing people. Sebastian Shaw never stopped or participated in it.

He is a scientist. The goal is to explore the essence and pursue the truth.

Sebastian Shaw prefers research to killing.

It is his long-standing wish to find out the genetic code and the key to open the door of evolution!

Influenced by Hitler, Sebastian Shaw once thought that the blonde Germans were the most superior lineage on earth.

However, after deeply participating in the so-called "Aryan Superman" program, he was very disappointed.

The "perfect race" claimed by the head of state is not Germanic. They are no different from Jews and poles. They are neither stronger nor smarter.

"Lancer is the key to the new era."

Sebastian Shaw whispered.

Since he found the little boy named Eric Lancer, he seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

The previously believed superhuman theory has finally been confirmed.

There are indeed better races than humans on this planet. They are pioneers on the path of evolution and gifted powers

Far away in the United States, Dr. Bolivar teslak, who also studies genetic inheritance, calls this group "mutants".

Think their genes, like being implanted with a string of magical codes, are on a very different path from human beings.

Unfortunately, Dr. Tesla is reluctant to say more about the secret of X gene.

This made Sebastian Shaw a little disappointed. Fortunately, he had a real mutant in his hand, which could be used as a reference.

So the crazy scientist was like a greedy hungry wolf, trying to dig more treasures from the mutant.

Especially after stimulating Eric Lancer\'s natural ability, he began to carry out continuous experiments to deeply study the difference between mutant human genes and normal humans.

The prisoners in Auschwitz became the best living subjects.

Cold blooded and crazy scientists are far more terrible than those Na butchers!

Hard work pays off. Sebastian Shaw found a way to stimulate mutant genes.

That is, the painful torture, coupled with the extremely harsh living environment, may awaken the recessive X gene in people\'s body - although the success rate is extremely low, if you don\'t care about human life, you can always succeed several times by filling it with quantity.

Using this method, Sebastian Shaw created a group of acquired mutants.

Like "chameleon" and "poison gas woman" belong to this group.

And in the name of their compatriots, they recruited many congenital mutants.

Asazo, the "red devil", is one of them.

As for Sebastian Shaw himself, he adopted a more stable method of organ transplantation.

The successful acquired mutants were dissected in vivo, the organs were removed, and then transplanted into their own bodies.

As long as we solve the rejection reaction, we can successfully transform into mutants!

Facts have proved that Sebastian Shaw\'s crazy idea is right, and he has done it.

"This is the power God has given me!"

Sebastian Shaw, with his hands on his desk, looked proud.

He felt that every cell in his body was full of vitality, becoming young and powerful from aging, and his shriveled muscles were becoming fuller and fuller.

"Mr. Xiao, Elena said he lost the chameleon, steel shell and their links!"

His men knocked on the door and told Sebastian Shaw the bad news.

The crazy scientist immersed in satisfaction suddenly changed his eyes and sent out a cold, violent and terrible smell.

His hands quickly lowered their heads and trembled their legs for fear of provoking each other\'s anger.

"How could this happen?"

Sebastian Shaw asked angrily.

Elena is a congenital mutant he found, with rare spiritual ability.

Be able to leave spiritual marks on three to five people and feel their existence at any time.

Breaking the link means someone has erased the mind mark or killed them!

Neither result will make Sebastian Shaw happy.

Every mutant is his precious wealth. No one is allowed to damage except himself!

"Damn Hydra! I knew I shouldn\'t have agreed to the request of the red skeleton!"

Sebastian Shaw looked angry. He stared at the newspaper from the allies on the table, which read the headlines of Roosevelt and Churchill calling the Italian Conqueror "Superman".

"Superman? We\'ll meet sooner or later. Let me see what you can do then!"