Super Warcraft Factory

28 Chapter 28

Li Xiuwen discovered that the latest self-evident beast is very completely implemented, and the first-class compass is excavated, and it is hung up to the trading network.

Until now, the nine Bitecuro is sold, and seven more than the trading network is still selling.

Moreover, the nine Bitcoin successfully sold, the transaction price is a lower than a low, down $ 9,000 to $ 8,700.

[No, do more than a dozen Bitcoin in this district, put the transaction price three hundred dollars?

Li Xiuwen is bored, is it NO.1 of the Bitcoin into an encrypted currency, saying that it is a total value of up to 100 billion US dollars.

As a result, even more than a dozen Bitcoin did not absorb, it was so disappointed, so fragile, no price would rise up and down like a roller coaster.

At this time, Li Xiuwen\'s best way to make money is the way to sell the Bitcoin, which is changed from a large number of soldiers to slow shipping.

Even with big players to pull up the price, harvest the new admission to the leeks - Cheng Xi, the red bitcoin, I want to get rich.

"Beast thirteen, you continue to maintain this rhythm, I want to see that the big man who is Bitcoin will not shoot."

It may be too easy to dig the bitcoin, plus Li Xiuwen\'s heart is unhappy to maintain the price of "belief", still maintaining the previous sale.

Of course, in order to achieve the bittle of Bitcoin as soon as possible, he will also extend the trading network sold to four, in the trading website such as Rolling Network, Currency Network, etc.

Li Xiuwen looked at the price of Bitcoin on various trading websites, and he raised a refreshment in his heart. It seems that it is as high as it is constantly decreasing.

A few days ago, it is still an intern that he faces the rising housing prices in the city, and the salary of the electric vehicle factory can\'t buy a square meter.

The sense of frustration, like a rootless duckweed, not so fast, still remains in his heart.

From then on, Li Xiuwen has a faint resentment for the goods of financial attributes, why do I do anything?

Thirty years of China\'s reunification is the booming development of manufacturing, absorbing many manpower and launches a crucial basis.

However, in the past six seven years, relying on the financial operation of the real estate industry, like a pumping machine, so that Huaxia\'s manufacturing is half-dead, and tens of millions of people become a slave.

There is no doubt that bitcoin is more financial attributes than commercial housing, and there is not much use value, unlike houses, you can live.

Li Xiuwen slowly cleaves the real cause of self-loss, large-scale continuous sale of Bitcoin.

[Haha, there is no money to make, it is crazy, but I like it!

The four biggest bike trading websites, under the continuous sale, the price of Bitcoin did not decrease, and dropped to a $ 8,500.

Li Xiuwen looked at the account and found that there were more than $ 500,000, almost earned the money to buy the intelligent operation center.

From now on, he sells every Bitcoin, almost all pure.

Because the power consumed by the intelligent operation center, it is less pitiful than the huge mines.

In the past few hours, the price of a global Bitcoin is the same, falling to more than 4,000 dollars, and the trend of falling.

[I am the god of Bitcoin, let it fall!

Li Xiuwen that has already made a big profit, decided to fell the price of Bitcoin to the dust, so that it drops until the lowest.

He seems to see the mourning of the world, hundreds of thousands of bits speculators, one red eyes, holding his head and remorse, hate will not never bought Bitcoin.

This kind of taste that controls others\' destiny is really cool, as if the avatar is the same, the fingers can make countless people to have an angry and sorrow.

Slightly let Li Xiuwen unexpectedly, until now there is no big torue to pick up the bitcoin, there is no save action, like disappearing.

He quickly didn\'t put this problem in your heart, as long as there is a big talents to pull the price, he sells more than the dollar that is more, why not do it.

"Let me fall into tears, more than last night\'s wine, let me reluctantly, not only your gentle ..."

Li Xiuwen\'s mobile phone rang, "Chengdu" melody sounds in the office.

"After the end, Bitcoin has fallen to more than 4,000 US dollars, my investment has lost $ 150!"

"I have to borrow money from Li, or I will be killed by my dad when I go home."

The voice of Yuxi revealed a strong mourning, a heartbeat, because he could not see the bits of Bitcoin. Sign.

"Ah, there is no problem! But didn\'t you consider the stop loss?"

Li Xiuwen secretly said, sorry, and a little curious why didn\'t sell the bitcoin on your hand.

"Anyway, it has been lost to this point, and it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t do it."

"Holding a Bitcoin, there is still a little like it to wait until it rebound, and it is really lost."

Cheng Xi stuffically said that it sounds a bit.

Li Xiuwen shilly shakes his head, and the mentality of this inverted land is not agreed, but he did not continue to persuade.

Everyone is an adult, thinking is fixed, and the effect of persuading is very low.


New York Wall Street, World Financial Center.

Insert the black stone building of the clouds, ninety layers.

A group of maintained a good middle-aged man around, facing a one-inch TV screen on the wall, is being discussed.

Most of them are white, only three people are deep, but it is much more white than black, which is a white and black. Yellow skin is even more.

"I think it is time to absorb the Bitcoin, otherwise we can only look at it, take the bottom!"

"No, Jack, is not the time, Bitcoin\'s previous bubble is too big. I think it will fall to two thousand dollars, and I will take advantage of the scrap."

"Peter, you are playing! If the price is too low, the retail operate will die, holding a bit coin. Now the time is just."

"Jack, Peter, you seem to have ignored a person, that is the guy who is going to sell Bitcoin on the trading network. He looks like a miner head with huge Bitecuro, wants to set rules, must fight his Warehouse, otherwise our plan cannot be realized. "

"Hey! Do we have a black stone consortium to be afraid of guys who are tibuted? He is not worth mentioning! But it is relying on the whole network three-thirds."

"Yes, people who are blocked on our road, as long as they are not Wall Street, they are a bug. He destroys our harvest plan, which is our enemy, I hope he is giving him out and us. "

Sitting in the middle, a white-haired old man, who has been silent, and suddenly coughs.

"Okay, start to swim. This time, the bubble of Bitcoin extruded is enough, it is time to reappear, carry out a new round of harvesting."

"Yes, Mr. Stone."

Others have all closed their mouths, respectfully say.