Super Storm

v4 Chapter 1467: Goal: Five consecutive championships

At noon the next day after defeating Barcelona 2-0, Real Madrid held an annual Christmas dinner in the honor room of the Bernabeu, and invited celebrities from all walks of life to attend the World Club Cup, and witnessed the World Club Cup that Real Madrid just won and once again achieved a Grand Slam .

The coming 2017 is undoubtedly a very successful season for Real Madrid, and the team is almost invincible.

Especially just defeated Barcelona at home, successfully shortened the points gap, so that the team has rekindled hope.

As in previous years, Real Madrid ’s Christmas dinner attracted media from all over the world, and this year even more.

In the past two months, the outside world has been rumored that Yang Yang will leave Real Madrid in a free transfer after the end of the season and return to Ajax. The Dutch media has even vowed to say that this transfer is a stubborn one.

However, Real Madrid officials have always denied this. For the fact that Yang Yang has not renewed the contract, Real Madrid's technical director Bardano said the most, "We believe he will stay in Real Madrid!"

This obviously cannot dispel the doubts of the media and fans.

In the past two months, there has been no movement within Real Madrid, and the players have never mentioned Yang Yang. The coach Zidane has said several times that this is Yang Yang ’s private matter. He refused to express his position, but he also reiterated that Yang Yang is Real The player is also the most important player of Real Madrid.

According to media rumors, Yang Yang chose to leave Real Madrid because he had a conflict with Florentino. In October, when Yang Yang participated in the FIFA awards conference and won again Mr. World Football, Florenti Connaught did not appear on the scene as he did in previous years, but just sent congratulations on the official website of Real Madrid.

The media and fans have also been there for a long time, and did not see Yang Yang and Florentino appearing in front of the camera at the same time, which provides some so-called "evidence" to the rumor, so many media want to use Real Madrid Christmas The opportunity for a dinner together to see if the relationship between the two is really so bad.

But obviously, they were disappointed!


Florentino came early. He is the host and needs to come to the scene to greet the guests early. When facing the media, he is still as kind as ever.

Although many people feel that this Real Madrid chairman is cruel and ruthless, no one can deny that, at least when face to face, Real Madrid Chairman is definitely a gentle philanthropist.

In the face of the media interview, the Real Madrid chairman first expressed his satisfaction with the team's achievements in the past year, thanking the players, the coaching staff and the staff, and he also thanked Yang Yang.

"He is an incredible player. I think it is difficult for other players to succeed like Yang Yang. He has reached the limit of humanity. He works hard every day and is willing to sacrifice for the team. He is the best player. . "

As for the team, Florentino also believes, "We are in the golden age of the team, and even the most peak period in the history of the team, just like in the Di Stefano era, the team was made by the top Of players and coaches, they led Real Madrid to create a new peak. "

The media quickly shifted the topic to the rumors of outside media, and Real Madrid Chairman said he had seen similar news.

"I ca n’t respond because I do n’t think it ’s true. Yang Yang has never talked about this with me. You know, I have nothing to talk to him. If he wants to leave Real Madrid, Then he will tell me, but he did not say, I do not believe the rumors outside. "

Florentino also took the initiative to talk about Yang Yang's contribution to Real Madrid, "He brought me to Bernabeu. In the past nine years, he has brought seven Champions Leagues to the team. He is the greatest in the history of the club. 'S scorer is also the greatest player. This is not what I said, it was Di Stefano. "

"Yang Yang is destined to be a legend in Real Madrid's history. Real Madrid is his home. I don't think he has any reason to leave his home. I believe he will stay on the team until he retires."

When the media asked whether there was a conflict with Yang Yang, Florentino smiled and shook his head, "How is it possible?"

It was at this time that Zidane arrived at the Bernabeu Stadium with Real Madrid players.

Seeing the appearance of Real Madrid players, the live media immediately became energetic. They paid special attention to the reactions of Florentino and Yang Yang.

As a result, what disappointed them was that Zidane took the initiative to embrace Florentino. After entering the honor room, Yang Yang also smiled and hugged Florentino. At the invitation of Real Madrid, he stood Beside him.

"They said, you are in conflict with me." Florentino pointed to the media and laughed.

Yang Yang couldn't help laughing, and stretched out his hand again, holding Florentino's shoulder intimately. This move was more powerful than any explanation, so that everyone on the scene clearly knew that the two of them How can there be conflicts?

"Florentino is the person I respect the most. I still remember that he brought me to Bernabeu. It was the greatest decision of my career. Here I won everything and Real Madrid also gave I have everything, trust, support, affirmation ... I have been here for the ninth year, and I love this club deeply. "

When the media asked Yang Yang about the rumors that he would leave Real Madrid this summer, Yang Yang first smiled and said it was fake news, "I do n’t want anything now, I only care about one thing, that is how to help Real Madrid continue to win. Ball, continue to win more championships. "

This is certainly not the answer the media wanted, but Yang Yang did not give them the opportunity to continue questioning. Florentino obviously did not want Yang Yang to be pressurized by the media, so he took the initiative to terminate the interview.


"Thank you, Florentino."

After entering the restaurant of the honor room, Yang Yang and Florentino did not walk towards the crowd, but stood in the corner of no one.

This thanks is because Florentino just released him.

Florentino patted Yang Yang's shoulder gently, but sighed again, "You decided?"

Yang Yang first raised his head, glanced at the ceiling, took a deep breath, looked again at the President of Real Madrid, and nodded slightly.

"Now, there should be a press conference in Amsterdam, and Kaiser is out of class!"

Just two days ago in the knockout round of the top 16 of the Dutch Cup, Ajax drew Twente away one by one, and then did not perform well in overtime. They lost to the opponent in the penalty shootout and missed A good opportunity for promotion.

In this way, Ajax suffered a defeat on all fronts this season. Even in the Dutch League, Ajax performed well and beat Eindhoven three to zero, but still still With a difference of five points behind Eindhoven, the possibility of reversal is unlikely, which allows everyone to see the team's big defeat on all fronts.

After losing to Twente, Keizer completely lost the trust of the locker room and management, so Van Gaal made the decision to change the coach, and the second team coach, Ajax's famous Reziger temporarily served as acting coach. , Coaching until the end of the season.

"Florentino, I hope you believe that I love Real Madrid very, very much, and I very much hope to stay and continue to play for it, I won everything here, and I hope to continue, but you know Yes, there are some things I really want to do, and I have to do it. "Yang Yang said very frankly.

Florentino understands Yang Yang's personhood. He reaches out and pats his shoulder gently. "I don't understand very well, but I understand you, and I can feel the difficulty of making a decision."

"This is also an opportunity, Florentino." Yang Yang grinned reluctantly, "Mbappe is a very good young man with great potential, he deserves more opportunities and exercise, and Venusius, I Having watched the video of his game, it has great potential and he deserves more opportunities. "

"Azar, Suarez, De Brauné, Asensio, Isco ... We have many, many outstanding young people, I think, from another perspective, my departure is also for them Great opportunity. "

Florentino knew what Yang Yang meant, and Real Madrid needed to make a change.

Originally Florentino meant to continue to adjust the team around Yang Yang, but Yang Yang's departure may not be a good thing for Real Madrid, but instead gave Real Madrid the opportunity to change and adjust.

Modric and David Silva are old, and the championships and honors have been soft in the past few years. Many players have obviously slacked off. Real Madrid ’s performance this season has obviously fallen a lot than before. .

Yang Yang is also 31 years old. Even if he stays and plays for two or three years, Real Madrid will have to metabolize sooner or later.

As for the old, the new is ideal, but actually?

Does Yang Yang's existence really stop Mbappe's development?

Hazard, Suarez, Isco and Asensio have been under Yang Yang ’s wings for years, but could they really not be without Yang Yang?

It was like Florentino personally sent Raul and Casillas away, but the difference was that Yang Yang left earlier.

"Florentino, I can guarantee that in the next six months, I will do everything I can to help Real Madrid work **** all fronts. I hope the team can win the Triple Crown again because I know that five consecutive championships is your dream and our dream. "

Yang Yang's sincerity made Florentino feel it, and the Real Madrid chairman also knew that he had decided.

"I respect your decision, Yang, but I also hope you can promise me one thing."

"You said."

"Real Madrid will always be your home. When you want to come back, please call me at any time. Today Ajax is in trouble, you go back without hesitation, I hope you promise me, if Real Madrid is in trouble in the future, need When you were, I hope that you will be able to come back like this today without looking back. "

"Yes, no problem!" Yang Yang agreed very readily.

Even if Florentino doesn't say it, Yang Yang will certainly do the same.