Super Marshal

Chapter 132

When night fell, the players also finished a day of training and went home.

Mahada Enda sports city also ended the whole day's excitement and became desolate.

Only the canteen is still on.

Many club staff, or players who live near the sports city, will choose to eat in the canteen.

Cold is also, as long as no appointment, his lunch and dinner are basically solved in the canteen.

Different from the light and tasteless meal list of the players, the meal list of other players is much richer and more delicious.

Of course, health is still in the first place.

Just imagine, if you eat spicy hot pot in the canteen, how can players who sit nearby and can only eat boiled chicken breast live? They have to be greedy to death?

Most of the people who eat in the canteen are from inside the sports city. No matter the staff or the staff, everyone who passes by the cold will stop to say hello to him.

I don't know when, alpine has been used to this treatment.

Obviously, after winning the king's cup, they have more respect on their faces.

Alpine sitting in the canteen eating, involuntarily think of the afternoon things.

After meeting Hartfield in the afternoon, Gao Han called Mendes.

The Portuguese have recently stayed in Madrid and are ready to talk about cooperation with Gao Han. By the way, they can get in touch with Marcos Senna, such as helping Brazilians to find a house, going through the procedures of taking his family over, and so on.

As soon as Mendes received the cold call and heard that he had a chance to get in touch with the senior management of Nike headquarters and the president of Europe, he ran to the sports city like a bee saw honey without saying a word.

I don't know. What did they talk about this afternoon? How was the conversation going?

When Gao Han wanted to call Mendes and ask about the situation, the figure in front of him flashed and saw a man sitting down opposite him.

"Here you are

Alpine look up, is not Jorge Mendes?

"Oh, I just want to call you."

As soon as Mendes sat down, he looked at the dishes on the cold plate and touched his belly. It was self-evident.

"This is the internal canteen. Give me my name."


Looking at the Portuguese just sat down, and ran to take food, cold can not help shaking his head and laughing.

This guy is also a self-made guy!

But for Mendes' ability, Gao Han still has a lot of trust.

The cafeteria of Atletico Madrid mainly provides buffet. Mendes reported the name of high cold in the past, ordered several dishes and a large drink, and came back with a plate.

"How's it going? How was the afternoon? " Gao Han asked.

"Nike is sincere, especially that Hatfield."

Gao Han nodded, which can be seen by blind people.

"What are they going to do?"

"As they told you before, you give them that training suit, and they will be responsible for the rest. In the future, you can get a share for every training suit you sell."

Speaking of this, Mendes can't help looking up and carefully looking at the training clothes on Gao Han's body.

"Tut, why do I think it's ordinary? It's not very good-looking, but why is Hatfield so obsessed? "

Gao Han looked at Mendes, then looked down at his training suit, "nonsense, it's called art, do you understand?"

This made him feel a little ashamed.

Mendes laughs, "I think it's better for you to share."


"I've heard them say that Nike always seems to have a big fight. With Nike's ability, the sales volume is certainly not low. Although each piece doesn't get much, the little makes the most of it. It's more cost-effective than a hammer."

Gao Han nodded. He believed that with Mendes' shrewdness, he could see clearly.

"Yes, I'll leave it to you, but I have a request."

"Well, you say." Mendes is also quite convinced by the cold.

Before, he thought that Gao Han was just a new coach, but now, he not only won the king's cup, but also attracted Nike, a big crocodile in sports.

As an agent, Mendes knows more about Nike's influence in sports than anyone else.

If you have a relationship with Nike and want to introduce your players to Nike in the future, wouldn't it be more convenient?

The player signed the sponsorship of Nike, which is equivalent to holding a thick thigh, with many benefits.

Mendes's heart was shining with this coming and going!

"I need to use the training clothes myself. If they need them, they can borrow them, but only in the sports city. If you don't agree with this, don't talk about it."

Mendes wry smile, looking at the whole professional football, I'm afraid no one dares to negotiate with Nike like this.

But on the other hand, it increased his dependence on the cold.

If you don't have some skills, can you talk to Nike like this?

Therefore, he is more and more convinced that it is absolutely right to cooperate with the alpine region.

"Oh, by the way, Hartfield also asked me to convey that if you are interested in designing other clothes or shoes, I hope you can let him know as soon as possible. He is very interested."

When he said this, Mendes raised his head and looked at the partner in front of him deeply. He was surprised that he had such a talent in design. Even Hartfield was full of praise. Why didn't he see it before?

Gao Han thought about it. There are some things in the stores of the coaching system. Some of them are really good and practical, but they have to consume achievement points to buy them.

For the time being, the achievement point is still a rarity for myself. I really can't waste it on this kind of thing.

"Well, tell him to wait until I have time."


Mendes is speechless.

Listen to the cold tone, it seems that he can really design something different, but... Not in the mood.

"By the way, as I told you before, how about those little guys in Seville?" Gao Han asked.

This is what he told Mendes last night, namely Ramos, Reyes, Puerta and Navas.

Gao Han means to try to be their agent first, and then try to sign them when the time is right.

The potential of 175 is a treasure that can't be missed by any team in Europe, even the top teams. Alpine naturally doesn't want to miss it.

It's just that his future is still uncertain, so he has to wait.

"I was in Sevilla in the morning and secretly went to see their training. It's really good. Sevilla's youth training level has always been very high. I'll find another chance to contact them."

Gao Han nodded, but he was thinking of Sevilla coach kapalos.

If you want to dig his corner, you'd better be angry with this robber!

How to deal with the players, Mendes is professional, alpine is amateur, so do not express their views.

This is also the way of doing things in alpine region. Professional things should be done by professional people.

With Nike's cooperation, alpine to Mendes to be responsible, with Mendes's cooperation, alpine to Linxia to be responsible.

But he is not idle, busy preparing for the weekend against Sevilla.

This is the battle between the top team and the second team.

The gap between the two teams is only five points. After this game, is it widening the gap, narrowing the gap, or maintaining the status quo?

The whole Spanish football world is also looking forward to, especially after Atletico Madrid won the king's cup.

Atletico Madrid's victory in the king's cup, coupled with the fact that the single team have been chasing each other for the past few months, has put pressure on the top and bottom of Sevilla.

Coach kapalos also took the initiative to show weakness very rarely before the game, saying that the team's visit to Calderon stadium will be a fierce struggle. Atletico Madrid is not what it used to be. Sevilla must wake up 12 points.

However, he was not discouraged, but after praising Atletico Madrid, he vowed that the team is confident to withdraw from the away game.

Compared with the high profile of kaparos before the game, Atletico Madrid, who has just won the king's cup, is very low-key.

In the three days from winning the king's cup to the 39th round of the league, the outside world could hardly find any news about Atletico Madrid. Gao also declined all media interviews and concentrated on preparing for the match.

Sevilla's team strength is not strong in fact. The reason why Sevilla can occupy the top position of the League for a long time is due to the careful training of coach kapalos. According to the team's lineup configuration, Sevilla has discharged the tactics of four wings and two wings flying together.

The goalkeeper is natalio, and the defensive lines from left to right are David Castro, amongot, Pluto and ekto.

In midfield, cascro and Podesta are at the back, Freddie on the left and Gallardo on the right.

Among them, Gallardo is a typical Spanish winger, not tall, only over 1.7 meters, but very fast, very flexible, one-on-one ability is very strong, while Freddie has both offensive and defensive, has a clever left cross.

The two strikers are Uruguayan international, salajeta on loan from Juve, with Oliveira as his partner.

The two Uruguayan strikers were both famous at the Malaysia World Youth Championships in 1997. They won the golden ball and silver ball awards respectively. After that, Oliveira went to Valencia for the golden ball award and sarajeta went to Juve for the silver ball award.

But after the two players came to Europe, the development was not satisfactory.

Oliveira was sold to Sevilla, who was still in the West Serie B League, after only one year with the bat team, while sarajeta was also unsuccessful at Juve. After one year, he was loaned to Empoli, but he didn't prove himself.

From 1999 to 2000, Sevilla was promoted to La Liga and loaned sarajeta from Juve in the hope of regaining the glory of Uruguayan twins. However, in that season, both Uruguayan strikers performed poorly, and Sevilla was also relegated to La Liga.

But this season, kapalus successfully activated the Gemini pair.

Salayeta is the center, occupying the commanding height of the team, playing a vital role in kapalos's two wing flying tactics, but there are only five goals.

Oliveira as the shadow forward, cruising around sarajeta, is the team's most important scorer.

The whole Serie B League knows that to beat Sevilla, you have to freeze the twins.

If you want to freeze the Gemini, you have to suppress Seville's wings.

Can be able to this step, and successfully limit Sevilla's team, in the West B League, one of the few.

At this point, Gao has to admit that kapalos really has the ability. Sevilla can lead the Serie B League for a long time this season. The Spanish coach has made great contributions.

But in any case, Calderon stadium this battle, kapalus is dead!