Super Marshal

Chapter 121

"This is CCTV, CCTV!"

"Good evening, audience."

"Oh, no, it should be early in the morning in China now."

"We are now at the pisjuan stadium in Seville, Spain, to broadcast live the 2000-2001 season, the final of the Spanish King's cup."

"There are two teams in this match, one is Spain's top club, Barcelona, and the other is Atletico Madrid, which is very familiar to everyone and is led by our Chinese coach Gao Han

"I feel that domestic fans pay attention to this match, and our TV station also attaches great importance to it. We specially arranged a live group to come to Spain. We will not only broadcast it live, but also bring first-hand information."

"Now, we can see that the entire pisjuan stadium is full, and the fans of the two teams are quite different. The fans wearing red and white arrow stripes are Atletico Madrid fans, and the other side is Barcelona fans."

"The atmosphere of the whole pisjuan stadium is very warm. We can deeply feel the enthusiasm of the fans in the media area. After a while, the players of the two teams will enter the stadium for the last training before the start of the match."

"Well, speak of Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive."

"In the screams of the fans, we saw the players from both teams come out

"The first players to appear are Barcelona players, such as Rivaldo, kluivette, ovimas, Luis Enrique, Dutch midfield player Koku, as well as the defensive line of Reggie and de Boer. They are all the top stars in the world

"The one who comes out again is Guardiola, Barcelona's captain and centre of midfield

"Just a month ago, Guardiola held a press conference and officially announced that he would leave Barcelona at the end of the season. According to rumors, his most likely new destination is Serie A, especially Juve

"We saw Atletico Madrid come out as well

"Compared with Barcelona's stars, Atletico Madrid is very simple. There are no big stars, and it's the team of Spain's second level league, but it's amazing to be able to reach the final of the king's cup."

"The head coach Gao Han, who is only 23 years old this year, has been called a talented coach by Spanish and European media. He has been on the road for one year and has won all the games so far, especially after leading the first team of Atletico Madrid

"Come out, it's him. As we can see, the last one is Gao Han!"

"I believe we all heard that Gao Han was the last one to come on the stage, but he received the most enthusiastic cheers from the whole audience, and even many Barcelona fans applauded for him, because he once studied at the University of Barcelona, had an internship in the first team of Barcelona for a period of time, and studied under van Gaal."

"Just yesterday, the Dutch media interviewed van Gaal and asked about the situation of Gao Han. The famous Dutch coach was outspoken, and he had no doubt that Gao Han had such a level. At the same time, he also said that he had originally planned to invite Gao Han to be an assistant coach, but later decided to resign, which led to Gao Han leaving Barcelona."

"But now, alpine will lead his Atletico Madrid to face Barcelona!"

"So far, we haven't been able to get the starting lineup of the two teams. It seems that they have hidden a lot and have done a lot of secret work, but it's not hard to guess that Atletico Madrid will still adopt defensive counter attack tactics."

"The players of the two teams began to train on the court..."



"Hey, alpine!"

Standing on the edge of the court, Gao Han heard the sound and looked back to see Barcelona captain Guardiola coming.

"Hello, PEP!"

He didn't expect Guardiola to come up and say hello.

Other people, even the Dutch, such as kluivette, actually recognized the cold, but no one came forward, and even didn't even call. They were suspected of staying away.

"I didn't expect you to recognize me."

"How could you forget? You did really well in Barcelona Guardiola returned.

"Thank you, but aren't you afraid of Ferrer's displeasure when you come here like this?"

On the back of Guardiola, Ferrer's face is not good-looking at all, staring at this side.

Guardiola is very indifferent, "I just do what I think a Barcelona captain should do."

High cold heart of Guardiola's admiration arises spontaneously, but regret is even more.

Few people may know that Guardiola and FIGO are close friends, and the Portuguese superstar is the godfather of Guardiola's children, which shows how strong their relationship is.

However, it is precisely because of their good relationship that Guardiola, as the captain of the team, is in a very awkward situation in Barcelona after Figo, the number one superstar, switched to Real Madrid, and there are more and more conflicts and differences with the management.

As a membership team, if the performance is not good and the fans are not happy, the pot must be carried by someone.

In the current situation, is there a better backer than Guardiola?

So, about the state, about the character, about the dressing room power... All the blame came.

The management is dissatisfied, the coaching staff is dissatisfied, and the fans are dissatisfied. We can imagine how much pressure Guardiola is under.

But in this case, he still chose to come over and say hello to alpine, just to do what he should do. This attitude alone is worthy of Alpine's admiration.

As for regret

Guardiola is only 30 years old. He was supposed to be at his peak, but now

Watching Guardiola bear heavy pressure, but still straight back, cold can only wish him good luck.

Fortunately, it is said that Juve have always wanted him and hope that he can develop well in Serie A.

In the cold sigh, for Guardiola is not worth, suddenly behind a voice.

"Here comes the ball, be careful!"

Then, I saw a figure jump out from behind, facing the ball flying to the edge of the field, jumping high, heading a top, and heading the ball back again.

"Good, Sergio, good job!"

"It's a good header!"

"You're a real cow, boy!"

Behind him came a few clear and tender praises.

Just saw the young man who just used his head to free the ball, and put his hands in a big way, "Hey, hey, what's this?"

At this time, Gao Han could see the young man walking by him clearly.

He has long blonde hair and a young face. He is obviously young and not tall, but he is very strong. It gives people a sense of being a professional player.

Oh, by the way, he's wearing a caddie costume.

In European football, there are two kinds of caddies.

One is that when the players of the two teams come in, the caddies who come out hand in hand are generally younger.

Another is responsible for picking up the ball around the stadium. Because they have to be familiar with the rules of the game and understand the instructions of the referee, they are generally older and are basically selected by the organizers from the local youth teams.

Are these Sevilla youth players?

"Thank you Gao Han said to the boy with long hair.

Don't look at the young man, but he is very sophisticated. He waved, "you're welcome."

"Are you Seville's youth team?" Gao Han asked again.

"Well, we are team a of U16!"

Alpine Oh, I understand.

Many people say that teams like Sevilla make a living by buying and selling players. They mistakenly think that they only make a living by buying and selling first-team players.

That's true, but not quite true.

It is often very difficult for the first-team players to produce talents, with a lot of luck.

If you only rely on the first team to live, it is easy to break.

Therefore, a series of teams such as Sevilla, Villarreal and Real Betis, which rely on youth training for a living, often have very mature and perfect youth training echelons. There are several teams in each age group, from which the best players are selected for sale.

Every year, they can earn a lot of money by selling the semi-finished products of the youth team.

Why don't the club stay and use it?

The reason is very simple. How many 16-year-old players can become talents in the future?

The proportion is very low.

Instead of taking this risk, it's better to cash out quickly and keep the income from drought and flood.

Besides, for these teams, it's a business.

The teams that like to introduce such semi-finished products are often teams like Real Madrid, Barcelona, Atletico Madrid and Valencia in recent years.

Therefore, many people think that Real Madrid and Barcelona can gather the best youth training talents in Spain, and that's why.

Gao Han heard that he was from Seville U16 team and was interested in it.

Anyway, I don't want any money. I'm also idle. I've got a good eye and glanced at it.

"Just look at Sevilla's level of youth training."

This is not good, a look at the cold can not help but Yi.

"This boy is good!"

In the window of the cold coaching system, the long haired teenager named Sergio Ramos is only 71 years old. After all, he is only 14 years old, but his potential is as high as 175. He can play right back and center back.

Looking at the specific data in detail, Gao Han found that this guy is quite good in all aspects, with good skills, solid basic skills, and is a typical big nerve, tiger head and tiger brain fighter, and also has good physical fitness.

It made him laugh for himself.

"I didn't expect that I could find treasure in all this!"

Take a look at the back of the billboard, there are several people, all wearing the same caddie clothes, cold one by one sweep past.

"When did Sevilla's youth training become so good?"

At this glance, there are still three potentials to reach 175.

One is Jose Antonio Reyes, 17 years old, not U16, playing left and forward.

One is Antonio Puerta, just 16 years old, with a dragon on the left.

The last one is the shy looking hessus Navas, 15, who is on the right wing.

These three people, like Sergio Ramos, have a potential of 175.

"No, can Sevilla have the level of youth training?"

Alpine some doubt, back to the coach, just met cantarello.

"Carlos, let me ask you something. How about Sevilla's youth training?"

"Youth training in Seville?" Cantarello nodded and said, "that's good."

"Good? How come I haven't heard of it? "

"That's normal. They sell it a lot."

Cantarello knew that alpine is not very familiar with Spanish football, so he said with a smile: "Carlos machena in our team, Salva before, Jose Mali before, they are all from Sevilla youth training camp."

"Oh, by the way, Juan Velasco, the right back of Vigo CELTA we met not long ago, is the same

Gao Han was stunned.

I can't see that Sevilla's youth training is so good.

It's no wonder that four young players with a potential of 175 can be used as caddies.

Well, it seems that it's time to open the new Mendes store.