Super Manufacturer

394 Chapter 396 Service Team

The Roeder family is an ancient large family in the UK, dating back four hundred years...

Looking at the information given by Xiaobing, it is really awesome, but Li Zhi has never heard of the Rothder family at all, so he is ignorant. Do you want to talk about Rothborn? Hey, he still Know something, after all, people have been really awesome and ruled over half of the world, and now they are still awesome, no one knows, at least it’s enough, right?

"Boss, which company\'s shares are you going to sell?" Sun Jiao asked curiously.

Li Zhi shook his head and said with a smile: "I\'m not going to sell any shares!"

"..." Sun Jiao smiled bitterly: "Didn\'t you ask me to reply to Rosdevich, saying that the subsidiaries of the Ice Soul Group can accept their shareholding?"

"You are too real!" Li Zhi said with a smile: "It is the same thing, but it is not to be done. It depends on the situation. I want to know what the big British family is thinking about. The price of 150 billion U.S. dollars is indeed not high, but it is not too low!" After a short pause, he whispered, "Do you know what the base price of the Rosed family wants to buy Ice Soul Group?"

Sun Jiao was stunned and asked softly: "Isn\'t it the highest price for the acquisition of 20% of Binghun Group for US$150 billion?"

Li Zhi played with a smile and said, "Of course not. This is the first quotation. How can the highest price be given? I can only say that this is a very sincere trial price!"

"The boss, what do you think their highest price will be?" Sun Jiao looked at Li Zhi and couldn\'t help but ask curiously.

Li Zhi thought about it and said: "The highest price is probably between 180 billion and 200 billion US dollars. Based on the valuation of several subsidiaries of Ice Soul Group, the price has doubled. normal!"

"You mean that the Ice Soul Group is worth trillions of dollars in your eyes?" Sun Jiao stared.

Li Zhi shook his head and said with a smile: "It\'s not in my eyes, but in their eyes...In my eyes, the importance of the entire Ice Soul Group cannot be measured by money!"

The most important thing is\'Ice Soul Intelligence\', and secondly, because the Ice Soul Group has created a\'virtual idol\' charm, her minimum value is 3 million interstellar coins. How can Li Zhi do it for hundreds of billions of dollars, Just sell the shares of Ice Soul Group?Converted into interstellar coins, only one or two thousand interstellar coins, such a small amount of money, will Li Zhi see it?


"What if the Roeder family really wants to buy shares in a subsidiary of the Ice Soul Group?" Sun Jiao thought for a while and asked.

Li Zhi smiled and shrugged and said: "Then sell it, I am a businessman, so why can\'t I get along with money!"

Sun Jiao felt that Li Zhi\'s words were inconsistent, and muttered in a low voice: "Didn\'t you just say that the Ice Soul Group is priceless in your heart?"

"The Ice Soul Group is priceless in my heart, but it does not mean that these subsidiaries of the Ice Soul Group cannot accept external financing and cannot be sold. This does not seem to conflict?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

"Aren\'t there conflicts?" Sun Jiao muttered.

Li Zhi smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, no conflict!"


Rosdevich received the news that the Ice Soul Group refused to purchase the shares. Although he felt a little disappointed, he felt that it was reasonable, but he did not expect that the Ice Soul Group would refuse so simply.To know that 150 billion US dollars, but a large sum of money, when placed in front of people, it is difficult for people to refuse.

The refusal is so refreshing, simply, that can only explain one problem. In the other party\'s heart, the valuation given by the Rosed family is low, and the price in the other party\'s heart is not equal.

There is only one person in the Ice Soul Group who can directly and simply refuse the order, the magical young boss, Li Zhi.

"The other party said that you can invest in a subsidiary of the Ice Soul Group, right?" Rosdevich asked, listening to the report from his assistant, his eyes moved.

"Yes, sir, the other party\'s answer clearly stated... In addition, you asked Mr. Li to meet and were pushed down by the Ice Soul Group because Mr. Li has been busy recently and has no time!" the assistant replied.

Rosdevich was not very angry about Li Zhi\'s\'don\'t give face\'. In business, it was him, and he was not willing to meet with each other at this time. After all, it was not a good time.

"Tentatively quote a price to the Ice Soul Group, that is, our Rood family wants to invest...Ice Soul Technology, look at the reaction of the Ice Soul Group!" Rosdevich still felt that it was more appropriate to go straight ahead.

"Ok, what about the price?"

Rosdevich thought for a while and said: "30 billion US dollars, 10% of the shares, or 50 billion US dollars, 12% of the shares!"

The assistant frowned and asked in confusion, "Boss, why is the price difference so much?"

Rosdevich smiled and said, "If you want to fish, you must have bait, right?"

"What do you mean, the acquisition of 12% of the shares of Ice Soul Technology for 50 billion US dollars is your true offer?"


Rosdevich did not explain to his assistant.

Li Zhi is very busy. He doesn\'t need to worry about the four subsidiaries of the group for the time being, but he has to manage new companies because he can\'t find anyone to take over.

Ice Soul Wealth Company has a registered capital of 5 billion RMB, but the entire company now has only one empty shell and a piece of "Ice Soul Golden Shield" software.

It happens that the "shared car" of the Ice Soul Group will be put on the market tomorrow, and this software will be used 100%.There is only one day, so it feels very urgent!

No one was easy to handle. They directly circled people from the\'Ice Soul Technology\', negotiated with Sun Chang, and directly deployed dozens of employees.The Binghun Fortune Company was directly placed on the eighth floor of the group headquarters. The eighth floor of the previous building was used by Li Zhi. The boss said that the eighth floor is the office of the "Binghun Fortune Company". No one can object to it.

As for the "Ice Soul Wealth Company", the senior officials of the Ice Soul Group understand that it can only be regarded as a derivative of the "Ice Soul Technology" company, or an "agent", a secondary branch.

Because Ice Soul Golden Shield is the core software to be promoted by Ice Soul Golden Shield, which is the carrier of “Smart Little Ice”. Without “Smart Little Ice”, Ice Soul Golden Shield means no “soul” of its own, and “Smart Little Ice”. It is also the soul product of Bingshun Technology. Therefore, Bingshun Fortune Company has been\'born\', which means that it is a\'little brother\', but this\'little brother\' is hardened, perhaps even more scary than the big brother\'Iceshun Technology\' .

The insiders of the group know it, but it doesn\'t mean that outsiders also know. Li Zhi did this in an attempt to make a fake shot to relieve the pressure on Ice Soul Technology.

"Official website, are you ready?"

Li Zhi personally sits in the\'Ice Soul Fortune Company\', looks at a group of executives, and asks.

"It\'s online, and it\'s in full testing!"

Li Zhi nodded and said, "What about mobile network terminals?"

"It has been prepared and can be downloaded by users at any time!"

"Can\'t be careless!" Li Zhi thought for a while and said, "Also, find some artists to decorate the page of\'Ice Soul Golden Shield\' a little bit?"


A group of executives followed Li Zhi\'s ass, and they would do whatever Li Zhi ordered.What, you said let them make up their minds?

Stop joking, okay, they were employees of Ice Soul Technology Company two hours ago, and now they have transformed into the people of “Ice Soul Fortune Company”. opinion?It\'s not bad not to catch the blind, and I have the idea of ​​a fart.

"For the funds that are about to enter in the\'Ice Soul Golden Shield\', have you thought about how to operate it?" Li Zhi asked again.

Let’s not talk about whether the functions of “wallet” and “financial management” in the “Ice Soul Golden Shield” will be used by anyone, but if you want to experience the “car sharing” under the Ice Soul Group, you must bond the Ice Soul Golden Shield and activate the “wallet” function , And then pay a deposit of 99 yuan for the formal experience.

A person’s deposit is only 99 yuan, but if there are more people, this amount of money is not a small sum!

In addition, there are the use of\'shared cars\', fuel deduction fees and so on.

"Investing in currency funds is the safest way!"

Li Zhi nodded. In fact, he had already thought about this. Turning back to let Smart Xiaobing take charge, he didn\'t need to make a lot of money, at least he had to be safe and not lose money.

"How are the talks with Paypal, Prestige, etc., with major domestic banking companies? Can you cooperate?" Li Zhi thought for a while and asked.

"Someone has been sent to talk, and there is no specific news yet!"

Don\'t look at the current "Ice Soul Wealth Company" deployed from Ice Soul Technology. There are dozens of people. Once things are allocated, the staff will be insufficient.

They are now tops, or tops that are barely pinched together with sand and mud. If they are pulled hard with a whip, they may disperse.

For the time being, there is not much cohesion!

Li Zhi also knows that this is no way. Huang Yueying said that the government has already done it, and Binggui is fast. Tomorrow, let the\'shared car\' go online and make its debut. What can he say?Say no, time is too tight?It was Li Zhi who urged people to do things first. The faster the time, the better. Now that people are fast, they are picking up on their side and can\'t keep up?Isn\'t that slap yourself in the face?

"Over there, Mr. Huang, have all the problems of car sharing, venues, and contact with various departments been resolved? Send a few people to stare at them, and we will all take over these things ourselves!" Li Zhidao.

The Binghun Group’s “car sharing” plan is led by the Binghun Fortune Company and assisted by Binghun Motors and Bingxin Motors.The Haicheng City government has passed the review, so the "car sharing" is legal, and the parking lot has been specially designated for the "car sharing" of the Binghun Group.

Half of them are in densely populated places, next to bus and subway stop signs. There are three fewer shared cars and ten in larger places!

Tomorrow the first batch of\'shared cars\', totaling 200 vehicles!

It is not too much to say too much, and it is not too little to say less. Such an investment will last for fifteen days. By then, there will be at least 3,000 Ice Soul Group’s “shared cars” in Haicheng City.

In order for\'car sharing\' to succeed, in addition to the vehicle itself, there must be a strong service team. Anti-theft, anti-theft and anti-vandalism can be handed over to the powerful management and monitoring program of\'Ice Soul Intelligence\' for real-time supervision , But these services such as vehicle rescue, refueling, maintenance, etc., temporarily need to be handed over to the "car sharing" service team.

The “car sharing” service team was temporarily set up by Huang Yueying from the Binghun Automobile Company. Ten people on the first day, and then gradually increased. After half a month, the team dedicated to serving the “car sharing” will reach 100 Fifty people, specific additions and deletions will be determined according to actual needs.

This service team will recruit new people to join in the future, but now it only temporarily borrowed manpower from Ice Soul Motor Company.

The venues, including the "car sharing" service team, are temporarily set up at the Bingxin Automobile Plant. After the trial operation is completed, they will be assigned a new location.

Anyway, at the beginning, it will be a little messy, whether it is the Binghun Fortune Company or the\'shared car\' service team, it will take a long time to improve.

In general, this can only be done for the first time. This is because there are enough subsidiaries of the Ice Soul Group, otherwise, it will make people blind.