Super Heavy Artillery

Chapter 641

After Oklahoma draws, the two sides will move to Houston for two consecutive games. At this time, Diane donico was full of confidence. He didn't really want to win in Oklahoma. But it has to be said that the current situation is more conducive to the Rockets.

Donovan didn't worry too much. Their fighting power showed in the second game, let everyone see the attitude and ability of the defending champion, which is really extraordinary. As long as the normal state, thunder is not afraid of any current team.

The industry insiders and fans who pay close attention to the NBA circle have expressed many opinions on the first two games of thunder and rockets series. Optimistic about the Rockets, in addition to the Houston fans, most of them were conquered by their temperament of fighting for their lives in the first game. Those who are optimistic about thunder are impressed by their strong combat effectiveness in the second game. That one, thunder wins really is too neat!

"Never underestimate a champion's heart. The only one who can beat thunder is God. "

"Thunder just needs to play normally, then it can enter the western competition!"

"James is not at his best. Once he plays the regular season level, this season the rocket has everything possible

"Gordon should play a more important role in the game! He has that ability. Especially when Hadden has not found the state, he should become the rocket team's attack core


What others say is actually a party. For the game, it won't make much difference. After all, it's up to the players to decide what the game will look like in the end.

While the thunder was preparing for the game in Houston, another semifinal in the Western Conference was tied 1-1. Nuggets are really growing up! Under the leadership of Malone, they fought as well as the warriors. After losing one game away, he fought the second game tenaciously. Unlike the Rockets, they lost the game, has been very anxious, until the final moment to determine the winner.

This is a lot of people in the face. There are many people who think warriors will pass the test easily before the game. Now it seems that their life is no better than thunder. No one of the warriors can limit Jokic. If he can't limit him, he can't limit the Nuggets' attack.

It has to be said that the NBA is moving towards the era of simultaneous development. Last season, after the results of the Western Conference finals came out, the title of the championship was basically settled. Because at that time, the eastern part of China had no power to fight the first World War. James forced the Cavaliers into the finals, has been a miracle. But this year is not the same, no matter thunder, warriors, rockets or nuggets, any team out of the west, will face more difficult games.

But that's all after that. Now we're focusing on which two teams will make it to the finals. Although the west is very hot here, the East is no exception. The four teams played against each other and played in the dark.

On May 4, the fighting broke out again. Anluo and others came to the Toyota Center early in the morning. Westbrook's floral shirt and tight Capris are very eye-catching. This guy, it's a little too coquettish.

However, this guy's performance in the game is more coy. In this game, Westbrook made five three-point shots, with a shooting rate of 80%! Not only did the audience at the scene feel incredible, but even Donovan and Anluo were very surprised.

Westbrook's performance shows how smooth the thunder played this game. If it is in the forbidden area, it is another situation!

Under the excellent performance of Westbrook, the thunder victory came much easier than expected. ANLO and Paul George were very limited by each other, but Westbrook let them fail.

This time, thunder will own home advantage back. Although they were not as strong as the last one, they still took the initiative from the beginning to the end, and didn't let the Rockets gain any advantage.

2: Then Donovan breathed a sigh of relief. Losing at home is a very irritating thing. Even if they won a big victory afterwards, they were defeated in the end. But now it's back!

Not waiting for Anluo and others happy long, the big score was pulled back by the Rockets. In the second game in Houston, thunder lost! That's what the series is like. The situation is changing all the time. It's not easy to laugh to the end.

Westbrook didn't make it to the magic of his last game. He can only focus on organization and defense, of course, the effect is good. ANLO and Paul George two play, led thunder to win more than enough. But the game was lost.

Harden, became the key to the Rockets to win. In fact, his performance in the playoffs has not been good. But this time, Hadden finally played a hearty game.

In the first quarter, he caused two fouls in a row for ANLO, making the latter very passive. After the game, under ANLO's mousetrap, Hadden's life was easier. No one can stop him! In 40 minutes, Hadden scored 51 points! He also contributed 7 rebounds and 8 assists.Paul, Capella, Gordon and others played well. They are similar to thunder, after losing the ball at home, their hearts are holding a breath. When the game, the Rockets players that do not win the oath of no human appearance, it is a shock to Anluo. What he didn't know was that in the second game they were in the same situation.

There was a riotous Haden, and the whole people were soldiers, and the three armies were killed. Once again, the series is back on the starting line.

"James ruled the night. His scoring was very efficient and he did us a lot of damage. We spent the whole night thinking about how to limit him. Unfortunately, we didn't

In fact, Donovan was helpless about the game. Thunder's state in this game is not worse than the last one, whether it is the performance of Westbrook, ANLO, Paul George, or the performance of other role players and substitutes, there is no big problem.

The value of superstars is reflected. The thunder big three's performance in this competition is passing, but with the harden that kind of world invincible condition is not some. , the fastest update of the webnovel!