Super Heavy Artillery

Chapter 618

Losing four games in a row is a bad thing for any team. Happened in thunder such defending champion body, that topic is more. In addition, several opponents who lost are playoff level and even championship level. Thunder's pressure is really not small!

However, while many people were waiting to see the thunder joke, they walked out of the mire.

On March 22, thunder moved to Toronto to fight the Raptors again. The lineup as like as two peas a day ago, but the process and result of the match are quite different.

At the beginning of the game, thunder played their most powerful attack. In Westbrook's tandem, ANLO and Paul George hit repeatedly outside the three-point line, Adams and grant are also successful under the basket. Even on the defensive side, the thunder is still tough. The Raptors' Leonard, sICAM and van Flett have been greatly affected. In fact, thunder's defense in the last game was not inferior to the pre-season level.

The rhythm of the whole game has been controlled by thunder. Raptors have always been in the process of chasing points. They had a 8-0 run at the end of the fourth quarter, reducing the difference to just five points. However, Anluo then met with the "three plus one" of sICAM, making the efforts of the Raptors to be in vain. In the end, thunder succeeded in revenge and stopped his defeat.

In this game, the thunder scored 22 three-point goals, including 15 from Anluo and Paul George. Visible, thunder's attack, especially outside attack, is still strong.

After leaving Toronto, thunder will be home this month.

They beat the Memphis Grizzlies, who were hopeless in the playoffs. At the beginning of the season, the team ranked in the top eight in the Western Conference, but finally failed to withstand the impact of those teams behind. After sending Pau Gasol away last month, it was a complete reconstruction. However, this period of time, the Grizzlies broke out a very strong fighting capacity, even the Spurs and rockets. It also brought thunder a lot of trouble.

Then, the thunder and the visiting Indiana Pacers fought for 48 minutes, and finally in the fourth quarter of Anluo burst out, and won the game. I avenged my regret at the away game some time ago.

The season is coming to an end of this period of the schedule, for the thunder is more difficult to play. Most of the teams we meet are East West playoff level. Grizzlies, like them, are their weakest opponents at the end of the regular season.

In the last game in March, the thunder again lost to the Denver Nuggets.

People in Denver wear the title of "thunder killer". The Nuggets have won three of the four exchanges this season. Thunder often meets nuggets, plays very difficult. This makes everyone worried about thunder's playoff trip this year. Of course, judging from the rankings of these two teams, it must be the Western Conference finals to meet.

So far, the March games are all over. This month, thunderbolt's day can be said to have suffered a lot. Their 8-7 record is basically the worst level in the Western playoffs. And in the fight against a strong team, the more you lose, the less you win. This also makes in the league's team combat power rankings, thunder finally lost the top position. Their road to defending the title has also begun to be looked down upon.

In April, Donovan began to let his core players take turns to rest. Of course, other teams at the same level are doing the same thing. Everyone's eyes, have been over the last few regular season, staring at the playoffs.

In April's first game, Westbrook led the team alone against Dallas Rangers. This is another team called thunder killer. But unlike the Nuggets, this killer, who wants to hurt the thunder, has to wait until next season. This game, thunder loses also very simply! Westbrook traded up to 30 shots for a 30 + triple double. His condition is not good!

After that, Anluo recovered from injury and played with Westbrook against the Lakers. To say which team is the most disappointing this season, it's the Lakers. Of course, it's also the most pitiful team. There is no doubt that under the leadership of healthy James, the Lakers must be a playoff team. But James was out for a long time because of injury. By the time he came back from his injury, the situation was over. Therefore, after confirming that he will not be in the playoffs, James directly focuses on the next season.

However, this game, thunder win is not easy. The Laker players are in excellent form, and have been entangled with Oklahoma City until the last quarter. With 22 points, 20 rebounds and 24 assists, Westbrook, a super triple double, became the focus of the league that day!

Then, the thunder beat the Detroit Pistons, Minnesota Timberwolves, the Houston Rockets and the Milwaukee Bucks. In these games, except for the last one with the Bucks, thunder was all out, the rest of the Games were rowing.

In the last game, thunder, which won 66, met the Bucks who won 62. It was the final focus of the season's regular season. Although the Bucks have been unable to surpass thunder to become the first in the league, but budenhower still let adetuo Kunbo lead all the main force against the thunder. Donovan did the same thing.

Different from the first meeting between the two sides, the main force on both sides of the No. 4 position was changed. However, grant did well in the game. In particular, he blocked adetuo Kunbo twice in the interior, which made Donovan feel relieved.In this game, more shots from both sides were carried out outside the three-point line. After all, with the playoffs on the way, no one wants to fight inside. Even adelto Kumbo has gone out on the three-point line six times! The Bucks' shooters are well behaved, but they're still inferior to ANLO and Paul George. The two men joined hands and scored 15 more three-point goals to bring the game to a three-point war.

It is also in this excellent feel, thunder won the game. After the 2017-18 season, they again advanced to the playoffs with the league's first record.

The Bucks have grown up completely this season, and they have become another 60 - win team in addition to thunder. You know, the Bucks won 44 last season! With that alone, budenhozer is worth one of the league's best manager trophies. Of course, this is inseparable from adetuo Kunbo's excellent performance. So far, he's at the top of the regular season MVP list.

Of course, none of this matters. The championship is always the most anticipated prize for every team! , the fastest update of the webnovel!