Super Heavy Artillery

Chapter 614

When it comes to March, the basketball circle in the United States becomes more and more intense.

The NBA has entered the final sprint stage, and the teams that linger at the gate of the playoffs are all ready to play. They want to win every game, whether it's thunder or warriors. The playoffs have become the focus of attention. Including those teams that can finally enter the playoffs, which position is most beneficial to them, and which teams can go further It's a hot topic.

Of course, the excitement of NBA is far less than that of NCAA next door. "March Madness" is not for fun. Even Anluo and others took time to watch a UCLA game. Unfortunately, UCLA is really delicious now! Don't mention the one with ANLO, even if it's more than the one with Westbrook!

Of course, for these players, the game is more important.

In the first game in March, thunder played 76. It's the first time they've met the 76 since the upgrade. However, this is not a game in which both sides try their best. The thunder side Paul George is absent, his old injury recurred, needs to rest. The games at the end of last month were really tough. For the 76ers, enbid was also out.

From the historical confrontation between the two teams, thunder is an absolute advantage. After moving from Seattle to Oklahoma, they haven't lost to 76 in the game. I lost only one away. It's not a very commendable thing for thunder, but it's an embarrassing record for 76. In particular, 76 people who are determined to win the championship this year, when facing thunder, the defending champion, win is their best way to prove themselves.

In this situation, the 76ers played very well. In particular, Harris, who joined the 76ers last month, became the number one scorer for the 76ers after he was absent from the game. He didn't fail Brett brown. The whole game, Harris played 38 minutes, 21 shot 13, handed over 32 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steals and 1 block.

Thunder had a chance to win the game, but at the last minute, their defense problems. Hard man Bart several times forced to kill under the basket, helped 76 people to occupy the upper hand. In the end, they had a win at the Chesapeake energy stadium. The end of nearly 10 years of continuous defeat, also ended the thunder 17 consecutive wins.

After losing to 76, thunder lost to Spurs again. Paul George continues to be absent, and with the Spurs' special "care" of ANLO, there's no room for him to play, and Westbrook is alone.

However, thunder didn't let his losing streak continue. After losing to the Spurs, they returned home and beat the visiting Memphis Grizzlies back-to-back. And, in the next two weeks, they beat Minnesota Timberwolves, Portland Trailblazers, Los Angeles Clippers, Utah Jazz and Brooklyn nets to win six straight games.

On March 14, the thunder visited Indiana against the Pacers who had lost oladibo.

It's another back-to-back game, but there are no players missing from the thunder side. Paul George is back in the game after missing four games with a shoulder injury, but he hasn't been at his best. This time, Paul George played very well against his old club.

There's a real problem with the Pacers. Being their star is probably the most dangerous thing in the league. From grant, to Paul George, and then to oladibo, there is no escape from the fate of injury reimbursement. But they can always be reborn. After Grant's injury, Paul George stood up to hold up the sky in Indiana; now oladibo has retreated, and a Bogdanovich and a young sabonis emerge.

This game, thunder from the beginning to occupy the initiative on the field. But they haven't gained enough advantage. The Pacers blossomed a lot, and the strength of the team has been biting the score.

In the last quarter, the game entered the most intense moment.

Anluo first came up with two three points, which helped thunder open the difference to double digits for the first time. After that, bogdalovic broke through the layup to play "two plus one", and the young sabonis was also successful in the interior. The Pacers soon got close again.

At the crucial moment, George came forward and hit three points against Bogdanovic. Then thunder defense success, George forced to cause a foul, in the face of boos, George steady two penalties two, thunder to 105:104 lead again.

At this point, it's less than a minute before the end of the game.

The Pacers called a pause and set up a key attack. Then, Bogdanovic with the ball from the left elbow area to launch the attack. Robertson was close to the other side, jumping up high and trying to block Bogdanovic's layup. Unexpectedly, as a result of the rush too fierce, resulting in the body in the air imbalance, heavily hit the floor.

Although Robertson used his hand to cushion his strength, he still suffered a heavy blow to his hip and couldn't stand up at all. It was eventually carried out on a stretcher.

Injury is the last thing you want to see in a game. A sense of pessimism and depression swept through the entire conceco stadium in an instant. Especially thunder side, very worried. This season, thunder has experienced several similar injuries, but most of them are false alarms. Everybody prayed, and Robertson was a false alarm.The game has to go on. Bogdanovic's layup will be more than the score, the situation is somewhat unfavorable for the thunder. Westbrook quickly advanced to the front court with the ball. He didn't stop. A change of direction passed sadis young and went into the inside line to finish the attack against young sabonis. Unfortunately, the basketball went around the basket and fell out. The Pacers, who control the ball, are pressing the time. They almost used up 24 seconds of attack time before Bogdanovic was out of the middle range again. Although also did not throw, but the rebound was snatched by the young sabonis! It's really a valuable rebound!

Thunder had to foul. The Pacers are invincible after the young sabonis stepped onto the free throw line and scored two goals steadily.

Paul George's last three-point failure marked the end of the thunder's desire to drag the game into overtime. In the end, thunder lost the game. It's worth mentioning that Paul George Lost in Indiana again, and his mood was very low. Of course, the whole thunder team was in a bad mood. Robertson's injury affects the heart of every thunderbolt. , the fastest update of the webnovel!