Super Heavy Artillery

Chapter 602

In fact, according to the data of fans' voting, ANLO is the most likely player to make an all-star start besides curry.

The results of fans' votes in the Western backcourt are: Curry (3861038), Anluo (3669527), Ross (3376277), harden (2905488), Westbrook (2512374), Lillard (2129337), Thompson (1578140)

But after the all star system reform, the fans' vote is only 50%, and the other half is in the hands of the media and players. Finally, Anluo and rose, both suffered losses in the last two events, and the final score was surpassed by harden. In the data released later, Anluo got 68 votes from players, while rose got 39 votes; according to the media, Anluo had only 6 votes, while Ross did not get one vote.

The same thing happened in the East. Wade, who ranked second in the back court by fans, failed to make it into the top five in player voting and media voting. In the end, kenbar walker had to start as an all star.

Although the weight of fans' voting has been greatly reduced, those figures still reflect many problems.

In this All-Star vote, James led the league with 4620809 votes. This is the third year in a row that James has become the All Star Ticket winner, and the sixth time in his career. In NBA history, it is second only to Jordan, the God of basketball, for nine times. Of course, it may be a little difficult for James to break the record. After all, he is 34 years old! James also broke Howard's record in 2009 and raised the number by nearly 1.5 million.

James is still the first person in the league, I'm afraid not many people question. This season, the average score is 27.3 points, 8.3 rebounds and 7.1 assists per game. He is the only player who gets 27 + 8 + 7 per game this season, and his personal ability is still at the peak. The Lakers were fourth in the west before he was injured. The ability to lead the team has not been reduced.

As James left the East, adeto quinbo became the king of popularity in the East. This year, he won 4375747 votes, becoming the king of All-Star votes in the East, and was only lower than James in the whole all star vote. It's the third year in a row that adtokumbo has been selected as an all star, and it's the third year in a row that he's made the all star debut.

Adetuo Kunbo this season averaged 26.5 points, 12.6 rebounds, 5.9 assists, 1.3 steals and 1.4 blocks, leading the bucks to a 32-10 record, ranking first in the East and second in the league. In terms of personal data and the team's record, adtokumbo is outstanding. Being selected as an all-star starter again as the eastern voting king is a recognition of his ability and popularity.

Both captains are worthy. But every year's all stars have regrets, and so do this year.

The most unfortunate thing is Derek Ross. Rose averaged 18.9 points, 2.8 rebounds and 4.8 assists per game, with 50 points per game and 29 points in the half-time, which made him a near winner. Rose got support from fans in the all star vote, ranking third in the Western backcourt, second to curry and ANLO.

But harden's performance was so explosive! This season, Hadden averaged 36.3 points, 6.6 rebounds, 8.3 assists and 2.1 steals per game. In January, the average field contribution was 45.3 points, 8.9 rebounds and 7.9 assists. On January 24, the Knicks scored a career high 61 points. This performance has conquered almost all the media and league players.

It can be said that both ANLO and Ross lost to harden. But Anluo is only in the third grade after all, and there are still opportunities in the future. But Ross is different! It's been hard for him these years.

From a man of heaven to a time when he doubted whether he could play again. In ten years, rose experienced the cruelest changes in his life. Although people often find him very confused, but in one city after another, rose still insists on the love of basketball and the persistence of the game. This season, the rose finally blooms again in the league. Unfortunately, this is not the League of the year. Those stars who are covered by his light have grown to a height that he can't touch now.

It wasn't just ANLO and rose who lost to harden, but Paul George.

This month, Paul George is holding his breath to compete with harden. Since the first game of lone ranger, he has been extremely active, very active in the game. At the beginning of the month, 30 + was cut in six consecutive games, and at the end of the month, 30 + was scored in five consecutive games. Throughout the month, Paul George gave up 32.4 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.5 assists and 2.8 steals, which helped the thunder make a 13-2 record. Compared with the past, such record and personal data, the best player of the month is not running.

But there's another harden in the West! Game average 45.3 points, 8.9 rebounds, 7.9 assists, 2.1 steals harden! Although the Rockets 11-4 record is not as good as thunder, but Haden's performance or let him win the player of the Month award.

In the team's combat power list, the Western fourth rocket team has also jumped to the fifth position. In front of them were thunder, warriors, bucks and raptors. All these changes are due to harden. Chris Paul played a few games off and on this month, and the Rockets paid a huge price for his injury at a crucial time in the Western Conference semifinals last season. So this season, Paul's most important thing is to keep fit. So, in the regular season MVP rankings, Haden went straight to second place. If this momentum is maintained, it will be sooner or later to surpass adtokumbo.Paul George was a little depressed. Once upon a time, he didn't care much about those personal honors. In young Paul George's heart, the championship is the biggest honor of the league. Therefore, he has been working towards that goal for a long time. Of course, at that time, he never lacked praise from the league and the fans. But James is so strong in front of him! He can never beat each other on his own. He came to Oklahoma for the championship.

Last season, Paul George didn't care about anything except the championship. But when he had the championship, he found that he wanted more. This season, the decentralization of Westbrook has made Paul George's life very comfortable. On the road to the thunder, Paul George is on his way to better himself. But the situation has become less friendly to him. Thunder also knows Paul George's ideas, and everyone supports him very much. However, all people hope that they can become better, and they want to be recognized by more people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!