Super Heavy Artillery

Chapter 581

December 14, Denver, Pepsi Center.

The Nuggets, second in the west, are home to thunder, the number one in the west, their second game of the season. The first time the two sides met in Oklahoma, the Nuggets had the last laugh. I thought thunder would get revenge this time. But now it seems likely that they will not be able to pull out of each other's home court.

Prior to that, thunder moved to Detroit after a good start in December and easily beat each other. Then they went to Brooklyn to fight the nets for 53 minutes. The thunder was 22 points behind the nets. But after Paul George came out in the second half, he led the thunder to level before the end of regular time. And in extra time, with a difficult drift back jump shot to kill the other side. Throughout the game, Paul George played 45 minutes, contributing 47 points and 15 rebounds. Amazing!

But the last game of the three games, against the Chicago Bulls. The match is as like as two peas, whether the game is final or the final score. But the bull had the last laugh. Zach Raven plays the role of Paul George.

For this senior brother, who is also the 13th UCLA defender, Anluo is really admired in this game. In the 36 minutes of his appearance, the offensive side, super long three-point, meet Anluo mid range jump shot, head against Adams lay up, strong to the basket, one hit two, one hit three On the defensive side, he was obsessed with ANLO almost all the way, just as ANLO had defended Thompson before.

In the end, Zac Laven's data was set at 38 points, 11 rebounds, 7 assists and 2 steals after a touchdown layup with Adams and ANLO. Bulls number 8 reminds all fans of Jordan, omnipotent.

The so-called heaven has reincarnation, but the retribution of thunder seems to be too fast! I just finished the killing and was killed before I had time to celebrate. It's very unpleasant.

So, back in the West. They vent their anger on the next opponent.

On December 10, thunder beat jazz 132-113 at home; on December 12, thunder beat Pelican easily at 124:108 away.

At this point, the evil spirit is finished. The contented thunderbolt crowd will take two successive wins the strong momentum, has ushered in two quite formidable opponents. The first is to win their nuggets.

Thunder, in terms of the Nuggets, is an old enemy. In the previous two seasons, at the end of the playoffs, the Nuggets met with thunder. And, twice in a row, they fell under the iron feet of thunder. Among them is a super long three-point shot by Westbrook. In fact, whether you win or not, thunder is a steady advance in the playoffs. But if the Nuggets want to enter the playoffs, they have to win.

This season, Nuggets star Jorge KIC is completely grown up. The NBA player, known by fans as "the worst in body management," became the absolute core of the Nuggets team. The technique is comprehensive, no matter in the high position or the low position is easy; the hand feeling is soft, has the good three-point projection ability; the vision is wide, passes the coquettish; the defense and the guard frame ability are also above the level.

Jokic has excellent scoring ability, but he pays more attention to teamwork, and he is not greedy for credit or data. Of course, maybe he is "too lazy to score". Lazy and fat, should be everyone's first impression of him, but also the deepest impression. Maybe it's laziness that makes him perfect at passing.

In the Nuggets Game, the attack is almost all around the Jokic. He started with no ball cover and moved to high position. Let the front guard of the team run around him to create a large number of empty handed cuts, easy to hit the bottom of the basket to score. After the defensive end grabs the backboard, it can push forward to the front court in a row, and simply give the ball cover, so that the shooter on the three-point line can get enough space and time. Harris, Murray, these full of sports talent and shooting ability of the outside line of young people in the setting off of Jokic, more to highlight their value. And this season, they have never dropped out of the top three in the West.

The warriors lost a game yesterday, falling from second to third. The Nuggets are back in second. However, the two teams are the same record, Nuggets want to temporarily stabilize the second position, must win the game with thunder. So in this game, they played very strong. In addition, thunder is not in good condition, they always have the upper hand at both ends of attack and defense.

At the end of the game, the fourth quarter has played more than five minutes. However, the situation of the game for the thunder, very not optimistic. Because, they are still 10 points behind the Nuggets.

Westbrook held the ball out of the three-point line. He reached out and waved to Adams for cover. After the latter was pulled out, Westbrook went in. It was almost at the same time that Jokic and Murray appeared around Westbrook, attacking him. At this time, Westbrook didn't give the ball to Adams, who had already reached the free throw line. Instead, he played the ball from behind to ANLO in the bottom right corner. After that, the latter took a three pointer.


The ball didn't go in! Yokic grabs the rebound and pushes directly with the ball. The basketball moved back and forth in the Nuggets' hands, and eventually returned to yokic near the free throw line. After he received the ball, he turned and was hit by Adams. However, Adams is not afraid of such a single, he controls the strength, and the other side in the left elbow. At this point, Robertson, who followed pramli to the bottom left corner, suddenly made his way towards Jokic. His speed is very fast, the movement is also very sudden, scared Jokic to quickly put the ball up and hold high.The moment Robertson left pramley, the latter turned back. In a defensive position, Jokic passed the ball. After pramley catches the ball, he takes two steps forward, and then he rises straight into the sky and smashes his hands!


With 2:20 left in the game, the thunder used a "two plus one" by Westbrook to make the score 97-102. However, Jokic's subsequent three-point goal helped the Nuggets stabilize the situation.

In the end, thunder lost the game 105-111 away.

It's the second time they've lost to the Nuggets this season. For a while, the Nuggets' title of "thunder killer" became more and more loud. In this regard, thunder is quite helpless. They don't understand why they can't beat the Nuggets this season. , the fastest update of the webnovel!