Super Heavy Artillery

Chapter 577

On November 19, 2018, Oklahoma City Thunder challenges Sacramento king on the road. This is the second time the two sides have met this season. The last time, thunder scored 140 points at home and won the game. At that time, this was when enrol was all over the league. Later, people gradually get used to the 30 + Anluo, and everything is calm again.

In this game, Westbrook, who was absent for five games due to injury, finally came back! In fact, Westbrook was available for the Knicks a few days ago. Of course, this is the answer given by the team doctor, Donovan doesn't think so. He has always been cautious about the health of the players.

Before that, the thunder beat back the Suns at home, sweeping the downturn in Dallas. Then, they beat the New York Knicks by 25 points, then moved to Phoenix to easily win their third game of the season against the suns. Momentum like a rainbow!

Now the thunder, wants to cause the league's attention, must lose the game only then! Winning has become a matter of course. No matter which team they're playing against, the media and the fans are the same.

However, the fight with the king was extremely difficult.

Thunder at the beginning of the state is relatively low. Two attempts by ANLO failed. A three-point, a back hit, Hilde's jump shot. Westbrook and Paul George also beat iron frequently. The basket of golden center one refused to open its arms to this group of Oklahoma outsiders. The king is the opposite. As soon as shambaut and beliza came up, they hit three points in succession. Lead the king to a 10:0 attack. The game played two minutes before thunder scored for the first time by Westbrook.

Thunder's downturn lasted until the end of the second quarter. They entered the third quarter with a 56:69 disadvantage.

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of this section, but thunder's performance did not let a person's eyes shine. Of course, compared to the first two quarters, the thunder is playing very well. Several key players came forward, especially Westbrook. He's had five games and he's been very active in this game. In this section, thunder finished the anti super. But it wasn't how good they played, it was that the king played too badly. Mistakes, strikes, unnecessary fouls They only got 13 points, while thunder scored 27 points.

In the last quarter, the two sides finally played the game that people expected. The two sides were entangled until the last minute before the winner was determined. After Westbrook broke through the layup, he went back to 110-111 again. That's 18 seconds left in the game. Fox's head is hot, unexpectedly hit a fast break, and did not choose to consume time. Adams catches up and gives fox a giant hat. Paul George grabs the ball and throws it to ANLO in the right hand round. After the latter catches the ball, two steps from the center line to the three-point line, against Hilde hit the fatal three!

In the last 2.2 seconds, King played a perfect three-point ball. Hilde hit the ball the same way over ANLO's head. However, in his crazy celebration, the referee repeated the video playback, and finally confirmed that hild had shot after the normal time, so he declared the ball invalid. Half a second later, Hilde became a Sacramento hero!

After the thrilling victory, ANLO gave the other side a big hug and said, "man, I said for a long time that your hand is too slow! Now you believe it? "

After leaving Sacramento, thunder and his party made a transfer to Auckland. Compared with the king's game, thunder vs warriors is naturally more expected. However, the two teams are in the same boat. Thunder's Westbrook has just come back, warriors directly short of curry and green. Thunder has won without Westbrook, while warriors have lost three in a row. They have lost five of their last seven games. Although Durant and Thompson have made the last life sucking energy out, they can not lead the warriors out of the predicament.

If you want to ask the person who is under the greatest pressure now, it is not James who is gradually taking the Lakers out of the quagmire, nor the increasingly crazy harden, nor is he always a "I know everything" Cole. It's Durant.

Warriors can't have Durant, but they can't do without curry and green.

Before Durant came, the warriors had been the champion!

Westbrook Durant

It was as if the whole world was standing opposite Durant. Everyone is criticizing him, and everyone looks down on his proud pursuit. It's like a curse! In the thunder, he was a superstar. No matter the data, or the team's record, few do better than him. But he was accused of not winning the championship. After winning the championship, people said he didn't lead the team to get it. Durant felt that he was too aggrieved, but no one knew. Anyway, what he did was wrong!

In this game, thunder suppressed warriors at both ends of attack and defense.

On the offensive side, without curry and green, the warriors can't play the super conversion attack. What's more, without Curry's control, Durant played the whole game in the pocket of Paul George and Robertson. Even though he is the best indifference singles superstar in the league, he has been greatly disturbed by the lack of offensive space. Thompson, on the other hand, was dogged by ANLO, and although he was able to score, none of them was easy to get. As for the others, I can't count on it!On the defensive side, warriors put less pressure on thunder. Without green, the warriors' defense system would have collapsed. No one can be like him, can change defense to any position, and cause great interference to the opponent. Blood and toughness, green was taken back to the changing room.

In the end, thunder kept its advantage from the beginning to the end of the game. They beat the warriors 121-90 in the Oracle arena. They won five games in a row and gave each other four consecutive losses.

This game, Durant and Thompson both scored 25 points, the former also grabbed 15 rebounds. However, compared with the thunder three giants, it is also slightly shabby. Westbrook has 15 points, 12 rebounds, 16 assists and 3 steals, Anluo has 36 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steals, and Paul George has 25 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists and 3 steals. It is worth mentioning that the thunder side also has a 20 points 11 rebounds Adams!

After the game, Westbrook and Durant's embrace became the most warm scene of the night. Two people's gratitude and resentment, in the Rush years, finally or toward the best direction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!