Super Great Fortune Teller

Chapter 223

Hate Wang Qian forced it out of Zhang Sha's body. Hate Wang Qian was hostile to him.

The atmosphere in the room was very quiet.

Wang Qian suddenly gave a big drink: "Lin!"

With this sound, the fingerprints in Wang Qian's hands were also printed out, directly on the red little dragon. Only a roaring sound was heard in everyone's ears.

This dragon doesn't look big, but its roar makes all the glass in the room shatter, and everyone's ears are temporarily deaf and can't hear any sound at all.

Wang Qian's overprint method is finally printed on the little dragon composed of red fog, PA! Beat the little dragon to pieces.

Then more red fog poured into Wang Qian's body.

Wang Qian once followed the Taoist's hand, "Bing!"

with the sound of Wang Qian's exports, Yang has been sprung up in all the big caverns of his body. These Yang Yang are the essence of Yang's essence that he practices in the pure Yang, and the essence of Yang sends out an energy attack to annihilate the red mist.

"Formation Later, Wang Qian once again said the formula of array words.

With Wang Qian's fingerprints, the Yang Qi in his body formed an array, which tightly bound the red fog.

This vision lasted for ten minutes, and the Yang Qi in Wang Qian's body completely refined the red fog.

When Wang Qian collected those Yang Qi back into his body, his front chest and back had been wet with sweat.

The dull people get rid of the dull state.

I have to say that Wang Qian's practice this evening overturned their world outlook.

Yang Min finds that she can't even walk.

"What's the matter?" Yang Min said.

She has forgotten how to ask Wang Qian. She has too many questions to answer.

Not only Yang Min, but also the old Chinese medicine practitioners, monks and master Zhang want to ask.

Wang Qian shakes his head and doesn't speak. He's expending a lot tonight.

's shot really cost him 50% of the essence of Yang.

At least Wang Qian was sure that this kind of symptom on the geomantic compass or Zhang Sha was related to a kind of legendary deity.

But now he has no energy to ask Zhang Sha.

"Monk, see which ward nearby has a bed. Help me to lie down for a while." Wang Qian said.

The monk immediately nodded when he heard Wang Qian's words.

Before the monk could move, Xu Guofu, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, said, "this little friend can go to our lounge."

Wang Qian heard the old doctor's words and nodded.

After the fire poison was removed from Zhang Sha's stomach, there were bursts of roaring sound. He had not eaten for five or six days and could not feel hungry at all. After the lesion had gone, Zhang Sha felt hungry for the first time.

Zhang Sha's female assistant immediately goes out to eat for Zhang Sha, while Yang Min follows Wang Qian and the monk. Xu Xiaoya and the monk go to the rest room of the two old TCM doctors with Wang Qian in their arms.

As for Chen Liqun and Chen Lansheng, no one paid any attention to them. Compared with Wang Qian, they became the air.

Other Western doctors seem to be still immersed in that shock. What they see and hear today overturns all their cognition.

By the time Wang Qian was lying in a comfortable big bed, it was more than ten minutes later.

The two old TCM doctors have a high status in the first people's Hospital, with separate rest rooms and very soft beds.

But Xu Xiaoya is helping Wang Qian to peel the apple at this time, we can see that she is very worried about Wang Qian.

The monk is sitting on the chair in the corridor, looking around. The little nurses who come and go make the monk's eyes fixed.

"It's a long leg."

"The waist is very thin."

"This chest is big." The monk was there muttering.

Wang Qian heard that, if he could move now, he would give the monk two slaps to let him know what is liugenqingjing and what a monk should think.

"How about you? Are you feeling better? " One of the old Chinese medicine doctors came in from the door with a cup in his hand. It was saffron and medlar that were soaked in the cup. They were all things to replenish qi.

Wang Qian nodded and said with a smile, "old man, I'm ok."

The old doctor handed the cup to Wang Qian and said, "this is the tea made from saffron and medlar. It's good for your health to drink it."

Wang Qian looked at the light red tea, without the slightest politeness. Now Wang Qian is in urgent need of these Yang tonic things.

When Xu Xiaoya saw that the old Chinese medicine doctor had soaked Wang Qian with Lycium barbarum, she seemed to think of something. Then she immediately said to Wang Qian, "brother Qian, I'll go home and make soup for you."Wang Qian was very comforted to hear Xu Xiaoya's words. Xu Xiaoya went out of the room happily.

She decided to go to the market to buy some pork kidney, pork liver, ginseng and other things. In a word, she would buy anything to tonify the kidney and make a pot of soup for Wang Qian to show her virtue.

After a few minutes' rest, Wang Qian felt much more relaxed.

At this time, the beautiful doctor Yang Min came in. She was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes, and her beautiful legs hidden in her white coat were looming.

When she came to Wang Qian's bed, there was a look of exploration in her eyes: "Master Wang? Should I call you master Wang? " Yang Min asked.

Wang Qian heard Yang Min's words. He said with a smile, "don't call me master, just call me Wang Qian."

Yang Min is not very old last year, maybe less than 25 years old.

Hearing Wang Qian's words, Yang Min nodded and said, "Wang Qian, can you tell me what happened to that pink fog?"

This problem has troubled her for a long time, and she has been waiting outside the door for a long time, until Xu Xiaoya went out, she came in.

When Wang Qian heard Yang Min ask this question, he showed such an expression.

But he didn't plan to tell Yang Min the truth. Instead, he was embarrassed and said, "I don't remember the red fog. Miss Yang, did you read something wrong? Oh, by the way, the million.... "

After Wang Qian saw Yang Min, he finally remembered something. But he remembered that Yang Min said that if he could cure Zhang Sha, Yang Min would give him 1 million yuan.

This kind of money should not be wasted. Besides, he forgot to talk about money with Zhang Sha. I don't know how much reward this boy will give him. Master Wang, based on the principle that thieves don't go empty, now wants to blow up some silver on Bai Fumei, Yang min. , the fastest update of the webnovel!