Super God Gene

Chapter 154: Brutal shock

PS: For the God Star, the rudder master is added.

The people in the Jiajia community are also overjoyed. They have been operating the armor and slowing down to prepare to circumvent the barrier wall. Hansen’s speed and distance are obviously impossible to avoid.

"SB one, it is useless to have a good armor." The people in the armored company thought with contempt.


However, I saw the silver armor in front of the front, and directly smashed the barrier wall into a big hole, and the speed continued unabated.


A barrier wall was directly smashed by the silver armor. A thick concrete cement wall, like a foam, was broken by a silver armor.

Looking at the violent rush of the silver armor, the people in the back of the armored company have long been watching.

The audience watching the live broadcast has already boiled.

"I rely on, is this a foul? Can the obstacle be so?"

"Is there no rule that you are not allowed to do this?"

"The performance of the armor is too strong. This kind of impact, the armor has not been damaged, and it can keep that speed. It is terrible."

"Haha, this is the way men drive!"

"It’s just an explosion!"

"Which game is this, isn't this the performance bully of the armor?"

"I see other players crying. This Nima hits the wall in the past and can run faster than others. The armor looks strange. Is it a new type of armor produced by the company?"

"What the **** is that, I want one."

"No, if you have money, you can bully people? This kind of game doesn't make any sense. It's fair to use the same armor."

"I didn't see any dominance, I only saw a rich bastard."

"Fang Mingquan actually supports such people. Is this the Fang Mingquan I know?"

"What are you YY? Win is to win, lose is to lose, and the battle armor course certainly includes the performance of the battle armor. Is there any problem?"

"That is, when you fight the Shura people, the Shura people do not use the armor, do you have to go down the armor and their bayonets?"


Han Sen’s approach caused a lot of controversy, and Ji Yan’s eyes watched Han Sen driving his armor, like a head-and-smashing cow, smashing a barrier wall, every time it seemed to hit her heart. In general, it is not good for her to be depressed.

"Sure enough, a guy who likes to cheat, even got such a warrior to come over. If he goes on this way, isn't he really likely to win five championships?" Ji Yanran is now depressed and wants to vomit blood, and he regrets that he is actually I bet with that guy and I also booked a contract.

She really can't think of it, the **** can even cheat in the game.

In the end, the silver murder was the first to collide with the finish line and won the championship of the obstacle race. The people in the battle group saw his gaze.

Thanks to Hansen's highly controversial competition and winning the championship, the students who originally went to see other competitions came to the arena.

Even the most ancient Guwu competition venue, many students began to leave the field to fight the battlefield.

Those people at the major news stations saw that the students didn't even watch the game of Ouyang Xiaoqiu. They didn't know where they were going. They didn't know what was going on.

When they pulled a few students to ask what happened, but it was too late, their equipment was moved to the battlefield and it was too late. They could only report with simple spare equipment, and could not completely relate to Fang Ming. ratio.

On the Internet, there are more and more people watching Fang Ming’s live broadcast. It has already exceeded the million mark and is still growing.

Although a million people are less pitiful for the entire league, but for a sub-campus competition, there is such a viewing volume, and it is still growing, it is already quite good.

After all, most people, even those who are concerned about the Xingyu Cup, will go to the school games that have the crown of the king. Although the Blackhawks dare to be a famous school, there are really no outstanding advantages, and few people pay attention.

It is because Fang Mingquan is doing this live broadcast, and there are so many people watching it. The Blackhawk Army Schools in other news stations are broadcast live, which is at most 100,000 people.

The people here are still increasing rapidly. The people started to come from Fang Mingquan, but after watching the game, there are more and more people interested in Hansen and the silver murder, not just to watch. The program hosted by Fang Mingquan.

With the excellent performance of the silver murder, Hansen crushed the opponent in a competition, or when people decided that it was because the silver murder was excellent, he had neglected the importance of his operation of the silver murder.

Even the shooting of the battle armor, Hansen is the manual operation of the external weapon used, it is also considered that the performance of the silver murder is too strong, so it will have such a high hit rate.

Everyone thought that the performance of the silver murder was too good, and they were discussing the new high-level armor produced by the company.

Or is there any point in discussing such a victory, etc. Most people ignore the people who drive the silver murder.

Ji Yanran's face is a bit ugly. Every time Han Sen wins, it is like a slap in the chest, and her chest is boring, and she can't say a word.

When Hansen had no suspense and won the fifth championship with a crushing force, Ji Yanran had an urge to cry in the toilet.

When I thought that I had to kiss the stinky boy, and it was my first kiss, Ji Yanran felt that his life was gray.

"Awkward, what's wrong with you? Your face is very uncomfortable, is it sick?" Qu Lili on the side found that Ji Yanran was not right, and asked quickly.

"I'm fine." Ji Yanran is strong in self-improvement, and some are absent-minded watching the images of the game.

Hansen still won the connection, and the watchman became more and more depressed, so that when she played the game, the spirit was a bit embarrassing, and she finally got a thirteenth place, which was better than her. The results of the year are much worse.

When I thought that I had to give a kiss to the stinky boy, I only felt red and red, and I couldn’t find a hole to drill down.

The pace of Hansen’s winning streak could not be stopped. All the competitions he participated in won the championship. He has won eight championships. Only one of the nine champions he has produced has fallen into the hands of the company.

The entire Black Hawk military school is almost boiling, and most of the cadets have come to the battlefield, want to see the crushing armor.

In the end, there were only two races left, one for the single armor and one for the team.

A group of masters of the armored company have already been gearing up, waiting for Hansen to face the attack in this project. They were too wrong in the previous game, and all the anger should be vented in the two events.