Super Driver

V2.Chapter 1501

It was a vast starry sky, but nothing could be seen.

This kind of state, lasted for a long time.

In the end, how long is a very vague concept, few people can say clearly and clearly.

Suddenly one day, in the starry sky, there is a small vortex.

The appearance of this whirlpool makes the surroundings move slowly.

From dust to gravel, they all gather towards this vortex.

Finally, a hot star is formed!

This star, even in the whole universe, can only phagocytize the origin to make the phagocytic space reach its present scale.

"What shall we do? Can you find its location? "

Clenching the axe in his hand, Pangu asked.

Su Qiubai's eyes, then at this time, looked at the magic things that spread all over the world outside the array.

At the same time, all the energy of the super system is excited, a pair of eyes are completely ignited, staring at the magic army in front of us.

At this moment, in Su Qiubai's eyes, these demons become another state of existence.

It's as if they become nothing one by one, just ghosts without souls.

In fact, these are just demons formed by the power of swallowing. There is no concept of soul.

After dozens of seconds, Su Qiubai finally saw something different.

It was a shadow with purple, and his breath was very weak, as if it would dissipate in the next moment.

As the binder of the super system, Su Qiubai has determined for the first time that the shadow is to devour the source!

So, the next thing he wants to do is to seize the source of phagocytosis, and then use the system space to imprison him.

"I have found his position, and now I need your help!"

Take a deep breath, eyes still burning flame of Su Qiubai, so stood up.

His voice is also introduced into the ears of all the hot summer powers around him.

"That guy is right in front of me. I need you to send me there!"

Knowing that time is pressing, Su Qiubai said immediately.

"Good! It's up to us! The next thing It's up to you! "

Nodding at the same time, Pangu said.

Then, the array has been broken, Su Qiubai's eyes appeared invincible chariot, he directly jumped in.

The invincible chariot at this moment is exactly what taxis look like on earth.

Because Su Qiubai has always remembered his identity as a taxi driver, he let longrador transform the invincible chariot into this.

At the moment, sitting in his familiar taxi, Su Qiubai has a feeling of blood boiling.


The roaring sound of the accelerator sounded, so the invincible chariot had rushed out, and on the opposite side was the boundless and incomparable demons, and the dark army exuded a gloomy and terrifying momentum.

Just as the invincible chariot rushed out of the array, a large number of demons rushed up.

"Eighteen Arhats!"

At this time, Pangu yelled. Behind him, eighteen Arhats, including subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, waved a fist in front of him.

This punch directly penetrates the space and cleans up the demons in front of the invincible chariot, so that it can continue to move at a high speed.

But the next moment, the demon army rushed up again.

It seems that he has sensed the breath of the super system and the purpose of Su Qiubai, so he wants to stop him anyway.

But immediately, a long roar sounded, followed by nine Jinwu cut through the black sky, once again killed the demons in front of the invincible chariot.

"Brother, I'll help you!"

After Hou Yi, Shen Gongbao called out.

His mouth, spit out a purple lightning ball, directly in the army of demons burst.

Following behind, the bull devil's iron stick was also thrown out, cutting through the space and penetrating the chest of hundreds of demons.

In this way, the invincible chariot advanced a lot.

"Kill him!"

Ten demons, eyes are indescribable cold light, uniform command sounded, and is in a rush.

However, at this time, the four swords of Zhuxian of Tongtian sect leader arrived. These four swords directly killed the two big demons nearest to the invincible chariot!

Zhuxian Four Swords just flew by, Xingtian threw his head out.

This head, fast growing, finally swallowed hundreds of demons, protecting the invincible chariot to move on!

Seeing that the invincible chariot is getting closer and closer to him, he is more anxious to devour the source, regardless of letting the demons stop him.

However, the means of the great powers in summer are just beginning.

"I'll help you!"The so-called dragon born nine sons are different, but at the moment, with a big cry from Taotie, the Nine Dragons roared together to protect the invincible chariot.

Golden winged Mirs are also a long cry, skyrocketing!

The chariots of emperor Yanhuang and Emperor Yanhuang are surrounded by the two sides of the invincible chariot. There are no demons to get close to.

"Soon, just ahead of you!"

Su Qiubai's eyes are extremely firm when he feels the strong power to support himself.

He can feel that he is very close to devouring the source!

Seeing that the last layer of barrier was left, the Ruyi golden cudgel in the monkey's hand seemed to turn into a giant pillar supporting the sky and smashed open a road!

And Su Qiubai, it is at this time to see the source of phagocytosis.

His appearance is very common, if not through the power of the super system, Su Qiubai can't believe that this thing is the culprit that leads to the destruction of the whole universe!

As for swallowing the source, it is finally feeling the danger.

It can be said that Su Qiubai is the only one he fears in this universe, because the super system instinct is used to imprison his energy space.

It took a lot of effort for him to escape. Now he sees the super system again. Why not run!

Just as he turned to run away, Pangu's axe fell down.

This axe blocked the escape route of devouring the source. At this time, Su Qiubai jumped out of the invincible chariot and hugged the body of devouring the source with the fastest speed.

At the same time, longrado has stimulated the power of system space, and wants to re imprison the source of phagocytosis.

However, this matter is not as easy as imagined.

Phagocytosis is struggling and resisting desperately. He knows that once he is locked in the system space again, the final result will be It's very likely that you'll never get out.

He can't accept this kind of thing, which is a kind of brilliance for him, so he must resist!

"Hold on!"

Longlado's voice rang out in Su Qiubai's mind, and the next moment a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

The power of swallowing the source is incredible.

If it wasn't for the particularity of the super system, Su Qiubai didn't even have the qualification to stand beside him.

At the moment, his body is holding the source of phagocytosis, with the progress of time, the whole person began to be swallowed up a little bit.

This is a very terrible process. When Su Qiubai realized it, he understood why longrador would tell him that he was likely to die.

In fact, he's dying now.

At this time, no one can help him, all the power of the summer, are blocked by the demon army, only he holding the source of swallowing in constant churning.

"You can't kill me, I will swallow you, I will swallow you clean!"

Swallowing the source, while continuing to struggle desperately, the cold voice rang out in Su Qiubai's brain.

The old driver's consciousness began to have a little fuzzy, but at this time there is a trace of soberness.

If he dies, it's all over.

The earth, the Milky way and the universe will disappear

So, he can't die!

The power of faith is extremely terrible. Su Qiubai at this moment fully proves this.

Under the support of strong belief, Su Qiubai's eyes suddenly appeared a fierce color.

"If you want to swallow me, I will swallow you first!"

Mouth yelled a, the next moment Su Qiubai holding phagocytosis origin, began to bite up.

He this mouthful, unexpectedly let swallow the origin pain howl.

This kind of situation, even longrador did not think of.

"I've learned that the only way to permanently imprison and devour the source is replace! As long as you can swallow it, you can make it

Excited longlado said to Su Qiubai immediately.

However, the crazy Su Qiubai did not hear it at all, he just kept biting the swallowing source in his arms.

Little by little, he began to give up the struggle because his body was lax.

It's a crazy human, crazy as never before.

Finally, under the gaze of all human powers, Su Qiubai disappeared with the source of phagocytosis.

That kind of feeling is like, at the same time that Su Qiubai finally swallowed the phagocytic source, he was also completely swallowed by the phagocytic source.

Then, without the support of the original phagocytosis of the demon, began to completely collapse.

In the hot summer, great powers started a real massacre.

This happens everywhere in the universe.

In the northwest star region, the human beings who had been forced to the corner by the phagocytic fog suddenly saw the black fog disperse quickly.In a short time, the northwest star field has been clean, and the space that was once occupied by the dark clan also shows what it used to be.

"This What's going on? Is it over? "

Apple stood beside Party A and Party B and asked softly.

She seemed very confused, actually everyone was very confused.

A and B's eyes are looking at the deepening of the universe. He has a premonition Something big must have happened there.

The same process occurs in other parts of the universe.

As if at this moment, the phagocytosis of space is completely over, and there is no such thing in this universe.


Finally, the war of the core universe ended, all the demons were killed, and the great powers of the hot summer clan won.

As the top powers of this universe, they have re formulated the rules of the whole universe, opened up the core universe, and continuously cultivated powerful warriors.

At the same time, it is the process of this battle, compiled into a story, out of the universe.

It is also because of this story that everyone knows the name of Su Qiubai.

I know that he paid his own life to save the universe.

The earth, originally a very common planet, has completely become the holy land of all people in the universe.

Many people want to see what kind of place Su Qiubai's hometown is.

The whole universe has ushered in such a new era.

Qianshan kingdom is also completely free from the encirclement of demons, and combined with the universe again.

The third princess also heard the story of Su Qiubai. A new era has just begun, but she can no longer find the hope in her heart.

Er Du and Xiao Yuan are always under the statue of Qianshan King City. They paint and tell stories by themselves.

This story belongs to them as well as the guy named Su Qiubai.

At the same time, listen to rain and fox, as well as pig just hyena, they are back to the spirit beast mountain, back to Wuzhi Mountain.

Little fox will still be next to the pool, waiting for Su Qiubai.

Listening to the rain is sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the sea of clouds below, a person quietly recalled the distant story.

Probably the most relaxed one is Zhu Gangxian. He has many children with Xiaolong girl, but he often cries after drinking. He says I miss that evil star very much!

Wusu city has become the symbol of the northwest star region, but more importantly, it has become a turning point to the earth.

Every day, there are countless spaceships passing through the earth.

Niubaiwan in Qinghe city has become a famous brand in the whole universe.

Many people line up there for several days, and they may not be able to eat a piece of meat.

However, there are still people who are willing to do so, not for other reasons, but simply for feelings.

Xia Rongrong, Gu Chengya and Wen Xiaoshu all returned to Beidu University and became teachers.

However, it is precisely because of them that Wusu city specially sent hundreds of strong men at the level of King Wu to Beidu university to protect their safety.

Wuhai world has returned. Xiaoqing of Heifeng port and Xia Xiaomu have formed an E-sports war, called chanting team!

In the next ten years, the whole universe will gradually restore a new order and usher in a new era.

Su Qiubai was finally believed by many people that he was dead.


Qinghe City, an ordinary traffic light, there is a group of primary school students from here, all the vehicles are waiting.

Just at this time, a black truck lost control and went straight across the zebra crossing.

Seeing the tragedy is about to happen, suddenly, a taxi rushed out of nowhere and stopped the truck.

Huge impact, originally everyone thought this taxi would be fragmented, but It stops there and doesn't move.

Ignoring everyone's surprise, the taxi driver, wearing white gloves, rolled down the window and waved to the stunned children.

"Hurry home!"

Soft voice said such a word, no longer pay attention to the meaning of the truck, soon it has turned the body, into the stream.

The children left quickly, and the truck jumped down in a daze, with an expression of shock on its face. If it wasn't for the taxi, it was hard to imagine what would have happened.

Unfortunately, no one knows the driver's name at all.

And some people who are closest to this scene clearly heard the last sentence before the man left.

He said, "Qinghe City, I'm back."

When he said this, his face With a smile.Perhaps, this is a new beginning.