Super Driver

V1.Chapter 47

This sentence let Xiao Xiuwen already to the mouth of words and swallow back.

His heart suddenly felt a little uneasy. The valley family did not appear until now. According to their style, they would not hide in the car.

If you want to come out, you will come out long ago!

What the hell is hidden in that car! Is it all Su Qiubai who made it come true?

For no reason, he suddenly realized that he had made a mistake. From the beginning to the end, he was guarding against the valley family, but he didn't investigate what the taxi driver did!

There are a lot of pictures in my mind.

Dozens of sports cars roared from Qingjiang city in the night, the hospital suddenly backwater, and then his son jumped from the upstairs for no reason!

Is it all the help of the Gu family?

Paralysis The valley family can't do it!

At this moment, Xiao Xiuwen finally knew what a stupid mistake he had made!

From the beginning, what he should guard against most is this boy's anger and revenge, not some asshole family at all!

Think of here, his back unexpectedly appeared some cold sweat!

As he said, Xiao Xiuwen never knew what it meant to be afraid!

But today, before he started, he felt that he couldn't do what he wanted.

Wan Qiuyang on one side probably noticed something wrong with Xiao Xiuwen, so he came forward and patted him gently.

At this time, the whole hall was completely silent. Everyone didn't understand why the atmosphere suddenly froze. Moreover, the boy across the hall was so arrogant that he called his boss a devil, Xiao Xiuwen I can't bear it!

What the hell is going on?

Quickly let himself restore calm, Xiao Xiuwen forced himself to arouse fighting spirit, and then let Wan Qiuyang arrange someone to inquire about the news inside the car for the third time.

This time, he specially added that he would send one of the ten.

After the arrangement, he looked at Su Qiubai again.

Su Qiubai here, probably also guessed how to return a responsibility.

He himself felt sad for Xiao Xiuwen. You said you had nothing to do. Why did you send someone to the carriage?

This is not heaven, there is a way you do not go, there is no way to hell, you break in? I also think that if you put those people in the car out, it's not too exaggerated, but you try your best to get up!

Secretly shook head, Su Qiubai looked at Su Xiaoxiao.

In fact, up to now, he didn't do it. The biggest reason is that Xiao Xiao and Cao toufei made him worry. In addition, he didn't suffer much from their appearance, which made him feel relieved, so he didn't worry so much.

There was no sound in the hall, and Xiao Xiuwen had no idea of delaying time. He was waiting to find out what was in the truck!

Outside the truck, a man in a black windbreaker had reached the side of the car.

His name is Xiao Jiu. It's also the biggest secret that the Xiao family has been able to control Dongkou lane for so many years!

The strength of ten people is stronger than that of Gu zhanchuan. Usually they are helping the Xiao family to do some very dangerous business, and they seldom get together.

And this time It's said that they have to deal with the Gu family, so ten of them will come back together.

I was ready to do it later, but I suddenly asked myself to come and see what was in the truck outside the building.

This makes Xiao Jiu very strange, especially Wan Qiuyang's sentence must be very careful!

Are you kidding? He knows what he has experienced best. However, in Donghai City, apart from the limited number of people, is there any danger worth being extremely careful?

So when he got to the door, he grabbed the handle and opened it.

Almost at the same time, a rough voice sounded.

"Ha ha Come in, grandpa has been waiting for you for a long time

Then a big hand came to Xiao Jiu.

There's no time to think about it. He'll step back as soon as he hides, but Another hand came out.

After being caught, Xiao Jiu tried to break free, but the strength of that hand was so great that he couldn't resist at all, so he was dragged in directly.

Then the door closed again!

The third time Xiao Xiuwen heard the same news, his face turned white. Even Xiao Jiu would be arrested. It seems that Tonight is destined to be a fierce battle!

After taking a deep breath, Wan Qiuyang asked him if he wanted to send someone to have a look, but he was rejected by Xiao Xiuwen.

Since even Xiao Jiu couldn't figure out what was inside, it was no different to let other people pass.

What's more, he has already realized that he is not at ease at this time. If there is such a thing again and he hasn't started yet, maybe he will be mad.

So, trying to restore the feeling before, Xiao Xiuwen looks at Su Qiubai."Now that you have come, don't try to leave. Do it!"

As he yelled out the last two words, the thugs who were already ready to move in the hall came together.

Su Qiubai had known for a long time that they would come to such a step, so they had been prepared for a long time in advance. Now when they saw that the thugs rushed over, they went up in three directions at the same time!

Originally, Xiao Xiuwen always thought that although Wu Song and Lin Chong looked very powerful, they should be stronger.

But this fight, he knew that he was wrong, just like Su Qiubai said, he is a Shabi!

Wu Song's two hands are like steel tongs. When he swings the steel pipe, he will hold it! Then it seemed that he just threw it lightly. The man had already gone out, and the steel pipe in his hand was cut in two by him.

The whole person is just like a tiger going down the mountain. His fists give birth to the wind. He has been knocked down there very soon.

If wu song is a fierce tiger, Lin Chong is a flying eagle. He is fierce in every move. He seems to have a pair of eyes behind him. Anyone can easily evade a sneak attack, and then defeat the enemy with one move!

Xiao Xiuwen and WAN Qiuyang were flustered by these two men. The elite power and the ten men they had hidden on it and intended to use at a critical moment were now unable to help sending them out.

Because the scene is really out of control!

These ordinary thugs are just dried up and have no power to fight back. It's too flattering to say that they are ruined!

Even Su Qiubai, who is not in their calculation at all, is very special. Although he looks a little puzzling, he can always knock people down.

Before that, if someone told Xiao Xiuwen that the thugs they were ready for in the Xiao family would be easily laid down by three people, he would surely say that they were just Farting!

But today, the fart exploded in front of his eyes. He couldn't open his eyes!

Su Qiubai here is also shocked, on the one hand is his own strength, on the other hand, it is the terror of Wu Song and Lin Chong!

This is also the first time that he saw these heroes do it. No wonder they went to Liangshan one by one. Everyone is afraid of this skill!

He watched secretly for a long time, and no one could stop them. Fortunately, there were more people on the opposite side. If there were fewer people, the battle would be over now.

In the heart inexplicably relaxed a lot, just when he thought that does not need to let other people in.

Xiao Xiuwen over there finally sent out the last strength of the Xiao family.

From the escalator upstairs, there were more than 100 men in strong black clothes and nine others in windbreaker. The momentum was different from before.

After these people joined the regiment, there was an obvious trend of relief. Wu Song was gradually surrounded. Lin Chong was also surrounded. There were too many people on the other side!

With a sigh of relief, Xiao Xiuwen's eyes were cold again.

All his cards have been revealed. These people are the reason why the Xiao family can occupy Dongkou lane for many years!

Although I don't know where Su Qiubai came from, but this time, there should be no more mistakes!

Different from what Xiao Xiuwen thought, Wu Song and Lin Chong didn't feel any pressure.

Two people are fighting hard! Usually, there's no chance to do it. Take advantage of the fact that the animals outside haven't come in yet!

They don't feel tired. Su Qiubai feels tired!

Ma Dan More people bully less people, right?


Thought flashed in the brain, Su Qiubai jumped to the outside of the encirclement circle.

Then I got through the phone that I had been waiting for to vomit blood.

"Brothers, do it!"

Almost as he hung up, there was a loud laugh in the truck outside, and the door was pushed open!