Super Driver

V1.Chapter 39

Donghai City, Xiao's courtyard, Xiao Xiuwen at his wife just lost his temper.

Only today did he realize that his youngest son had done something shameful, forcing girls from Donghai university to be his girlfriends, and forcing them to jump off the stairs.

If it wasn't for the old subordinates to say it secretly, they would still be covered in the drum!

"Look at you. What are you doing in such a big way? Yun'er has nothing to do. She is a girl student from the countryside! We yun'er are lucky to see her. We don't know what to do... "

It was Fang Chunyu, Xiao Xiuwen's wife, who was also Xiao Yun's biological mother.

As she spoke, she came over to Xiao Xiuwen. There was a trace of disdain in her eyes and arrogance in her mouth.

"Shut up Really can't listen, Xiao Xiuwen can't help but turn around and scold.

"If you hadn't spoiled him all the time, could that smelly boy have done such a thing? You made him what he is

For this woman, Xiao Xiuwen was really helpless and crazy, but he couldn't help it. After all, the Xiao family really relied on the Fang family for their status today.

"Xiao Xiuwen, what are you yelling at me! I'm just a cheap girl! Besides, I'm not dead! Even if she died, just pay more! Why are you so fierce? "

Fang Chunyu stares at Xiao Xiuwen and doesn't mean to give in.

After opening his mouth, Xiao Xiuwen planned to retort a few more words, but at last he threw his sleeve and left directly.

Out of the yard, he got on the bus and planned to go to Dongkou lane.

"Find out, what's going on in that girl's home?" After a moment's silence, he looked up and asked the driver in front of him.

"It's really an ordinary rural family. Her brother drives a taxi in Qinghe city. There's no special background..." The driver did not hesitate to say what he found.

"OK, I know. I'll arrange for someone to give the girl tens of thousands of yuan. If she agrees not to pursue any further investigation, she will give tens of thousands more Let the bodyguard leave snacks these days. If yun'er has any problems, he will send him back to Dongkou lane. "

After that, Xiao Xiuwen closed his eyes against the back seat.

This son really does not let himself worry, but this kind of buttock wiping thing has to be done.

After all, it's the mother tiger in her family who is used to it. He's very worried that something will happen sooner or later, but fortunately It's not too much trouble this time.

Thinking about this, Xiao Xiuwen left the matter behind.

What he didn't know was that the real trouble had come from Qinghe city in heavy rain

On the highway, Su Qiubai's taxi is at the front, followed by more than 30 sports cars. Many people can hear the deafening roar from afar, but the most important thing is the visual impact that can't be described!

And this heavy rain, it seems that Donghai City, will not be calm.

At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao, a small hospital next to Donghai University, is still in the intensive care unit, while her two roommates are standing at the door.

"It's a small thing to tell your brother, Xiao Li?"

The speaker is Zhang Wen, who is also su Xiaoxiao's roommate. Opposite her is a little girl wearing glasses, who calls Su Qiubai.

"Well, how could I have so much money if I didn't tell her family."

Xiao Li nodded.

"But Her brother is an ordinary taxi driver. How can he have so much money! Are you sure the card really... " Zhang Wenhua didn't go on when she said half of it. Up to now, she can't believe the balance on the card that Xiao Li said before!

Nodded again, Xiao Li felt incredible!

All the time, Su Xiaoxiao is very thrifty, but they know it best. They are not willing to go out for a spicy hot meal. Why can his brother make so much money at one go?

"Maybe it was borrowed temporarily from others..."

After a moment's hesitation, Xiao Li tells Zhang Wen that she thinks the same thing. After all, that sum of money is too much for them.

"What if his brother comes? You have already told him about Xiao Yun. Will you... " After a pause, Zhang Wen looked at Xiao Li again and asked.

At this point, Xiao Li also felt uneasy.

Xiaoxiao told her at that time that she should never let her family know about it. Now she does it by herself She's going to blame herself when she wakes up!

What's more, the power of Xiao's family in Donghai city is just too big. In case my little brother can't figure out what happened to Xiao Yun

With this thought, her face turned even whiter. Originally, she felt quite secure when she heard Su Qiubai say that she would come here soon, but now she didn't think so at all. Instead, she prayed secretly that he should never come to Donghai

When they were silent, they suddenly heard a regular roar in their ears.Look at each other, the voice should be from downstairs.

Strangely enough, they both walked towards the window.

At this point, both of them could not help opening their mouths wider.

No way, the scene downstairs is really amazing! Colorful luxury car into the hospital, casually look there are dozens of cars, next to such a while Kung Fu has been full of people.

"Is this marriage?"

Zhang Wen covered his mouth with his hand. He didn't know what to say.

Xiao Li shook her head blankly.

As far as the two people were concerned, all the sports cars had stopped downstairs of the hospital. The security guards gathered far away to ask what happened, but they didn't dare to go there.

Besides, Cao toufei stopped the car and was the first to jump out. Then all the others got out of the car. They were all young people in their twenties, with a sharp face.

Looking at these people, they show a little momentum of extermination. Many people have been far away from them.

"Boss, what should we do?"

A group of people walked toward Su Qiubai, then Cao toufei asked Su Qiubai who got off the car.

And this scene, but let the onlookers have a kind of unexpected feeling.

Why a group of young people driving luxury cars All around a taxi?

And the fool can see that the taxi driver is obviously the one who keeps his word!

No one explained to them, a group of people directly into the hospital, both sides to get out of the way.

At the moment, Zhang Wen and Xiao Li, who saw this scene from the upstairs window, were also very surprised. On the one hand, they didn't expect to see so many luxury cars; on the other hand, they were curious about the taxi driver who was walking in the front.

However, after seeing these people enter the building, both of them temporarily left this matter behind.

After all, no matter how big their brain holes are, they will never think of the person who prayed not to come before It's already here, and it's the taxi driver.

Taking their eyes away from the window, they plan to ask the nurse when they can arrange for a doctor.

Just now, because they have no money to pay medical expenses, these nurses don't speak for a long time, and Xiaoxiao can't even find a responsible doctor.

It wasn't until Su Qiubai's money came that such an intensive care unit was arranged. Moreover, the head nurse actually said that Xiao offended master Xiao and deserved to die!

So up to now, they don't know what the situation is.

Just when two people were in a hurry to go to the nurse's desk to have a look, they suddenly stood in the same place at the same time.

I just saw those young people driving sports cars downstairs, and now they walked towards the two of them.

Without much thought, Zhang Wen and Xiao Li quickly lean on both sides of the corridor, trying to let these people pass quickly. Although they don't know what they are doing, they certainly can't offend themselves.

As a result, the front taxi driver, with a pretty face, actually looked at the house number and stopped right in front of the two of them, and then asked, "how is Xiaoxiao now?"

Xiao Li was stunned directly. Fortunately, Zhang Wen's reaction was faster, but she was still on guard and asked, "who are you?"

"I'm his brother."

With a word, the two girls on the opposite side stopped and reacted for a long time.

This guy who leads a bunch of guys driving luxury cars Is that Su Xiaoxiao's brother?

It's obvious that people are worried about the situation, but they don't know.

Without much hesitation, Zhang Wen talked about all the things he had done in the hospital before, including the words he couldn't find a doctor and the head nurse.

After listening to these, Su Qiubai calm eyes more a trace of danger!