Super Driver

V1.Chapter 36

It is for this reason that Gu Chengya has become the most beloved person of the old man since then.

The old man of the valley family once said a word to everyone.

As long as my granddaughter likes, even the stars, I will take them off!

After his words were spread, everyone who heard them didn't think it was exaggerating because of the strength of the Gu family I can do it!

That's why Gu Chengya, as an ordinary person, can be protected by Gu zhanchuan, an expert. What she does has only one purpose That's happiness!

Originally grew up in such an environment, Gu Chengya should be unruly and willful, or catch other bad habits.

But no, she is more sensible, clever and clever than all the children in the valley family!

She has a wide range of books, from astronomy to geography, from ancient and modern to Chinese and foreign, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, whether domestic or foreign, proficient in everything!

She likes swimming, fitness and racing

Gu Chengya is more attentive and devout than others in everything, because she knows I only have so much time!

Maybe when the sun goes down today, she will never see it tomorrow.

All along, she can conquer everything she likes! Conquer everyone!

But it's not until I meet Su Qiubai that I can't get rid of Su Qiubai's shadow in Gu Chengya's mind.

For the first time, she felt that someone could use the word mystery in front of her.

And the man's calm eyes made her feel more reluctant.

So she will secretly run out, tracking Su Qiubai to Xia's building.

The reason why she didn't tell Gu zhanchuan was that she knew that Gu zhanchuan would not agree, because Su Qiubai had been listed as an absolutely dangerous person on Gu zhanchuan's side.

But who knows, her illness happened at this time.

After waiting quietly for a few minutes, Gu Chengya feels much better. She is used to it.

But Su Qiubai's frowning eyes make her very strange. Is he going to revenge on that day?

So think, Gu Chengya some regret, he really shouldn't so simple to run out, once something happened, grandfather will be very sad.

Of course, Su Qiubai doesn't know. Just because of his appearance at the moment, Gu Chengya thinks he is a bad man.

Now he has understood why he can see the physical condition of chugu Chengya clearly, which must be the reward for completing the task before.

Hua Tuo's skill of observing Qi!

Before I was still thinking about the function of this thing, I didn't expect to understand it now.

"Can we get out of here first? Is the ambulance coming? "

I really don't want to bear the eyes of the people around me, so Gu Chengya interrupts Su Qiubai who is obviously thinking.

The old driver responded and quickly helped Gu Chengya stand up from the ground.

The onlookers saw that Gu Chengya had nothing to do and began to disperse slowly.

"If it's nothing, I'll go back first."

Looking at Su Qiubai, Gu Chengya says softly that she has more and more regret now, especially Su Qiubai has been staring at her chest.

has a red face, and Su Qiubai feels like he is an old hooligan.

But when he heard that Gu Chengya wanted to leave, he immediately said, "no, you can't go!"

This words export, Gu Chengya is stunned, in the heart is to feel more not good, but her face is no different.

Maybe he also noticed that something was wrong, so Su Qiubai quickly explained, "that I want to take you to a place, believe me! I won't hurt you

This really let Gu Chengya some accident, reason told her should resolutely refuse.

But I don't know why, looking at Su Qiubai's clean eyes and sincere expression, she unexpectedly agreed.

Two people then on the taxi, all the way Su Qiubai didn't say a word, directly drove to his home downstairs.

Gu Chengya feels that she must be crazy. She is always a calm person. Today she believes a man who has only seen him twice unconditionally.

Led Gu Chengya out of the car, upstairs when Su Qiubai is still silent.

In fact, it's not that he has any special idea, but that he uses the technique of observing Qi for the first time. He always feels strange in his mind.

Especially when he saw the situation inside Gu Chengya's body, he seemed to open up a new world, so he couldn't help being curious.

So The old driver's idea is that I will take her home and have a good study

Seeing Su Qiubai in front of him opening the door with a key, Gu Chengya responds that he should ask where this is.

But when she was going to open her mouth, it was no longer necessary!"This is my home. Please come in..."

Seriously looking at Su Qiubai, his eyes are still so clear, but there is a trace of impatient taste.

You know, this is the first time a man has invited himself to his home, and it's really successful!

With a smile, Gu Chengya goes in.

Strong self-confidence let her still choose to believe Su Qiubai!

After two people enter the house, the little white dog over there is playing with Wangcai. When they see Su Qiubai leading Gu Chengya into the house, they see that Gu Chengya is so beautiful.

Little white dog yelled angrily, "what are you going to do? This is the second girl you brought back! "

Gu Chengya doesn't know what xiaobaigou is talking about, but Su Qiubai listens clearly.

immediately turned a red face, but did not take care of the puppy, let Gu Cheng Ya sit down.

Ma Dan, I'm trying to save people this time, OK!

"Well, do you often faint like this?"

After thinking about it, Su Qiubai asked.

I don't understand why he asked, but Gu Chengya nodded. Many people know about his illness, and there's no need to hide it.

It seems to be true!

He was more sure of the information he got from the observation of Qi, but Su Qiubai didn't know how to treat her disease.

After thinking for a long time, Su Qiubai pats his forehead. How can he forget the navigation system!

Without hesitation, he immediately started to turn up in the navigation interface. Now the growth value is still very sufficient. Maybe he can find some way.

Su Qiubai doesn't talk here, which makes Gu Chengya more strange.

Without a word of explanation, he took himself back to his home and didn't speak when he came in What does this person want to do?

"Well, does your family know about your illness? Have you ever been examined? "

After a long time, Su Qiubai asked again. In fact, he got nothing from the navigation.

The reason is very helpless He doesn't understand which part of the growth value can be added to save people!

This just knew that Su Qiubai had been thinking about her illness. After laughing, Gu Chengya shook her head, "it's useless. No one can cure my illness."

Only she knew how bitter it was.

Because it's true that Mr. Gu has invited doctors of all sizes, from traditional Chinese medicine to western medicine, from home to abroad!

But no one can cure it. Even the old leaders don't know what the problem is.

And Su Qiubai side, a listen to this words also anxious.

What a family! Sick, do not know how to quickly cure, but also let her run all over the street!

Even killed her hope and told her that no one could cure

Although he didn't see Gu Chengya's family, Su Qiubai was already angry in his heart.

After a mental turn, he suddenly jumped up from the sofa.

Ma Dan, how did you forget Hua Tuo! You know, this technique of observing Qi was learned from him. Who else is better than him in the world!

"You wait in my house for a while. I'll find a doctor for you. He'll be back soon. His level is OK."

With a grin on his face, Su Qiubai rushed out without waiting for other people to agree.

Gu Chengya left in the room a little confused. This man How strange!

But she still stayed, although she didn't hope for the doctor Su Qiubai said.

She has never forgotten the words of the old master. He said that it is said that Zhonghua Tuo had a skill of observing Qi. She could see a person's inborn deficiency and find a way to make it up.

This is her situation now, but no one can do it!

No one knows what the art of observing Qi is, but Hua Tuo is still alive How is that possible?

But Su Qiubai didn't know Gu Chengya's idea. He drove a taxi and rushed into the shuttle channel.

"Locate Hua Tuo, start navigation..."

In front of him, he came to the front of a mountain hut, surrounded by lush trees, and a winding river could be seen in the distance.

It comes to mind that Hua Tuo said he was going to visit an old friend. Su Qiubai guessed that it should be here.

After parking, through the glass, he saw two people near the stone table. One was Hua Tuo, and the other he knew was probably Hua Tuo's friend.

There is no hesitation. Now Gu Chengya is waiting. He sees that the girl's life is not long, so he can't afford to delay.

After getting out of the car, Su Qiubai ran to the stone table.

"Ha ha, I finally found you. Hurry to save people with me!"

After that, he picked up Hua Tuo and said that he was going to go outside, which made Hua Tuo look at a loss.

"This I don't know where to go? "After what happened last time, Hua Tuo's affection for Su Qiubai doubled, so although Su Qiubai's action was very rude, the old man's attitude was still very good.

"A patient is very serious and is dying. I'll take you there as soon as possible."

Anxiously explained, Su Qiubai pulled Hua Tuo's sleeve again.

"I don't know what it is?" Suddenly, Hua Tuo's friend asked.

Ma Dan, I'm looking for Hua Tuo. What are you doing here!

As a result, when he thought so, Hua Tuo said with a smile, "this is my best friend. His family name is Zhang, and his name is Zhongjing. He has excellent medical skills..."

Zhang Zhongjing?

Ma Dan Zhang Zhongjing!

The old driver knows that he was beaten in the face, but it doesn't matter I'll take you with me!