Super Driver

V1.Chapter 31

Standing on the top of the West Mountain in the urban area, the Qingjiang River at the foot is from east to west. The lights on the river are shining with each other, and several fishing boats are rowing in waves.

All the way up the mountain, Xia Rongrong did not understand why Su Qiubai would bring himself here.

But now standing on the stone platform, she was shocked.

Growing up in Qingjiang City, she never knew that Qingjiang could be so beautiful at night. The soft cold wind blew across her face. She just felt that her fatigue was gone, and the whole person was relaxed and happy.

Su Qiubai leaned against the railing and looked at the distance with a smile. "I used to come here when I was at school, but I was busy after graduation, so I seldom came here. How do you feel?"

With these words, Su Qiubai looks back at Xia Rongrong who is full of intoxication.

"Beautiful, really beautiful I thought there was only cold cement and roaring cars in this city. I didn't expect there was such a beautiful Qingjiang River... "

Without blinking, Xia Rongrong said softly.

It's cold on the top of the mountain at night. Su Qiubai puts her coat on Xia Rongrong. She doesn't refuse.

In fact, Su Qiubai just wants Xia Rongrong to relax. This girl is too tired. She needs to rest and use her beautiful eyes to see the beauty of the world that she never found before.

They stayed at the top of the mountain for a long time, just like old friends. When they were young, they talked about school, about the classmates and the teachers.

In fact, life is not so tired, but our eyes that find beauty are stained with dust

Look at the time is almost, Su Qiubai intends to send Xia Rongrong back, but Xia Rongrong didn't feel it was so late.

Although some do not give up, but still agreed with a smile.

Two people get into the taxi and watch Su Qiubai start the car. Xia Rongrong whispers, "thank you..."

Stop the action in hand, looking at Xia Rongrong, Su Qiubai grinned, "we are friends..."

Then the car started and left.


At this moment, in Donghai, not far from Qingjiang City, an organization that is famous all over the country and even enters the world is in a mess because of a sudden event.

At the headquarters of the drivers' League, in the conference room of Nuo University, Gu Qingmei reluctantly put down the phone.

"I just confirmed that the Gu family has indeed cancelled the cooperation with us."

Because of her words, the meeting room began to stir.

"Why all of a sudden? Haven't we talked about it before? " A man with long hair looked ugly. He hesitated for a few seconds and asked directly.

"The valley family said it was because one of our members had done something to endanger their young lady's safety."

Gu Qingmei's face is also very bad. Now is the critical period for the drivers' League to enter the international arena. Without Gu's strong backup, it's not too bad to call it bad news.

"Endangering their safety? Which bastard did it? " The man with long hair yelled angrily and even smashed the table.

"It's Xiaodao, but he didn't do anything to Miss Gu family. He just lost the game and stabbed his opponent."

It's Kunsan, the master of Jun Xiaodao, who is also one of the twelve auto gods in the driver's League.

In fact, he is a young man in his twenties. Although he is very reluctant to tell what Xiaodao said to him, it is now related to the future of the drivers' League. He can only do so.

"Stabbed your opponent? Kunsan Is this your apprentice? But what does this have to do with the valley family? " The man with long hair snorted coldly, but immediately he felt strange.

Pressing the anger in his heart, Kunsan continued to explain, "the knife stabbed his opponent. The man's brother planned to kill Xiaodao, almost even Miss Gu's family was affected."

When he said this, the whole meeting room was staring at him.

Where is the Gu family? That's the real boss of Donghai. How dare someone hurt Gu Chengya because of this?

"To whom did the knife lose?" Realizing that Jun Xiaodao's opponent is the key, the man with long hair asked.

"A taxi driver." Although feel very no face, but Kun three or honest speak out.

For a moment, the conference room was silent.

"Taxi driver? Kunsan, are you kidding? " The man with long hair felt as if he had been amused and asked.

"I'm not kidding. It's all about Xiao Dao. He lost to a taxi with Maserati, and I lost miserably. I lost about five minutes in every lap

Now that he's ready to speak out, Kunsan doesn't care about face, so he speaks out the original words of Jun Xiaodao.

Then, even Gu Qingmei looked at him strangely.

I feel depressed too! He would like to say that he heard the same reaction at that time!Jun Xiaodao is not as good as his level, but he is also a professional driver. Can others beat his Maserati in a taxi? And five minutes in a lap!

His first reaction was that Jun Xiaodao was crazy.

but as like as two peas at the scene, the same is true!

"Kunsan Is that true Men with long hair have the feeling of being laughed at.

"Believe it or not, you can ask a Liang himself. He was at the scene at that time." With his mouth turned, Kun San didn't intend to say anything more.

And the conference room was dead silent again.

"Well, no matter whether it's true or not, Jun Xiaodao is expelled from the league. Tomorrow I'll go to the valley family to talk about it in person and see if there's any room for cooperation In addition, send someone to investigate what happened in today's Qingjiang competition, and get the news back as soon as possible! "

Take a deep breath. Now the other big brothers in the league are concentrating on preparing to enter the international arena, so she must deal with these things as soon as possible.

The following people all nodded and agreed. Kun San's face was even more ugly.

After all, Jun Xiaodao is his own apprentice. Everyone feels that he has no face when he is expelled.

But he has no way to deal with this matter. After all, the loss to the alliance is too great. However, his heart still doubts Jun Xiaodao. Is there such a powerful taxi in the world?

As one of the twelve drivers in the driver's League, Kunsan wants to see it in his heart.

The meeting is coming to an end. Let's discuss about the Gu family.

But who knows Gu Qingmei's phone rings again.

"What? Xiashi group withdrew its sponsorship? Why? "

Everyone heard Gu Qingmei's surprised voice and looked in her direction.

"Well, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingmei's face turned white. She didn't expect that she would encounter this kind of big trouble one after another.

After looking up and taking a deep breath, she looked at all of you, "just received the news, Xiashi group also cancelled the sponsorship, because Jun Xiaodao..."

After that, she took a look at Kun San. Kun San felt that ten thousand grass mud horses were rushing by in her heart.

"We should all understand that although Xia's situation is not very good, their cancellation of sponsorship will make it worse for us, so I announce that As the master of Jun Xiaodao, Kunsan's salary and bonus this month are all cancelled. "

After that, Gu Qingmei stood up and walked towards the door.

No one thought that Gu Qingmei felt a great pressure. She had to tell her brother.

Gu Qingmei's brother is one of the three giants in the driver's League, Gu Qingtian!


Su Qiubai doesn't know that he will affect the whole planning and layout of the driver's League for no reason. After he sends Xia Rongrong home, he is very happy.

The president of Xiashi group, a beautiful woman like an angel!

Sit in my taxi and watch the night scene with me!

What's this called The winner of life!

It's almost midnight, so he plans to go home Results the navigation system sounds!

"Five hundred meters west of Qinghua street, someone needs your help."

Leng Buding hears the sound again, and Su Qiubai drives on the road without hesitation.

I'm the master of this navigation system, but I dare not refuse it, so I have a task to hurry over.

Besides, if you want to help Xia Rongrong find her parents, you must accumulate a lot of growth value!

Qinghua street is quite far away from here. When Su Qiubai arrived, he saw an old man in green clothes, carrying a burden in his hand, looking at the traffic on the street with a confused face.

That's right! It must be him!

This time, Su Qiubai directly stopped the car and went to the old man.

"Where are you going, sir? I'll see you off. "

While carefully observing the old man's appearance, Su Qiubai tries to guess who this person will be.

Every time the navigation system guests are not ordinary, do not know how these people come to this world.

"Where is this? I came here by boat from Jiangdong. I don't know why I came here. "

The old man's face was confused and his accent was very tongue twister.

Su Qiubai thought for a long time and came from Jiangdong by boat Who could it be?

But now it's not a place to talk, so Su Qiubai took the old man's burden and helped him into the car.

Close the door and fasten the seat belt. The old driver is ready for another time travel.

"What's your name, sir? Where are you going? "

Ready, Su Qiubai asked back.Looking at Su Qiubai, the old man replied softly, "my family name is Hua, and my character is Yuanhua. I'm from Qiaojun County of Pei state. This time I came from Jiangdong and went to Fancheng to treat a general."