Super Driver

V1.Chapter 24

In a word, the crowd was so quiet that even the sound of swallowing saliva could be heard.

"What did you say?"

It's really hard to believe his ears. Cao toufei is staring at Su Qiubai.

"I said I'll race with you, if I can't get you two laps I lose

Looking at the grass head flying very seriously, Su Qiubai said softly.

This time, Cao toufei finally realized that the taxi driver was not joking with him.

However, Cao toufei, known as the boss of the flying car party, was provoked by this cruel way.

After waiting for a long time, Su Qiubai was also worried.

Shit, this kid can't be fooled, can he? To know that they have a navigation system, the most afraid is to race with people.

Or was it too harsh?

Thinking of this, Su Qiubai once again said, "if you think it's unfair Well, five laps! If I can't miss you five laps, I'll lose! "

Cao toufei finally explodes. He understands what it means to be unbearable. He is so big that he has never seen such a terrible taxi driver.

"You go away quickly. If you continue to stay, don't blame me. Go back and tell Xia Rongrong that if you don't have money, Xia Xiaomu won't take it away from me."

I'm really worried that I will break down when I continue to look at Su Qiubai's face, so Cao toufei says with anger.

"Yes, you can go quickly. Don't let my sister come here. He certainly doesn't dare to take me..."

Xia Xiaomu is also frightened by Su Qiubai's foolishness and boldness.

He really didn't know where his elder sister knew such an unreliable taxi driver, and he was serious about racing with Cao tou.

I didn't think two laps were enough for him, so I just said five laps I can't help cursing myself.

Unexpectedly, Su Qiubai didn't pay attention to Xia Xiaomu at all. Instead, he continued to look at Cao toufei, "you're afraid..."

"I'm afraid of you!" Finally, Cao toufei can't help swearing.

"If you're not afraid, compare with me, so You're still scared. "

Su Qiubai has no fear of leaning on his hood.

"Ma Dan, brother Fei, compare with this boy and teach him to be a man!"

"Yes, I can't stand it. Play him to death!"

"Brother Fei, if you feel embarrassed to compare with him, let me! I can't listen any more... "


This time, without waiting for Cao toufei to speak, the younger brothers behind him have already called away, one by one looking at Su Qiubai's eyes.

The noise on this side also makes Gu Chengya on the other side a little strange.

Especially when I learned that the reason why I stopped the race was because the taxi driver in vest wanted to drag racing with Cao tou, I felt even more ridiculous and ridiculous.

"This place is so interesting. I didn't expect there would be such an excellent driver."

Gu Chengya next to the muscle man most, said with a smile to Gu Chengya.

"Cao toufei is also known as the boss of the flying car party. He was despised by a taxi driver..."

Another man also spoke. His name is Wang Yuan, the son of a rich businessman in Donghai city.

Gu Chengya also smiles, but it's more fun, especially when he sees the driver sitting on the hood looking relaxed, while Cao toufei looks at him red faced.


"That's right. Cao toufei, you are the boss of the flying car party. Get on the bus and teach me how to be a man!"

Su Qiubai thinks it's interesting to hear the kids behind him talk. He says to Cao toufei.

His words were like the last straw that killed the camel. After that, the grass turned green.

"Well, we're just about to compete. Add you If you win, you take Xia Xiaomu away. If you lose, I want Xia Rongrong to drink with me. "

Staring at Su Qiubai, Cao toufei said word by word.

On hearing this, Xia Xiaomu was worried, "what are you? Why do you want my sister to drink with you? Even if I die, I won't agree."

"I can't be Xia Rongrong's master Well, if you lose, I'll drink with you. "

Shrugged, Su Qiubai said with a smile.

Had already started to pick up the car of the grass head fly a stagger almost fell to the ground.

To tell the truth, he really wanted to teach the driver a lesson, but today people in Donghai city are here, so they can't watch jokes, so he has been patient.

Now I don't care to hear this guy say so, because in his opinion It's impossible to lose to such a person!

Looking back, I said hello to Jun Xiaodao who had been waiting there for a long time.

After a look at Su Qiubai, Jun Xiaodao reluctantly agrees. He despises this place again in his heart. If someone knows that he is a professional racing driver who actually competes with a taxi driver, he will be shameless"All right, get ready to go."

With Su Qiubai's words, Cao toufei is about to get on his Ferrari.

As a result, I just saw Su Qiubai turn around and walk towards his taxi.

"What are you doing? Is You're going to race me with it? "

There is a very bad guess in my mind. Cao toufei can't help but stop Su Qiubai.

"Yes, what kind of car do you think I use?"

Looking at him inexplicably, Su Qiubai couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Leng for a long time, Cao toufei just reflected that what Su Qiubai said was true. He wanted to slap himself. What's the nerve? He actually competed with this madman!

"Lend him his car."

Don't want to talk to Su Qiubai, Cao toufei turns around and asks his little brother.

For a time no one spoke, Xia Xiaomu was shocked by Su Qiubai.

How can we say that this man is here to save himself, although My brain is not normal, but I should help.

"You can use my car. It's in the back. I'll drive it over..."

With that, Xia Xiaomu is going to the back.

But he was stopped by Su Qiubai immediately.

It's really strange for these children to think that I would race with other cars when they only have this car.

"Are you sure?" Seeing that he insisted on driving a taxi, Cao toufei finally confirmed it.

Seeing Su Qiubai nodding, Cao toufei didn't say much. He turned and got into his Ferrari.

Su Qiubai got on the bus first, and then asked Wu Song if he wanted to get off. Seeing Wu Song shaking his head, he started the car slowly to the starting point.

When the three cars stopped at the starting point at the same time, the roar of the engine began to ring again, exaggerating one by one. Only Su Qiubai lit a cigarette and handed it to Wu Song.

Everyone thought the scene was very strange, but it happened.

A Ferrari, a Maserati, the last taxi!

Moreover, the taxi driver is still smoking, and there are still people on the copilot!

If these two people are not crazy, the world must be crazy.

Of course, no one thinks that taxis really come to compete. Even Xia Xiaomu thinks that his sister's friend It's funny.

Cao toufei only thinks about how to defeat Jun Xiaodao, and Jun Xiaodao thinks that Cao toufei is the only opponent.

What both of them don't know is that Su Qiubai is thinking about whether he wants to win too hard. He should know that the first column of the navigation system is to set the speed!

As long as you start the navigation, you can set the minimum value to drop any disordered sports car into several streets.

Just as he thought about this, the two cars next to him had already gone out at the same time, so he was the only taxi left.

Around immediately burst out a warm voice of ridicule, Xia Xiaomu's face is red, it is too humiliating.

Then, everyone saw Su Qiubai slowly shake the glass down.

He's scared? Ready to quit?

Everyone thought so, but then a cigarette end was thrown out of the window, and the car suddenly started to move.

Ma Dan I'm throwing cigarette butts!

Watching the taxi really start to catch up with the two sports cars that can't be seen, everyone doesn't know how to describe their mood, but the result of the race, in their opinion It's been predestined.


In addition to the front of the grass head fly, when the car leaves the starting point, his attention is all on the car above.

This track has always been the place where they race, so he knows very well where to slow down and where to overtake, which is also his biggest reliance for his race with Jun Xiaodao.

Although he said he would win Jun Xiaodao, he was a professional racing driver, so Cao toufei was still a little nervous.

But fortunately, the next is about to reach the first corner, the two cars are still only one distance away from the body.

Jun knife in front, grass flying behind!

As for Su Qiubai's taxi, it was forgotten by two people.

Finally, when he saw the sign on the curve, Cao toufei took a deep breath. The next step was the best chance to surpass Jun Xiaodao.

But just as he was about to move, he saw a blue and yellow taxi through the reversing mirror.

In the brain Leng nearly a second of time, he just reaction come over is Su Qiubai catch up.

There is a kind of panic in my heart, and I can't believe it!

Are you kidding? I'm a Ferrari, but I was overtaken by a taxi!

But what surprised him even more was still behind.

That taxi is actually turning left He wants to overtake!