Super Driver

V1.Chapter 21

Delay for a long time to put down the phone, director Zhao a blank brain suddenly thought of a thing.

Bad! Before he specially arranged for the prisoners to give Su Qiubai some color to see.

Now it shouldn't be

Thinking of what director Liu had said before, director Zhao felt as if he was on fire.

He didn't even have time to put on his coat and ran downstairs.

On this side, he imagined that the taxi driver, who was already miserable, was sleeping.

As soon as director Zhao, who was full of sweat, ran into the detention center, he saw the little policeman coming up, and he wanted to stop talking.

"What's the matter? Is that taxi driver broken? "

At the sight of him, director Zhao felt that his heart was flying out of his buttocks.

"No, he..."

Interrupt director Zhao's words, but the little police don't know how to describe the scene in the cell at this moment.

"He broke his leg? Or the arm? " While wiping a cold sweat on his face, director Zhao asked quickly.

"No, he's fine. He's sleeping." Although I don't think it's right to say that, it came out of his mouth completely.


Hearing these two words, director Zhao has imagined another scene.

I must have been knocked out. It's over I'm dead today!

He pushed the person in front away, and director Zhao ran two steps.

But when he came to the front of the room, he was stunned.

The situation inside is the same as what he arranged. Su Qiubai is really locked up with those prisoners.

But how could it be so weird?

Why are these five big three rough prisoners all pale, and also shrink in a corner farthest from Su Qiubai, a pair of eyes looking at the ghost looking at him.

And this taxi driver He's really sleeping! Saliva is left, and snoring can be heard.

This time, director Zhao understood why the little police would say he was fine.

It was strange why, but he was relieved.

Thank goodness, there's nothing wrong.

"Open the door."

Turning back to the little policeman, director Zhao took two steps forward.

Maybe the sound outside is too loud, which is different from the silence before, so Su Qiubai just opened his eyes.

As he got up from the ground in a daze, the prisoners leaned back together.

Director Zhao is not in the mood to take charge of them. Seeing Su Qiubai wake up, he quickly welcomes them.

"Little brother, wake up?"

Su Qiubai is still a little confused. He sees a middle-aged man looking at himself with a smile on his face.

For a moment, he couldn't remember whether he was still in the police station.

"Wake up What are you Grinning, Su Qiubai asked by the way.

"I'm Zhao Zhijing, the director here. I caught you because of misunderstanding. Sorry, you can go now."

Zhao Zhijing felt that he had never laughed so much at his father.

But what surprised him most was the little policeman behind him. He knew how proud he was. He didn't expect that he would take the initiative to show this attitude today.

Is Does he know the power of this broom star?

But I haven't had time to report!

The little policeman was very strange, so was su Qiubai.

How can Come in and get some sleep and you'll be fine?

But up to now, he didn't know the relationship between the middle-aged man and director Li, so he saw that people were so kind to him.

Su Qiubai also laughed.

"Can we really go?"

However, he still has some doubts about this matter.

"Yes, we can go soon I don't know if my little brother has suffered any grievances? "

Continue to pile a smile, director Zhao suddenly thought of director Liu's attitude, so finally carefully added a sentence.

Leng for a while, Su Qiubai nodded, "very good, everyone's attitude is very friendly, is probably not very good food, easy to loose."

His inexplicable words made several people over there cry, and director Zhao's smile froze.

What does that mean? Why can't I understand at all?

However, he didn't show anything unusual on his face. The most important thing now is to send the boy away quickly. Director Liu has an explanation.

"Your car is in the yard, and you can leave now."

For fear that Su Qiubai would repent, director Zhao brought the topic back.

Without more excuses, Su Qiubai nodded and walked towards the door.As soon as he saw that he really wanted to leave, the happiest people might not be director Zhao, but the bear who had been traumatized in the corner.

Thank God, the God of plague is leaving at last!

Accompanied by Su Qiubai all the way out of the police station, watching him on the taxi left, director Zhao's smile slowly disappeared.

At this moment, his heart is not only happy, but also angry!

However, the anger is not directed at Su Qiubai, but her mother yecha's wife and her brother like a pig's head!

If it wasn't for his luck, nothing happened to the boy, and he left smoothly, it would be over for sure!

Really can't swallow this breath, directly into his car, director Zhao rushed to the hospital.

Besides, Su Qiubai made a phone call to Dong Jiawei after coming out of the police station.

As I guess, the girl is dying of anxiety. After hearing Su Qiubai's affirmation that there is nothing wrong, she is relieved.

Originally, she wanted to pick him up immediately, but she was stopped by Su Qiubai. Now she's driving home. There's no need to bother Dong Jiawei to go again.

But in the end, Su Qiubai promised Dong Jiawei to invite him to dinner.

I'm kidding. I'm a single dog, and a beautiful woman invites me to dinner. If I refuse That must be brain swelling.

After hanging up the phone, Su Qiubai went straight home and promised Xia Rongrong to take care of xiaobaigou.

As for Wangcai It must be all right.

Sure enough, as I thought, after entering the room, the two dogs were chatting harmoniously.

After seeing him come in, Wangcai didn't respond, and xiaobaigou ran over.

This makes Su Qiubai have a sense of achievement, look at his personal charm, other people's dogs like me so much!

But soon, after xiaobaigou said he wanted to see Xia Rongrong in the hospital, Su Qiubai suddenly realized.

"No problem! Let's go now

Happy nod agreed to it, make little white dog some strange, how to see his appearance than himself are happy?

In changing clothes, Su Qiubai is going to go out when his mobile phone rings.

Take it up and see, it's sister Su Xiaoxiao.

"Brother, did you hit people again?"

As soon as I got through, Su Xiaoxiao's helpless voice came from there.


Naturally, Su Qiubai said quickly.

"Look at the videos on the Internet for yourself, are you or who?"

On the other side, Su Xiaoxiao kneaded his head and continued to say, but he wanted to laugh. He was always like this when he was young. Every time he fought with someone, he would not admit it.

"Oh You said that, ha ha We are good friends! It's fun! Have you eaten yet? "

Very embarrassed smile a few, Su Qiubai hastens to want to diverge the topic.

"Don't interrupt, are you ok? Didn't the police take you? I think some people in those comments said that the director had something to do with the director you beat. "

At this point, Su Xiaoxiao is a little nervous.

Su Qiubai is Leng for a while, director and director Li have a relationship?

"I have come out. Director Zhao sent me out. He is a good man!"

She told her sister about her impression of director Zhao.

If director Zhao heard Su Qiubai's evaluation of himself, he would be very moved.

I can't help it. In a few minutes, one after another people you can't touch at ordinary times call and ask you to let them go. Finally, when your boss tells you to go, you And a good man!

"Is it?" Su Xiaoxiao obviously has some doubts.

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do. Take care of yourself. That's it Call me if you have something

With that, Su Qiubai quickly hung up the phone.

My younger sister likes to follow her ass from childhood. As long as she knows that she has a fight with others, she runs to tell her parents, and then stands by herself. She moves the bench and sits beside to do her homework

But I don't know why. Now I think of it, Su Qiubai suddenly wanted to laugh. In fact, at that time Very good, too.

No more time. After picking up the little white dog, Su Qiubai went downstairs and drove straight to the hospital.

What he doesn't know is that the hospital over there It's fried.


In the intensive care unit, director Li on the bed was wrapped with rice dumplings, all over his body was wrapped with gauze, and only his eyes were exposed.

Next to him is his sister Li Xia. They are really brothers and sisters. They are very similar. Li Xia is even fatter than director Li.

Seeing her brother like this, Li Xia felt distressed. It was the damned taxi driver who made him like this.

And director Li, who was in bed, already doubted whether he should live. He recalled what happened in the past few hours.It's terrible It's so flattering!

He was hit on the head by a sign at the venue, and was knocked unconscious by a football when he went out to make a phone call. On the way to the hospital, the ambulance driver drank too much and drove directly into the stinky ditch.

In a daze, he was dragged up from the ditch like a dead pig. As a result, the damned nurse slipped and kicked himself down.

I couldn't help it. I repeated the same process. I thought it would be OK. As a result, when I went to the hospital and pushed the stretcher up the stairs, the elevator just broke down.

Several people had to carry the car upstairs, but it was almost there. Someone accidentally let go He rolled down the stairs.

So When I woke up, I was completely confused and couldn't move.

If the doctor didn't tell him what happened, he must have thought he was kidnapped

But when he thought that his brother-in-law would take revenge for him, director Li felt very happy.

Just thinking of his dear brother-in-law, this man came.

It's just What is he doing?


In the dull eyes of director Li, Zhao Zhijing kicked his own bed.

After the violent sloshing, director Li began to cry.

Just connected bones It's broken again