Super Driver

V1.Chapter 14

When Su Qiubai came home, it was already early in the morning. Recently, he always seemed to be in such a dilemma. He went to Cangzhou last night and lanruo Temple today.

He himself was wondering if he would go to the west to pray for the Buddha tomorrow night

After entering the door, two dogs came running together. Little white dog was lying on Wangcai's back. It seemed that he got along well.

After cutting some tiger meat for them to eat, Su Qiubai made a bowl of instant noodles for himself. Because he couldn't eat on time when he was running a taxi, he was used to it for such a long time.

Pull the curtain, change a comfortable posture, two dogs lie next to him, Su Qiubai opened the mobile phone.

Before in lanruo temple, because it has been used as a flashlight, it has been automatically shut down for a long time.

As a result, when he turned on the phone, he was startled. All kinds of social accounts were full of news. He was stunned for a long time before he realized that it was really his mobile phone.

It's really a little strange. As he opens it quickly, Su Qiubai thinks about it quickly.

It seems that all the news I received after I graduated from university was related to taxis. Those friends and relatives knew that they had not contacted me after driving taxis.

When we meet on New Year's day, we are all indifferent. Sometimes we say a few words, which is also sarcastic. Either the person who bought the house or the person who bought the car, other people's work is high-end and high-grade, and they all brush their sense of superiority on themselves.

But Su Qiubai's personality has been very good, not willing to care about these, you are willing to say that hard to say, anyway, it has nothing to do with me, I had a good time.

I don't know if the sun is coming out in the West today. I think of myself all over the world.

Half way through the news, he finally understood what was going on. It turned out that it was because he had smashed the Mercedes Benz sports car of Li JIAYE.

The video was uploaded to the Internet, and the number of hits was quite high. In addition to the fund-raising activity, these classmates and friends saw it. On the one hand, they asked Su Qiubai whether the person who smashed the car was him or not, and on the other hand, they asked him how he planned to pay for the car.

Some people directly said that he donated five yuan and asked Su Qiubai to invite him to dinner.

See half of Su Qiubai will delete all the messages, did not reply to anyone, he just called his sister.

Su Qiubai's younger sister is Su Xiaoxiao. She went to university in Donghai City, not far from here. The reason why she called her was that she was afraid of her worry. As for her parents, there was nothing wrong with them. The old couple couldn't use their mobile phones. Even if others said it, they probably didn't trust each other very much.

Soon the phone was put through.

"Brother, is that video you? I was surprised to see that. Are you ok? And the phone never got through

Su Xiaoxiao's voice is full of worry. He asks before Su Qiubai speaks.

"Don't worry. Nothing's wrong. The phone is dead and turned off."

With a smile, he told Su Xiaoxiao that he always felt relaxed in front of his relatives.

"Still laughing, my classmates say that the car you smashed is very expensive. What are you going to do? I just got a scholarship last month. I'll call you all

Su xiaonovel is very nervous when she says this. She knows her brother's character very well and is as stubborn as her father. Despite the popularity of online fund-raising, he won't ask for any money!

However, she also knows what the family's conditions are. Her elder brother, who drives a taxi, will not be very rich. It's not too much to call a large sum of money a disaster. So when she saw that video, she was ready to pay all the money in her card.

Hearing these little words, Su Qiubai was inexplicably moved. Her younger sister is good at everything, but she is too sensible. She always puts others in front of her, and finally considers herself.

Needless to ask, she must have only saved money for eating steamed bread for herself, and she should call herself for the rest.

"You don't have to worry. I've already paid for that car. You can go to your school. If you don't have money, I'll call you."

This sentence Su Qiubai said very firmly, the opposite Su Xiaoxiao even hesitated.

"Are you serious? Has that car been compensated? " Still some not quite at ease, Su Xiaoxiao asked again.

"Don't worry, I've really lost it. I can cheat you with such a small matter. Take care of yourself. Call me if you have anything."

After smiling and giving Su Xiaoxiao a positive answer, the brother and sister talked for a while before they hung up.

I didn't want to pay attention to other people's news, but when I was going to sleep, Su Qiubai suddenly felt that since the car compensation problem had been solved, he should make the news public, otherwise those kind-hearted people who were passing by at that time were still busy collecting money for himself.

So after he posted a statement on his microblog with less than ten fans, Su Qiubai turned off the machine and went to sleep.

I can't help it. There's too much news. It's too noisy.

The next day, the old driver was awakened by a knock on the door.Sitting on the sofa for a long time, the rent should have been paid. How could someone knock on the door?

If he rubs his face for a long time, he will walk towards the door.

Naturally, after the door was opened, Su Qiubai was silly.

He didn't expect that there was a beautiful woman standing outside the door. She was dressed in simple and clean professional clothes and wore a pair of black eyes. Her two legs were absolutely the best. The most important thing was her face. At the first sight, she made the old driver feel like a spring breeze.

After thinking about the woman in my mind, Xia Rongrong can be compared with her, but their styles are totally different.

Xia Rongrong makes people have a very noble imperial sister fan. After all, she is the boss of a big group when she is young, and this girl is more like a big sister next door. That kind of temperament makes people can't help being close to her.

Is confused is not the last peach blossom effect is not over, Su Qiubai saw the girl in the hands of the gift.

Is it the wrong way?

Rush to clean up the appearance of the old machine suddenly some disappointment, the result happens to be this time the girl spoke, the voice is very sweet.

"Are you su Qiubai?"

Leng for a while, the old driver quickly nodded, immediately in the heart is a burst of ecstasy, it seems that there is no mistake, is to find me.

"I'm Su Qiubai. I don't know who you are, miss?" Deliberately hiding his mood, pretending to be very calm, Su Qiubai asked softly.

"My name is Dong Jiawei. I'm a Chinese teacher in Yucheng middle school. I'm here today to thank you for saving my father."

The girl said, looking at Su Qiubai's eyes full of gratitude.

But Su Qiubai was stunned. Did I save her father? Why can't you remember this time?

It's estimated that seeing Su Qiubai's confusion, Dong Jiawei continued to explain, "my father's name is old Dong. You may have forgotten that it's the old man you pushed away at the traffic light, Mercedes Benz sports car. Remember?"

The girl explained so, Su Qiubai finally understood, originally this beautiful woman is that old man's daughter!

I didn't expect that there was such a magical thing in the world. On one hand, she let Dong Jiawei into the house, on the other hand, Su Qiubai was very happy. If she had known that uncle Dong had such a beautiful daughter, she would have been more duty bound to save others!

But soon, he was a little embarrassed. The room was a bit too messy. He came back late last night and didn't care to clean it up.

Especially the appearance of the two dogs, xiaobaigou lies on Wangcai's body again, staring at Su Qiubai and Dong Jiawei.

They rushed to one side, let the beauty sit down first, Su Qiubai was embarrassed to explain.

Dong Jiawei with a smile, a lock of green silk in front of the forehead between the eyebrows, clearly very messy sofa, but she sat there, but let Su Qiubai feel very eye-catching, even seems to enjoy.

"Are you looking at me?" May be su Qiubai see too long, Dong Jiawei asked with a smile.

"Ah? That Do you drink any water? I'll get you a glass of water In a hurry, she didn't know what to say. At last, Su Qiubai remembered to pour water for the guests.

"No, I just came here today to thank you. Only after watching that video did I know how dangerous the situation was. If it wasn't for you, my father might have been hit."

Looking at Su Qiubai, Dong Jiawei's eyes are as clear as spring water, and her voice has changed from solemn at the beginning to panic. Maybe she doesn't dare to imagine the scene she said at last.

"Haha, nothing. It's all small things. It's a little help."

Looking at her serious eyes, Su Qiubai suddenly feels that everything she has done is worth it, but she is embarrassed to see it again, scratching her head and laughing.

"Thank you. I'm afraid these days. After watching that video once, I dare not watch it again. Thank you very much Thank you

Dong Jiawei said finally, actually bowed to Su Qiubai.

This caught the old driver by surprise, and he quickly took two steps forward to help Dong Jiawei up. His eyes just saw

Blushed for a while, in the heart inexplicably some flustered, Su Qiubai hurriedly let Dong Jiawei sit down, in the mouth a strength said that he did not do anything great, although in the heart already happy Zizi.

"I know that in order to save my father, it has caused you a lot of trouble. This is all my savings from work to now. It's not a lot, but I'll find a way. I'm really sorry."

After a moment's silence, Dong Jiawei took a wad of money out of the bag. Because it was wrapped in newspaper, she could not see how much it was, but it should be tens of thousands of yuan.

"You don't have to give me money. I've already paid for that car, really! Friends help, and it's not as expensive as the woman said

It can be seen from Dong Jiawei's dressing and dressing that the family conditions are certainly not very good, so she is afraid that she will insist on giving the money to herself. Su Qiubai finally added this sentence.However, Dong Jiawei still doesn't believe it. After the two people pushed that pile of money several times, Su Qiubai had no choice but to let Dong Jiawei have a look at her microblog.

As a result, he was startled by the opening!