Super Driver

V1.Chapter 10

I've never seen Xia Rongrong like this before. Su Qiubai was stunned for a moment.

Until Xia Rongrong blushed a little and coughed, Su Qiubai quickly took back her eyes and grinned. Li Mu's heroic face turned white.

"Well, since you pay for my car, I'll give you the rest of the wild ginseng."

No longer refuse, Su Qiubai big hand will bedside kraft paper directly a roll, can't help but say to put into the hands of Xia Rongrong.

On hearing this, Li muhao and his son almost recited it in one breath. We all said that we don't want you to pay for the car, just a ginseng.

You didn't promise. On the contrary, people paid for your car. You gave her the rest!

Don't take such a bully!

Xia Rongrong is also stunned, looking at Su Qiubai's clear eyes, suddenly there is a kind of move that has not appeared for a long time.

He really just wanted to cure himself, and he didn't mean anything else.

Thinking of this, Xia Rongrong suddenly felt that her heart beat faster and her face turned slightly red.

It's estimated that he really didn't want to see this picture any more. Li muhao felt as if there was a large forest above his head. His eyes were green.

He went out of the ward without a word of greeting. He was holding his hundred year old wild ginseng, which looked like a treasure in front of him. In a rage, he wanted to throw it away, but he was not willing to give up in the end.

Li Xiangyun is also closely behind, only Li Dingtian hesitated for a long time, finally gave Su Qiubai a business card, then turned to leave.

In the ward for a time, in addition to Su Qiubai, only president Liang and Xia's family were left.

Xia Laozi is very happy, but the dean of lintel is holding a strong worry in his heart. When he sees Su Qiubai putting a few ginseng into Xia Rongrong's hand, his heart almost jumps out.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally took two steps forward. "Rongrong, I know it may be a bit difficult, but can you ask brother Su for a favor? I have an old chief who has been in poor health. If you have a ginseng like this, you may be able to cure the disease You see... "

President Liang said this very carefully. He was afraid that the taxi driver next to him would turn him down if he was not happy. Just now, he understood it.

This is a complete black sheep, in order to coax the girl happy, heirloom said to send, not to send one, is to send all!

It's a pity that there's no secret way for him to deal with this situation.

"Your old chief Is that the one All of a sudden, master Xia didn't know what he thought of. He asked President Liang in awe.

"Yes, that's him." President Liang nodded, admitting it simply.

"Rongrong, I have to help you. Look at brother su..." After listening to this, the tone of master Xia is quite obligatory.

Hearing these words from two old people, Xia Rongrong immediately understood that she is also the helmsman of Xia's group. Naturally, some aspects of her mind can't be compared with others.

However, this wild ginseng is Su Qiubai's after all. Even if he just said that he gave it all to himself, he can't say that he can change hands.

Thinking of this, Xia Rongrong turns her head and looks at Su Qiubai, thinking about how to open her mouth.

As a result, Su Qiubai was in front of her and said, "I said, don't ask me, these things are given to you for treatment. You can give them to whoever you want, and how to be happy."

After that, Su Qiubai grinned again, fully showing the image that a plain old driver should have.

He said so, let Xia Rongrong silent, finally looked at Su Qiubai gently said a thank you, maybe the gentle words even don't aware of themselves.

The next thing is very simple, President Liang took a wild ginseng, Xia Rongrong side also began to restore treatment.

After seeing off president Liang, Xia doesn't know if he intended to. He takes Xia Haiqing to find the doctor in charge. Su Qiubai is left in the ward to take care of Xia Rongrong.

As soon as they left, Su Qiubai felt a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Xia Rongrong, on the other side, holding the dog and looking at him, suddenly said with a smile.

"Thank you this time. Take back the remaining three ginseng, and I'll buy the one I gave to President Liang. I'll arrange compensation for Li Xiangyun's car, too. You don't have to worry."

As soon as she heard this, Su Qiubai was in a hurry.

"I said I gave it to you. How can I take it back now? What if one is not enough? Your body matters

Xia Rongrong looked at Su Qiubai's eyes again. They were really clean and there was nothing else mixed.

"Don't you really know the value of these wild ginseng?"

"What's the value? As long as it can cure your disease, it will be valuable, otherwise it will be no different from wilted radish to me. "

With a careless smile, Su Qiubai said seriously.The little white dog in Xia Rongrong's arms suddenly barked twice. Only Su Qiubai understood that it was saying that there was a half sack in the trunk of the taxi downstairs. It was not worth money!

Of course, Xia Rongrong doesn't know that she has been used to too many intrigues in the business field. Even her relatives often put interests first, and Su Qiubai cares about her body from the beginning to the end.

"Well, I'll keep these ginseng for you. If I use them for investment later, I'll calculate 50% of your shares."

Since people are so open and aboveboard, there is no need to be timid, so Xia Rongrong agreed. He wanted to talk about the investment with Su Qiubai carefully, but the old driver waved his hand.

"You can do whatever you like. I don't understand all this. You can do it as you like."

Finish saying this, Su Qiubai feels a little strange, how to feel talking with his wife?

But Xia Rongrong didn't think so. On the contrary, she was inexplicably happy. Women

"By the way, how do you know that I need wild ginseng for treatment?"

As if suddenly remembered, Xia Rongrong looked at Su Qiubai and asked curiously.

Hesitated for a while, Su Qiubai mysterious smile, and then pointed to the little white dog in Xia Rongrong's arms, "I said it told me, do you believe it?"

As soon as the words were finished, he began to laugh, and Xia Rongrong followed suit.

Later, the two continued to chat a lot. Su Qiubai took out his mobile phone and showed Xia Rongrong their group photo with Wu Song. Finally, he sighed that the sky in the Song Dynasty was very blue and said that he would invite Xia Rongrong to eat tiger meat another day.

Maybe he looks so strange in his vest that Xia Rongrong and xiaobaigou keep laughing.

After a while, Xia Laozi and Xia Haiqing came back, and the doctor had already made arrangements.

I feel that I don't need to stay any longer. Although it's good to chat with big beauty, nothing is more important than treatment. So I finally told Xia Rongrong to take good care of her illness, and Su Qiubai planned to leave.

I don't know why. Mingming is supposed to be a person I met for the first time, but after hearing that Su Qiubai is going to leave, Xia Rongrong suddenly feels a little lost, but she is relieved immediately.

With a smile, Tosu Qiubai takes the little white dog away and takes it back when she is well.

Su Qiubai is naturally full of promise, and then the little white dog in his arms.

Xia Laozi thanks again. Finally, he asks Su Qiubai to be a guest at home another day, and orders Xia Haiqing to send him away.

Xia Haiqing's face has been very ugly since Su Qiubai took out wild ginseng, especially when he heard that the old man asked him to send Su Qiubai.

After coming out of the ward, she took two steps and finally apologized to Su Qiubai. Anyway, this boy is Rongrong's life-saving benefactor. When she came to the hospital, she actually treated him like that. If the old man knew, she would scold herself to death!

So it's very important to get Su Qiubai's forgiveness earlier.

Who knows that Su Qiubai has forgotten this matter for a long time. Xia Haiqing said that before he remembered it.

He told Xia Haiqing that he had forgotten about it. He said it several times before Xia Haiqing believed it. He also relaxed a lot. At the same time, he was secretly glad that Su Qiubai didn't tell Xia Rongrong that it was him who sent Xia Rongrong to the hospital.

From the hospital out, Su Qiubai directly into the taxi inside.

Xia Rongrong's business is over. He didn't expect to solve the problem of car compensation. Su Qiubai feels very happy, although he still doesn't know the price of those wild ginseng.

But Whatever! Anyway, there are still a lot of them. Even if they're all gone, why don't you go to find senior official Chai?

That's my brother who knocked his head to the ground!

In his heart, he sent xiaobaigou back to his home. Then he drove out of the community again and planned to go to the street to pull some guests.

What Su Qiubai doesn't know is that since he came out of the hospital, someone has followed him. A black Santana has been hanging in the back of the taxi.

But the old driver has no time to worry about it now. What makes him depressed is that his bad luck seems to start again.

It's almost two hours since I came out of the community. It's going to be dark again in a twinkling of an eye. Up to now, a guest hasn't arrived, as if no one can see his car.

After another round of the city, Su Qiubai plans to go home.

And suddenly the navigation system went off.

"One kilometer ahead, someone needs your help."

Hearing this, Su Qiubai stopped the car with one foot of the brake.

Last time I heard this sentence, I met Wu Song. This time it's the same routine I don't know who it will be?

Inexplicably, I was a little excited. After sorting out my mood, I put in gear, stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew out directly.

Basically, just one kilometer away, Su Qiubai stops the car. Then he looks up and sees a young man with a bookcase on his back. He is dressed in white, with long eyebrows and stars in his eyes. The old driver is in a trance."What's your name?" Swallow a mouthful of saliva, Su Qiubai some nervous ask a way.

"Xiaosheng Ning caichen