Super Driver

V1.Chapter 1

At dusk in the middle of June, it was so hot that it exploded.

After seeing off the last guests, Su Qiubai plans to go home.

Today must be the worst day since he drove a taxi. Now it's coming to an end!

I got up in the morning and just went out. I didn't walk a few steps before the tire burst!

It was not easy to repair the tire. The unfortunate little master said that he had thrown a few screws inside. He had no choice but to unload them again!

After going on the road, I met some people waving. As a result, all the parking people asked for directions. An old man asked him how to get to Tiananmen Square!

Sir, this is not Beijing. Where is Tian'anmen!

After walking around for an afternoon, a fat man with a weight of more than 200 kg came up and walked forward without speaking. Almost the whole city went around for almost a circle, and suddenly he burst into tears.

Su Qiubai was so scared that he couldn't report to the police. Later, he realized that he was a psycho and ran out of his home secretly.

It's almost dark when I came out from the Public Security Bureau. Nothing happened on the last trip, and I pulled the guests to the place safely.

As a result, I was just about to turn around and go home Bang!

If something hits the front cover of the car, you'll know it's big.

"To die! I don't know that throwing things upstairs will kill people! How can I have such a bad day

On one side, he quickly opened the door and got out of the car. On the other side, he had already yelled.

Results before and after checking several times, actually nothing! Looking up, it's quite far from the residential area.

Is it hard for me to be unlucky Are you stupid?

Murmured a few words secretly, Su Qiubai got into the car again.

As soon as I sat down, the navigation system next to me suddenly made a noise.

"The distance ahead is 300 meters. Turn left at the traffic light for 50 meters. Someone needs your help!"

Su Qiubai was stunned by this!

When was navigation so developed? I can't believe I said that!

I was very surprised, but it wasn't far away. I didn't have a look in the past, so I went out with the accelerator under my foot.

Turn the traffic lights, the street suddenly no one, it looks very quiet.

After driving about 50 meters, there was a man standing!

He was very tall, naked, with a stick in his hand. At this time, he was looking around blankly.

"Where are you going, man?"

After stopping the car, Su Qiubai asked through the window. It seems that he always feels that this person is a little strange, but there are all kinds of people these days, so it's no surprise.

"I don't know where this place is? Which way is Jingyanggang? "

The strong man walked forward two steps, his voice was as loud as a bell, which made Su Qiubai jump. These words made him look confused.

Heroes? Jingyanggang?

No I met another psycho today!

Think of here, Su Qiubai is going to go, but a look at the big man looking at his eyes, heart and a soft.

Forget it, neuropathy is neuropathy. It's estimated that his family are also worried.

"You get in the car first, I'll take you home."

After talking to the strong man, Su Qiubai finds that he can't even open the door.

No way, Su Qiubai got out of the car and opened the door for him. He was going to throw away the stick, but the strong man glared at him and scared him into the car.

"Where is your home? What are your parents' names? Do you know the telephone number? "

After closing the car door, Su Qiubai asked.

"My younger brother Wu Song was born in Qinghe County. His parents died when he was young. He was raised by his elder brother Wu Da. As for the phone I don't know what it is? "

A strong man almost sat in the position of two people, this paragraph is very clear, but the opposite Su Qiubai continued to force.

Wu Song? Qinghe County? Wuhan University? Did you say to go to Jingyanggang before?

This psycho is deeply involved in the play!

When I was a child, I liked to say that I was Wu Song. I told others that my father was Wu Dalang and my mother was Pan Jinlian. I was almost killed by the couple

In the heart muttered a, Su Qiubai just planned to ask again, can't send the police station, suddenly in front of the navigation out of the voice.

"Jingyanggang navigation starts, turn left one kilometer ahead..."

It's the same voice before. If it's not for the non emotional tone, it's really the same as usual. Su Qiubai thinks it's someone's Prank!

He turned his head and patted the navigator. Su Qiubai thought there was something wrong with it, but he said, "don't believe it, turn left one kilometer ahead..."

This time, Su Qiubai's chin is about to fall down. It's really evil today!

Looking back at the strong man again, he suddenly worked harder! "I don't believe it

Then he flew out with one foot of accelerator.

"Turn right at the traffic lights ahead and go straight for 500 meters...""Keep going straight for one kilometer and speed up. Pay attention to pedestrians on both sides..."

"Open the shuttle channel, pay attention to the uneven road, please slow down..."


Along the way, Su Qiubai walked faster and faster. When the car finally stopped, he was sweating!

With the last bit of sunshine, he saw a big flag on the wooden pole in front of him.

Three bowls are not enough!

"Ha ha Thank you for seeing me off. I'll take care of the rest myself! "

Su Qiubai, with a blank brain, suddenly heard the strong man in the back seat laughing, and then he heard a bang!

Looking back, the door was kicked open by this guy!

After getting out of the car, the strong man bowed to Su Qiubai through the window and said in a loud voice, "brother, this horse is really a good horse in the world. Do you know his name? I hope you can tell me where I can be useful in the future, and I will not hesitate to do so! "

Hearing this, Su Qiubai finally eased off and quickly opened the car door to walk towards the strong man.

"Are you Wu Song? Wu Dalang's younger brother, Wu Er, who killed the white fronted beetle with his bare hands on Jingyang hill, beat the door god Jiang when he was drunk, and spattered blood on Yuanyang tower? "

Eyes did not dare to blink, Su Qiubai staring at the strong man asked.

"If you don't change your name, if you don't change your name! My younger brother is Wusong in Qinghe County! But you said these things I didn't do it. "

Wu Er smiles. His eyes are just like what he says in the book. They seem to shoot cold stars.

As soon as he heard this, Su Qiubai reflected that Wu Song had not attacked the tiger at this time, and the following things had not happened, so he didn't know.

In my mind, I finally decided that I didn't see a ghost, but actually saw Wu Song and sent him back to Jingyanggang.

In Su Qiubai's mind, a word is used to describe the God of the forehead!

Seeing what Wu Song was going to say, he was stopped by Su Qiubai!

"Don't talk, take a picture first!"

In a hurry, he put his head into the window and took out his mobile phone. Su Qiubai quickly took more than ten self portraits with Wu Song, who was at a loss.

As for why so many photos?

Are you kidding? What if you lose it! This is Wu Song! Do you think you can see it by yourself?

"Brother, don't sleep in Jingyanggang after drinking wine at night. If you listen to my brother, there are tigers! Also, your elder brother Wu Dalang is now in Yanggu County Forget it. Anyway, you will meet your sister-in-law and XiMenqing Forget it. Take care all the way

Finally, seeing that Wu Song was about to leave, Su Qiubai suddenly stopped him and told him.

Although Wu Song didn't understand what he was saying at all, he nodded. Then he said goodbye and walked into the pub.

It's late at this time of day. Su Qiubai reflects that he is alone in the wilderness. In case a tiger comes, he will eat himself first!

Besides, this is the Song Dynasty I don't know if I can go back. My dog hasn't been fed yet!

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stay more for a second and went back to the car.

"Return system starts, shuttle channel opens..."

In front of him, he felt like a flower. He was on the asphalt road and saw the traffic lights from a long distance.

This It's coming back!

In order to determine whether what happened before was an illusion or not, Su Qiubai specially parked his car on the side of the road, then took out his mobile phone and looked at the photos several times, plus giving himself several big mouths.

In the end, he was sure it was true!

It's hard to describe what kind of mood it is. I quickly took out my mobile phone and sent a circle of friends.

"Today I met Wu Song and sent him to Jingyanggang. It's a beautiful day. The sky in Song Dynasty is blue. The air is really good!"

Finally, he attached a picture of himself and Wu Song.

Happily put the mobile phone into her pocket, and then Su Qiubai plans to go home.

It turned out that after two steps, the damn navigation system was talking again.

"Detection on The driver's license is Grade E and has gained ten growth points. Please choose to add items. "

After the sound ended, Su Qiubai saw a lot of categories on the navigator screen, such as force, wisdom, life, skills It's a mess!

Su Qiubai didn't react. Isn't he a photo? How did it turn into an E-photo? Never heard of it!

While thinking, he has chosen the life class in his hand, and then casually looked at it, there is actually the animal language in it!

Just out of curiosity, he added all five growth values to the animal language.

And then Nothing happened!

Until he stopped the car downstairs and got off, everything was very normal.

But just locking the car, suddenly a conversation between a man and a woman came into Su Qiubai's ears, and it sounded I'm panting a lot."Oh, oh I'm dying. What the hell are you doing! You can't find it? "

"Wait a minute, I'll have a rest. I'm too tired..."

Looking around, Su Qiubai found that in addition to two puppies nearby, he couldn't even see a ghost.

"You Slow down! I told you to slow down

When Su Qiubai still didn't respond, the woman's voice rang again.

This time, he finally saw it clearly.

It's the dog talking!

Two dogs are staring at a dull face of Su Qiubai, the picture is very strange.

And the voice of the previous woman rang in his ears.

"What are you looking at? Is this man a pervert? Never seen the creation of the next generation! Look! Still watching! My eyes are going to fall off... "

Mamma Mia! The world must be crazy!